Module QXP-1003:
Creative Writing: Poetry
Introduction to Poetry 2024-25
School of Arts, Culture And Language
Module - Semester 1 & 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Zoe Skoulding
This module introduces you to the range of forms available to the poet in the twenty-first century. You will read a variety of poetry and respond through producing your own poems. You will be asked to work in a variety of forms and to justify your reasons for choosing them. The module will demonstrate the ways in which poetry is an art form particularly well suited to exploring the experience of contemporary everyday life. We will also look at connections between poetry, music and the visual arts as well as the impact of digital technologies. Poetry will be presented both in the written and spoken form, and students will be encouraged to consider the performance of poetry both in class and by attending and reviewing recommended evening poetry readings by leading poets. .
This module, compulsory for creative writing students, introduces you to the range of forms available to the poet in the twenty-first century. You will read a variety of poetry and respond through producing your own poems. You will be asked to work in a variety of forms and to justify your reasons for choosing them. The module will demonstrate the ways in which poetry is an art form particularly well suited to expressing the experience of contemporary everyday life. We will also look at connections between poetry and music and the visual arts as well as the impact of digital technologies. Poetry will be presented both in the written and spoken form, and students will be encouraged to consider the performance of poetry both in class and by attending and reviewing recommended evening poetry readings by leading poets. .
Assessment Strategy
Excellent: Typically, work graded A- to A** (or 70 to 100) will show many of the following qualities: • Excellent levels of originality, vision and depth; striking and thorough engagement with ideas. • Excellent understanding and control of form. • Impressive linguistic control and/or innovation. • Sophisticated understanding of the creative process and assured control of decisions made in writing. • Dynamic work.
Good: Typically, work graded B- to B+ (or 60 to 69) will show many of the following qualities: • Demonstration of a degree of vitality and originality. • Very good understanding of generic conventions; sound use of structures and forms. • Resourceful use of language. • Sound understanding of the creative process and thoughtful control of decisions made in writing. • Very good work.
Satisfactory: Typically, work graded C- to C+ (or 50 to 59) will show many of the following qualities: • Some attempt at serious exploration of ideas. • Some link between themes and form. Good attempt to engage with form, but this may not be entirely sustained. • Use of language technically proficient, but not always focused. • Some awareness of the creative process and of decisions made in writing. • Good work, but its strengths need to be more fully sustained.
Threshold: Typically, work graded D- to D+ (or 40-49) will show many of the following qualities: • Limited engagement with ideas. • Link between themes and form not always clear. • Limited sense of formal conventions. Inconsistent with regard to linguistic technicalities. • Limited awareness of redrafting and editing process.
Learning Outcomes
- A broad knowledge of contemporary poetry from Britain and elsewhere.
- An informed sense of the relationship between contemporary poetry and the poetry of the past.
- Familiarity with the different methods of structuring poetry.
- Practice in essential editorial skills
- The ability to explain and reflect upon creative processes and practices, and to develop new writing strategies as a result of critical self-reflection.
- The ability to write concisely and expressively
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Portfolio - poetry and critical commentary
Due date
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Portfolio - poetry and critical commentary
Due date