Trainee doctor talking to patient

Medical Education Practice Postgraduate Taught - January 2024/25* & September 2024/25* Entry

Course Details

  • Start Month September & January
  • Qualification PGCert
  • Duration Up to 2 years
  • Study Mode

    Part Time

  • Location


Viewing slides under a microscope.

Explore More in Medical Sciences

Our masters degrees in Medical Sciences are grounded in modern medical practice and as one of our graduates you’ll have the skills to enter into a range of clinical, medical and healthcare career pathways.

Students in a training session

Explore More in Medical Education

Medical Education at Bangor is training the clinicians of today to be the clinical educators of tomorrow. Our courses allow you to systematically and creatively analyse the complexities of clinical education using techniques which build on your own experience.



*The year of entry refers to the academic year in which the course begins rather than the calendar year. E.g. a course with a March 2025 start date will be shown as 'March 2024/25 Entry' because the academic year starts in September making 2024/25 the relevant academic year. Similarly, a course with a January 2025 start date will have 'January 2024/25 Entry' because 2024/25 is the academic year of entry for that course.