Costal lighthouse with marine life underwater

Applied Marine Geoscience Postgraduate Taught - September 2024/25* Entry

Course Details

  • Start Month September
  • Qualification MSc
  • Duration 1 year
  • Study Mode

    Full Time

  • Location


Underwater image looking up from between the seaweed at a diver.

Explore More in Ocean Sciences

Ocean Science at Bangor is unique in encompassing the study of all aspects of the global marine environment, from estuaries and coasts to the deep ocean. Our unique location between the mountains and the sea; our unique facilities, which include a fully equipped sea-going research vessel, makes us one of the most popular Universities in the UK study ocean sciences.


*The year of entry refers to the academic year in which the course begins rather than the calendar year. E.g. a course with a March 2024 start date will be shown as 'March 2023/24 Entry' because the academic year starts in September making 2023/24 the relevant academic year. Similarly, a course with a January 2023 start date will have 'January 2022/23 Entry' because 2022/23 is the academic year of entry for that course.



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