Doctoral Supervisor development and support 2024. (4)
4. Encouraging good project management for completion on time.
New programme for PhD supervisors, internal and external examiners, and doctoral viva chairs.
Tutor: John Wakeford, Missenden Centre.
Co- tutor: Dr Anne Grinyer.
Bangor advisor: Penny Dowdney.
Special feature for participants: confidential helpline to John (normal response within 24 hours).
Model half day workshop programme.
Provided on Zoom and Google Drive
In advance: participants invited to share specific requests and questions on the topic to be addressed. Exact programme to be finalised and distributed to participants.
9.30 Introductions (zoom) sharing experience, and discussion of morning’s topic and programme.
10.00 Video excerpts, or short presentation.
Discussion, main points recorded on Google Docs.
11.00 Exercise: what are the lessons from a narrative by e.g., candidate or supervisor.
11.30 Main issues drawn out in discussion and recorded on Google Docs.
12.00 Wrap up: main points to take away, suggestions for departments and Doctoral School recorded on Google Docs.
12.30 Ends.
Confidential helpline:
As supervisors you will be confronted from time to time by questions which may need an immediate response or advice. So, in addition to workshops, you will each be provided with John’s email address and mobile number. He is inviting you to get in touch by text or email as often as you like and undertakes to respond in confidence to all queries from individual participants within 24 hours, seven days a week until July 31st. This is intended to supplement advice provided by Bangor’s Doctoral School.