Modules for course D4BA | MSC/AGFS
MSc Agroforestry and Food Security
Year 1 Modules
These are the compulsory & core modules
for all versions of the programme - 140 credits
DXX-4505 Natural Resource Management
(Semester 2)
DXX-4538 Study Tour
(Semester 2)
AFFS optional modules
Please choose one 20 credit module
in semester 1, and one 20 credit module in semester 2. Total
of 40 credits
DXX-4042 Agriculture & the environment
(Semester 1)
DDL-4202 Silviculture
(Semester 1)
DDL-4536 Urban Forestry
(Semester 1)
DXX-4530 Forest Management Planning
(Semester 2)
DDL-4201 Social Issues in Forest Mgt.
(Semester 2)