Bangor University Main Arts Building

Annual Report and Financial Statements

Transparency Statement

We received £88,651,000 in tuition fees in 2022/23 accounting for 50% of our University’s income.

This chart shows the % of income received across Tuition Fees and Education Contracts / Funding Body Grants / Research / Residences and Catering / Other

Accessible version of information in the image above:

The total income for 2022/23 was £178.0m.

Breakdown of income:
50% Tuition Fees and Education Contracts
19% Research Grants and Contracts
14% Funding Body Grants
10% Other income (inc. investments and donations
7% Residences and Catering Operations

Our remaining income comes from Funding Body grants for specific areas of spending, funding sources to pay our Research Costs, Halls and Catering receipts as well as other income from areas such as non-credit courses, Pontio, Academi, Tir Na Nog nursery, the Management Centre, Menai Science Park, Canolfan Brailsford and other sources.

This chart shows all our expenditure, including costs which are non-tuition fee funded such as Research, Service Rendered e.g. consulting work and Halls.  To help show where tuition fees are spent we’ve provided further analysis below.

This chart shows the % of spending by the University on Academic Departments / Research / Premises / USS Provision / Residences and Catering / Academic Services / General Education / Central Admin / Staff and Student Facilities / Services Rendered and Other

Accessible version of the information in the image above:

The total expenditure for 2022/23 was £172.3m.

Breakdown of expenditure:
27% Academic Departments
14% Research Grants and Contracts
12% Premises
11% General Educational
9% Residences and Catering Operations
7% Central Adminisatration and Services
6% Academic Services
4% Staff and Student Facilities
4% Services Rendered
1% Other
-5% Movement and USS Provision


We spend the income from your tuition fees to best deliver your education and support all our students’ aspirations and future prospects.  To do this tuition fees are mostly spent on Academic teaching and support as well as spending on IT, Library and Buildings to facilitate your studies.

The chart shows the % of tuition fees spent on Teaching and Assessment / Support Staff in Schools / Non-Staff Costs of sunning schools / Student Support staff / Student Support non-staff / IT & Library Staff / IT & Library non-staff / Maintenance and Running of Buildings / Professional Services

Accessible version of the information in the image above:

Breakdown of where student fees are spent:
29% Teaching and Assessment
18% Maintenance and Building Running Costs
16% Core Student Support Services (Non-Staff Costs)
10% Professional Services
9% Core Student Support Services (Staff Costs)
7% Non-Staff Costs of Running Schools
4% Non-Staff Cost of Provision of IT, Equipment and Library Services
4% Support Staff in Schools
3% Staff Provision of IT and Library Services

Teaching and assessment

Staff teaching and contact time, timetabling, providing online resources, exam set up, personal tutor time

Support staff in schools

Administrative and technical staff working in University Schools to support teaching delivery

Non-staff costs of running schools

Equipment and consumables to support teaching, academic staff training and travel and student recruitment costs

Student Support services (staff costs)

Student support and administration staff costs

Student Support services (non-staff costs)

Student support and administration staff costs

Staff Provision of IT and Library Services

Staff costs of running IT and Library Services

Non-Staff Cost Provision of IT, Equipment and Library Services 

Non-staff costs of IT equipment, shared computers, wifi, network costs, Library books & journals

Maintenance and building running costs

Costs of running and maintaining the University estate including lighting, heating and maintenance costs

Professional Services

Costs to support the University operate the functions above.

Specific Student Support Services spending

Within Student Support costs we provide the following services to improve students’ opportunities for success. This is funded by Student Fees over and above grant funding of approximately £756k.



Student Wellbeing   

Supporting and promoting student wellbeing


Skills / Employability

Improving students study skills and to gain employment


Disability Service      

Assisting students with the aids needed to support their studies


Widening Access      

Working with potential new students to raise awareness and aspirations to higher education


