Module PMP-4002:
Mindfulness-Teaching 1
Mindfulness-Teaching 1 2024-25
School of Psychology & Sport Science
Module - Semester 1 & 2
30 credits
Module Organiser:
Gemma Griffith
The module is intended for those who want to engage in a learning process to support existing teaching of mindfulness-based courses, or potential development towards teaching mindfulness-based courses. It will involve active participation in the courses of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, with reflective and practical processes on the underlying principles and skills required in this teaching. Students are required to continue a commitment to an ongoing daily mindfulness practice as an essential part of understanding and embodying mindfulness qualities when they teach. The programme will be taught through in-depth exploration and investigation with tutors and fellow students on the core teaching themes/strategies that arise within mindfulness-based courses and participants’ responses to these, and detailed consideration of the ways through which those who engage in mindfulness practice come to understanding of the methods and results of the practice. The module will be focused on developing the understanding required and the competence needed to teach mindfulness-based courses. Teaching days will be structured to enable students to practice delivering mindfulness meditation guidance and enquiry, both essential elements of the programme. Detailed peer and tutor feedback will be given.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -50% Material shows a partially comprehensive coverage of the subject, but is lacking in depth or insight, and has some errors or gaps. Evidence is given of the student’s reflection on their development and practice as a mindfulness teacher during the module, with examples of this. Some understanding of ethical standards and integrity of approach is evidenced, together with the way these relate to mindfulness teaching. Theoretical material is mainly accurate, with some clear use of teaching materials and core readings. The writing demonstrates largely correct understanding of the different methods of teaching and learning used in mindfulness-based courses. There is evidence of reflective and experiential learning through the module, with an ability to connect this to theories about teaching of MBCs gained from reading. Some critical evaluation is demonstrated, with some ability to communicate a coherent argument in a logical structure. -good -60% Material has depth and insight, and shows a reasonably comprehensive coverage of the subject, though there may be minor errors or gaps. Strong evidence is given of the student’s reflection on their development and practice as a mindfulness teacher during the module, with clear and detailed examples. Good understanding of ethical standards and integrity of approach is shown, together with the way these relate to mindfulness teaching and to the student’s own experience. Theoretical material is accurate, with good use of teaching materials and core readings, and some evidence of further reading. The writing demonstrates a good understanding of the different methods of teaching and learning used in mindfulness-based courses. There is clear evidence of reflective and experiential learning through the module, with a clear ability to connect this to theories about teaching of MBCs gained from reading. Critical evaluation is demonstrated, with an ability to communicate a coherent argument within a logical structure. -excellent -70% Material has great depth and insight, and shows advanced learning over the module in the areas covered by the assignment. The student demonstrates an excellent ability to reflect on their development and practice as a mindfulness teacher during the module, and gives detailed, insightful examples of this. Work shows skilful insight and understanding about ethical standards, mindful attitudes, and integrity of approach, and the way these relate to mindfulness teaching and to the student’s own experience. Theoretical material is outstanding, with clear evidence of extensive and relevant reading and learning. The writing shows a comprehensive understanding of the different methods of teaching and learning used in mindfulness-based courses. Reflective and experiential learning of a high order is shown, with relevant and insightful connections to conceptual and theoretical understanding about teaching of MBCs from the student’s reading. Evidence is given of exceptional ability to evaluate critically, and to communicate a coherent and clear argument expressed with originality, within a logical structure.
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate a level of competence and skill in teaching that can be a basis for future development in teaching mindfulness-based courses.
- Demonstrate familiarity with the teaching and learning strategies of MBSR and MBCT.
- Demonstrate the importance of personal integrity of approach, ethical standards and mindful attitudes for teachers of mindfulness-based courses.
- Identify and critically appraise the theories and principles underlying the teaching of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and/or Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).
- Reflect on and investigate, in-depth, the student's own development and practice as a teacher of mindfulness-based courses (MBCs).
- Show that you have considered the relevance of adult experiential learning theories to the learning and teaching of mindfulness-based courses.
Assessment method
Clinical Practical Assessment
Assessment type
Students hand in a recording of leading a mindfulness session: guiding a practice and inquiry
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
A critical evaluation of your assessed teaching practice
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Assignment 1: Ethics, values and professional conduct
Due date