historical sun dial

Medieval Studies Postgraduate Taught - September 2024/25* Entry

Course Details

  • Start Month September
  • Qualification MA
  • Duration 1 - 2 years
  • Study Mode

    Full Time

    Part Time

  • Location


Books stacked on their ends

Explore More in English Literature

We offer an engaging and supportive environment for postgraduate study. Our academic staff include some of the world’s foremost authorities on Arthurian Literature, Herbert, early modern literature, the history of the book Welsh writing in English.

Seminar setting with tutor and students looking at a historic document.

Explore More in History and Heritage

History and History of Wales programmes provide training at a high level in the historical fields of early modern, modern and contemporary Wales, and the rest of Britain and Europe. Our course draws on the unrivalled expertise of our team of Welsh historians in the department to offer a degree scheme suitable both for those who have studied Welsh history in the past and those for whom it is a new field of study.

Image of a desk with a leather-bound book, scroll and quill.

Explore More in Celtic and Medieval Studies 

Our Celtic Studies MA allows you to study various aspects of the histories, languages and literatures of the Celtic peoples, from the theory and practice of Iron Age archaeology through medieval prose and poetry to the developing traditions of the Modern period.


*The year of entry refers to the academic year in which the course begins rather than the calendar year. E.g. a course with a March 2024 start date will be shown as 'March 2023/24 Entry' because the academic year starts in September making 2023/24 the relevant academic year. Similarly, a course with a January 2023 start date will have 'January 2022/23 Entry' because 2022/23 is the academic year of entry for that course.



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