Where are you from? Ah. Originally from Hertfordshire, but an addiction to rock- climbing forced me to hitch up to Snowdonia from home from the age of 14. A year after graduating in Business Studies and working in London, I jacked it in and worked locally as a parcel packer for a company making climbing equipment. Two years later I decided to become respectable (do I hear a snort of derision?) and decided to become a solicitor, qualifying in 1976! Unbelievable. Still in Bangor working as a solicitor.
What is the subject of your doctoral research project? “Britain’s foreshore – time for the Crown Estate to let go, and other matters”. I started my project in 2021.
What are your main research interests? Difficult – I like to think I’m a polymath. Though not maths, or any sciences.

Tell us about your career so far and what led you to ISWE and your doctoral research project? Are you sitting comfortably? Well, graduate of business studies, worked in London, manic rock climber, got job near Bangor as parcel packer, two years later thought maybe a career (so not a great rock climber after all….), thought I’d be a solicitor, Part I by correspondence course, two years articles (at £3 per week – amazing how much building labouring one can do), then Part II’s (passed first time – a passing brag) then worked (and still do) as a solicitor in Bangor. Been a Deputy District Judge (Civil), part-time lecturer years ago and again recently. Oh, 39 years Mountain Rescue, Qualified as a Notary Public (what, you ask?), did a LLM after my body rejected me for rock climbing, and realised I love a bit of academia. In two years I will have been qualified 50 years! But a spur was a son with a PhD, a brother with a PhD, a father who would have got his bar succumbing to cancer, a daughter-in-law D.Phil, and now associate professor in Oxford. Surely if they can do it, I can.
What is your favourite thing about ISWE and being a doctoral researcher? ISWE is lovely! It is principally full of colleagues who are not in the first flush of youth, so I’m not intimidated by wunderkind. I sort of got parked there (I’m pleased to say happily). My thesis stems from a bruising battle with the Crown Estate over some foreshore at Bangor in my capacity of trustee of the Penrhyn Estate.
What is your proudest achievement since joining ISWE? Surviving.
What is your favourite historical period and why? Oh no! All of them. I love medieval cathedrals and their social history, rafts of classical music from Bach to Verdi, the age of Enlightenment, I could go on.
Your favourite place in Wales? The mountains of Snowdonia, but now particularly Moel Eilio where my son’s ashes are scattered.
What are your hobbies or favourite extracurricular activities? Have you got any other interesting projects on the go? At heart a climbing bum who can’t climb. So travel, soaking up European history, food and culture (wife says, “with me”). Do I add World Peace?
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