Bangor Law Lecturer appointed new Academic Fellow at Inner Temple
Dr Yvonne McDermott ReesDr Yvonne McDermott Rees, a Lecturer in Law at Bangor University has been appointed to a prestigious three-year role as an Academic Fellows of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple.
Dr McDermott Rees is one of only four leading academics to be selected by the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, one of the four barrister Inns of Court of England and Wales. The Inns of Court hold the exclusive right to call candidates to practise at the Bar of England and Wales. The Inner Temple’s Academic Fellows Scheme recognises the outstanding contribution of legal teaching and research of early to mid-career academics. It also aims to support their research and to build a stronger relationship between the Bar, judiciary and legal academia.
As well as lecturing to students, Dr McDermott Rees is the Law School’s Director of Teaching and Learning and joint Director of the Bangor Centre for International Law.
Dr McDermott Rees’s research includes international criminal law, international criminal procedure, human rights and the law of evidence. She has a particular interest in fair trial rights and has recently been contracted by the Organisation for Security and Co-Operation in Europe to train judges and lawyers in Tbilisi, Georgia, on the right to a fair trial.
Yvonne McDermott Rees said: “I am delighted and honoured to have been selected from such a distinguished group of scholars to serve as an Academic Fellow of the Inner Temple. This prestigious fellowship will enable Bangor Law School to develop links with some of the UK’s top barristers and judges, and will allow our students to learn more about a career at the Bar through some of the Inner Temple’s many outreach and widening participation activities.”
Welcoming this latest news, Head of Bangor Law School, Prof Dermot Cahill said:
“The accolades are coming in thick and fast for Bangor’s Law School, proving the excellent standard of teaching and research here. Considering that we’re just celebrating our tenth anniversary, what we’ve achieved is truly remarkable. This appointment of Dr McDermott as an Academic Fellow comes only days after another member of our teaching team has been shortlisted for a prestigious UK Law Teacher of the Year Award, and she follows another colleague who was shortlisted for the award last year!”
“Bangor Law School has truly outperformed over the last number of years. We are ranked as the Number One law school in Wales and have the joint 5th highest score for overall satisfaction in the UK.”
The Chief Executive of the Inner Temple, Patrick Maddams, said:
“Debate and discussion is at the very heart of the legal world, both in practice and in academia. We welcome the opportunity to bring together practitioners and academics, whom we recognise for their outstanding contribution to teaching and research, in the law. Our new Academic Fellows join a community of academic fellows and associate academic fellows from across England and Wales, who play an important role in the education of future legal practitioners.”
As part of its tenth anniversary celebrations, Bangor Law School (Gwynedd) will hold a Law Fair on Wednesday 19th November 2014, from 9.45am to 3.30pm. This is an opportunity for anyone, from the Law School’s own students, to secondary school pupils, to career-changers, and others who might be interested in Law to see what careers are available to people with a law degree.
Only last month, the Law School’s new ‘courtroom’, to be used for moot court (mock trial) competitions, was formally opened by the Lord Chief Justice.
Publication date: 3 December 2014