First textbook on ocean renewable energy published
Deployment of OpenHydro’s open-centre tidal turbine. (Image courtesy of OpenHydro)A potential source of renewable energy surrounds us – the ocean – a vast natural resource that could potentially meet all of the world’s growing demand for electricity several times over.
With recent investments, R&D, and academic research into ocean renewable energy, it was considered timely to produce a textbook on the fundamentals of ocean renewable energy. This book, published by Bangor University ocean energy expert Dr Simon Neill, in collaboration with Dr Reza Hashemi at the University of Rhode Island, is the first published in this new topic.
“The book is based on our extensive research, teaching, and collaborations with the ocean renewable energy industry”, explains Dr Neill. “Both Reza and myself run modules and programmes in ocean energy at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.”
In particular, Dr Neill is founder and course director of an MSc in Marine Renewable Energy in the School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University.
The book, published by Elsevier, covers a range of marine renewable energy topics, including the fundamentals of energy conversion, the physics of wave and tidal energy, and how to measure, model and optimize the ocean energy resource.
Dr Simon Neill is a reader in physical oceanography in the School of Ocean Sciences.
The book is published by Elsevier, under their Academic Press imprint.
The MSc in Marine Renewable Energy at Bangor University has been running for three years.
Publication date: 28 June 2018