medru: skills factory is a partnership between Bangor University, Coleg Cambria and The Open University in Wales. Our combined expertise in industry and education means we’re perfectly placed to equip people and businesses with the skills they need both now and for the future. These skills centre around the newest and most exciting advances in Industry 4.0, Digital Manufacturing, and Smart Factories. We’re at the forefront of research and innovation, so we know exactly what businesses need to do now to prepare their workforces to meet future challenges and to capitalise on opportunities.

We also know that training needs to be accessible. It needs to cater for all. It needs to fit around work and life. That’s why ours is, and will always be, wide-ranging and flexible. It’s designed with the full workforce in mind, from new starters to technical specialists with decades of industry experience.

Many of our courses can be delivered in-person or online, there’s plenty of scope for learners and organisations to choose to study how it suits them. The ambition is for Medru to offer Industry 4.0 training across the whole of the north-east of Wales, supporting businesses and people in their aspirations, and creating a pipeline of talent for the future. This will be initially based on the nine pillars of Industry 4.0

  • Autonomous Robots
  • The Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Simulation
  • Augmented Reality
  • Cybersecurity
  • System Integration
  • Cloud Computing
  • Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)
  • Big Data
An image to convey the Methological Advances and Innovations research group within the Bangor Business School

medru: for business


Take on the future, with industry-led smart technology training that fits around your business. 
Flexible, bite-sized, and practical, our training courses are built to suit your people and your goals. Through a fully funded consultation, we’ll work with you to identify the skills your workforce needs right now, and those it’ll need in years to come. And we’ll deliver the tutor-led training, in-person or online, that gets your people and your business to the top of their game, whatever stage they are in life in their career.

Your people will also have access to our Tech Talks; all the latest technology insights from industry experts, because our eye is very much on the future. We focus on the newest and most exciting advances in Industry 4.0, Digital Manufacturing, and Smart Factories. We’re at the forefront of research and innovation, already one step ahead and anticipating what’s to come. And we’ll help make sure your business is ready for it.

Together, we can.

Planning work on laptop


Do you want the opportunity to work with a specialist to explore your organisations ambition, understand your training needs and get support in identifying the practical steps you can take to achieve what you want?

If you are looking at Industry 4.0 and how it can be introduced, looking to use state-of-the-art technologies and change the way you are working but are unsure where to start, we can help. We can provide an expert to work with you, fully funded, to enable a better understanding of what you can achieve and how as well as the benefits that can be achieved. 


Medru can tailor training courses to your needs. Tell us what you need or let us lead the way and we will work with you and your staff to make it happen. Short or long, accredited or not, we focus on the business and skill needs to help you reach your goals with Industry-led smart technology training that keeps your people and your business at the top of their game.
We have vast amounts of material we can draw from or we can design something completely new with our highly qualified and experienced team of trainers and academics in the STEM and specifically Industry 4.0 arena. 
It’s about making sure your people are ready to take on the future with you. Together we can!

Benefits for your organisation

  • As academics and industry specialists, we arm people, workforces and organisations with the skills they need for the future
  • Fully flexible, bespoke, and tailored to your specification, we will work with you to identify and deliver your training needs
  • From beginners to experienced professionals, we can work with your whole team to ensure they have the skills needed to take on the future with you

Benefits for your staff

  • Experienced trainers who can tailor the learning to their audience 
  • A digital certificate for each course completed
  • Enabling your team to unlock their potential


Want to know more information about what we can offer you or your business?

Please complete the below form and we will get back to you.

Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd, Ll57 2DG, UK.

Where to find us

Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd, Ll57 2DG, UK.

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