Mathias Hall, Department of Music, Drama and Performance, Bangor University
In person and on Zoom
09.45 - 10.15am: Registration
10.15 - 10.30am: Welcome and Introduction
10.30 - 11.30am: Keynote speaker - Pax Demir: jazz, Perception and understanding of improvisation
The concept of improvisation varies in different traditions, both practically and theoretically. This talk is about the process of improvisation from different perspectives.
11.30am - 1.00pm: Improvisation: Practical Session I – with Pax Demir and delegates (IN PERSON ONLY)
Powis Hall, Main Arts Building, Bangor University
Live performance and live stream on AM Cymru
David Toop - solo free improvisation
Mathias Hall, Department of Music, Drama and Performance, Bangor University
In person and on Zoom
2.15 - 3.15pm: Key note speaker - David Toop: Improvisation, Sympathetic Resonance, Community.
For a 21st century musician, learning how to improvise is essential – a strong statement but it raises questions of why it's essential and whether improvisation can actually be taught. This talk will use the concept of sympathetic resonance to explore the importance of listening in improvisation and why listening is at the foundation of community.
3.15 - 5.00pm: Improvisation: Practical Session II – with David Toop and delegates (IN PERSON ONLY)
5.00 - 6.00pm: Key note speaker - Richard Barrett: Transforming Moments
“My new book Transforming Moments will be published later in the spring, and focuses on improvisation in diverse ways, for example: enriching the vocabulary for talking about musical improvisation by looking at improvisational practices in other artistic disciplines; putting improvisation at the centre of musical training; improvisational concepts as compositional tools. I’ll be introducing some of these ideas and how they fit together with the ethical dimensions of improvisational thought and practice.”
Live performance and live stream on AM Cymru
Studio, Pontio - Tickets can be purchased here
Pax Demir (Percussion), Andreas Hesselberg Hatzikiriakidis (Trumpet), Peter Dybvig Søreide (Guitar), Torkil Hjelle (Bass)
Jazz with a difference! This exciting band employs musical elements from South India, both rhythmically and melodically, focusing on improvisation, fusion and the experimental.