Natural Sciences Modules
These are the modules offered in this school in the 2024–25 academic year. You can also view the module lists for the years: .
Level 0 Modules
- SNC-0001: Prosiect Blwyddyn Sylfaenol (40)
- SNS-0001: Foundation Year Project (40)
- SNS-0002: Foundation Year Chemistry (20)
- SNS-0003: Essential Biology (20)
Level 1 Modules
- ENC-1000: Tiwtorial Blwyddyn 1 (10)
- ENC-1102: Cyflwyno Daear. Dynol (20)
- ENC-1201: Cemeg Hanfodol (20)
- ENC-1203: Sgiliau Ymarferol a Maes Amg (30)
- ENC-1300: Sgiliau Ymarferol a Maes Coedw (30)
- ENC-1403: Sgiliau Ymarferol Maes a Labor (30)
- ENS-1000: Year 1 Tutorials (10)
- ENS-1001: Ecology & Evolution (20)
- ENS-1031: Forestry in the 21st Century (20)
- ENS-1100: Earth Systems and Processes (20)
- ENS-1101: Geography Field Study (NW) (10)
- ENS-1102: Introducing Human Geographies (20)
- ENS-1200: Ecosystem Function & Services (20)
- ENS-1201: Essential Chemistry (20)
- ENS-1202: Env. Management & Conservation (20)
- ENS-1203: Prac & Field Skills Env Sci (30)
- ENS-1204: Envi. Sci. Chem. (20)
- ENS-1300: Prac & Field Skills Forest (30)
- ENS-1302: Trees, Forests and Global Chan (20)
- ENS-1400: Principles of Life (20)
- ENS-1401: Organismal Diversity 1 (20)
- ENS-1402: Organismal Diversity 2 (20)
- ENS-1403: Practical & Field Skills Bio (30)
- FXX-0010: Essential Chemistry (10)
- SNC-1203: Sgiliau Ymarferol a Maes Amg (30)
Level 2 Modules
- BNC-2002: Esblygiad a Geneteg (20)
- BNS-2002: Evolution & Genetics (20)
- BSC-2021: Medrau Bio-Wyddoniaeth (20)
- BSC-2035: Cwrs Maes Lleol (20)
- BSX-2017: Invertebrates (20)
- BSX-2018: Behavioural Ecology (20)
- BSX-2019: Principles of Life 2 (20)
- BSX-2021: BioScience Skills (20)
- BSX-2022: Vertebrate Biology (20)
- BSX-2028: Introduction to Herpetology (20)
- BSX-2030: Integrated Zoology (20)
- BSX-2031: Arizona Field Course (20)
- BSX-2032: India Field Course (20)
- BSX-2033: Primatology Field Course (20)
- BSX-2034: Florida 1 Field Course (20)
- BSX-2035: Local Field Trip (20)
- BSX-2036: Florida 2 Field Trip (20)
- BSX-2037: Spain Field Course (20)
- BSX-2041: Introduction to Ornithology (20)
- BSX-2042: Introduction to Primatology (20)
- BSX-2043: Animal Management (20)
- BSX-2046: Microbiology (20)
- DCC-2000: Silviculture and Inventory (20)
- DCC-2001: Water, Air & Soil Pollution (20)
- DCC-2002: GIS & Research Methods (20)
- DCC-2003: Forest Health (20)
- DCC-2004: Forest and Woodland Management (20)
- DCC-2005: Year 2 Field Course (20)
- DXC-2015: Gwaith Maes: Daeryddiaeth (20)
- DXC-2018: Geomorffoleg Afonol (20)
- DXX-2000: GIS & Research Methods (20)
- DXX-2001: Sustain Dev: Global to Local (20)
- DXX-2002: Water, air & soil pollution (20)
- DXX-2003: Principles of Conservation (20)
- DXX-2004: Silviculture and Inventory (20)
- DXX-2006: Climate Chng: Science & Impact (20)
- DXX-2007: Space, Power and Ideology (20)
- DXX-2008: Geohazards (20)
- DXX-2009: Conservation Practice (20)
- DXX-2010: Forest and Woodland Management (20)
- DXX-2011: Catchment Processes (20)
- DXX-2012: Field Course: Env Conflicts (20)
- DXX-2015: Geog F/work & Research Skills (20)
- DXX-2016: Field Course: Forestry (20)
- DXX-2017: Forest Health (20)
- DXX-2021: Plant Diversity & Conservation (20)
- DXX-2024: Woodland Conservation (20)
- DXX-9000: Professional Placement Year (30)
- ENS-2002: Research Experience (Year 2) (20)
- ENS-2410: Canadian Field Ecology (20)
- FXX-2105: Instr & Anal Meth non Chemists (20)
Level 3 Modules
- BNS-3000: Wildlife Ecol & Conservation (20)
- BNS-3001: Freshwater Ecosystems (10)
- BNS-3003: Freshwater Ecosystems 2 (20)
- BNS-3004: Advances in Behaviour (20)
- BSC-3070: Traethawd Hir yn y Gwyddorau (30)
- BSC-3072: Sgiliau CyfathrebuGwyddoniaeth (10)
- BSS-3006: International Experience (15)
- BSS-3007: International Experience (30)
- BSX-3070: Dissertation in Biological Sci (30)
- BSX-3072: Science Communication Skills (10)
- BSX-3139: Molecular Ecology & Evolution (20)
- BSX-3142: Env. Microbiol. and Biotech. (20)
- BSX-3144: Animal Survival Strategies (20)
- BSX-3145: Fish Physiology (20)
- BSX-3148: Developmental Biology (20)
- BSX-3149: Animal Ethics and Welfare (20)
- BSX-3150: Life in a Changing Climate (20)
- BSX-3152: Life in Wetlands (20)
- BSX-3154: Attack and Defence in Plants (20)
- BSX-3158: Advances in Herpetology (20)
- BSX-3159: Parasites & Pathogens (20)
- BSX-3161: Human Evolutionary Biology (20)
- BSX-3163: Advances in Primatology (20)
- BSX-3166: Advances in Ornithology (20)
- BSX-3167: Insect Behaviour & Evolution (20)
- BSX-3168: Adv in Animal Management (20)
- BSX-3169: Animal Husbandry Placement (20)
- DCC-3000: Hons Project (30)
- DCC-3001: Y3 Field Course (20)
- DCC-3002: Management Plan (30)
- DCC-3003: Forest Ecology (10)
- DCC-3004: Forest Ecosystems & Services (20)
- DCC-3005: Advanced GIS & Remote Sensing (10)
- DXC-3009: Lleoliad Proffessiynol (20)
- DXC-3013: Daearyddiaethau Dynol Beirniad (10)
- DXC-3014: Daearyddiaethau Dynol Beirniad (20)
- DXC-3506: Materion Cyfoes yr Amgylchedd (10)
- DXC-3508: Materion Amgylcheddol (20)
- DXC-3600: Daearyddiaeth Bwyd (10)
- DXC-3601: Daearydd Bwyd: Arloesi a Mentr (20)
- DXC-3701: Traethawd Hir (30)
- DXC-3702: Cynllun Rheoli (30)
- DXX-3004: Sustainable Communities (20)
- DXX-3009: Professional Placement (20)
- DXX-3014: Critical Human Geographies(20 (20)
- DXX-3016: Forest Ecosystems & Services (20)
- DXX-3017: GoverningSociety & Environment (20)
- DXX-3018: Rivers, Coast and Oceans (20)
- DXX-3020: Environmental Geochemistry (20)
- DXX-3115: Advanced GIS & Remote Sensing (10)
- DXX-3200: Final Year Project (20)
- DXX-3212: Forest Ecosystems (10)
- DXX-3214: Agroforestry (10)
- DXX-3215: Urban Forestry (10)
- DXX-3301: Forest Ecology (20)
- DXX-3304: Tropical conservation field co (20)
- DXX-3305: Field Course: Tenerife (20)
- DXX-3402: Waste Management & Utilisation (10)
- DXX-3506: C. Issues in Env & related Sci (10)
- DXX-3507: Renewable Energy (10)
- DXX-3508: Environmental Issues (20)
- DXX-3510: Advances in Conservation (20)
- DXX-3511: Advances in Conservation (10)
- DXX-3600: Food Geographies (10)
- DXX-3601: Food Geography: Entrep & Innov (20)
- DXX-3615: Environmental Policy (10)
- DXX-3701: Dissertation (30)
- DXX-3702: Management plan (30)
- DXX-3707: Catchment Modelling & Analysis (10)
- DXX-3709: Geographical Thought (20)
- DXX-3801: Human Aspects of Conservation (20)
- DXX-3804: The Urban Anthropocene (20)
- DXX-9015: International Experience (15)
- DXX-9030: International Experience (30)
- ENS-3413: Taxonomy (20)
Level 4 Modules
- BSM-4000: Masters Research Project (100)
- BSM-4127: Biodiversity & Ecosystem Funct (20)
- DDL-4003: Forest History, Policy and Mgt (20)
- DDL-4004: Agroforestry Systems & Prac. (20)
- DDL-4201: Social Issues in Forest Mgt. (20)
- DDL-4202: Silviculture (20)
- DDL-4204: Forest Ecosystems (20)
- DDL-4205: Inv., Assessment & Monitoring (20)
- DDL-4206: Sustainable use of NTFPs (20)
- DDL-4207: Global Food Security (20)
- DDL-4536: Urban Forestry (20)
- DDL-4545: Tropical Forestry Study Tour (20)
- DDL-4999: MSc Dissertation (60)
- DXX-4013: Management planning (20)
- DXX-4016: Conservation science (20)
- DXX-4042: Agriculture & the environment (20)
- DXX-4046: SUFONAMA RPL (120)
- DXX-4101: M.Env. Science Dissertation (60)
- DXX-4102: Professional Placement (20)
- DXX-4103: MGeog Dissertation (60)
- DXX-4505: Natural Resource Management (20)
- DXX-4515: Contemporary Forestry (10)
- DXX-4517: Forest Ecology and Resources (20)
- DXX-4518: Bus.planning for green economy (20)
- DXX-4519: Location Specific Knowledge (15)
- DXX-4524: Strategic Environmental Manag (20)
- DXX-4525: Green Technologies (20)
- DXX-4527: Research Planning & Comm (20)
- DXX-4530: Forest Management Planning (20)
- DXX-4531: Botanical Ecology & Ecosystem (20)
- DXX-4532: Forestry Field Course (20)
- DXX-4533: Conservation Field Course (10)
- DXX-4534: Conservation Research Methods (10)
- DXX-4535: Research Methods & Communicati (15)
- DXX-4538: Study Tour (20)
- DXX-4999: MSc Dissertation (60)
- ENS-4203: Bus.planning for green economy (15)
- ENS-4205: Management planning (15)
- ENS-4207: Botanical Ecology & Ecosystem (15)
- ENS-4208: Wildlife Conservation UK Field (15)
- ENS-4210: MSc Dissertation (60)
- ENS-4211: Agriculture & the environment (15)
- ENS-4300: Urban Forestry (15)
- ENS-4301: Global Food Security (15)
- ENS-4302: Fund of Soil and Water (15)
- ENS-4303: Forest Ecology (15)
- ENS-4304: Forest History, Policy and Mgt (15)
- ENS-4305: Agroforestry Systems & Prac. (15)
- ENS-4306: Silviculture (15)
- ENS-4307: Ecological Restoration (15)
- ENS-4308: Timber & wood-based products (15)
- ENS-4309: Natural Resource Management (15)
- ENS-4310: Inv., Assessment & Monitoring (15)
- ENS-4311: Forest Protection (15)
- ENS-4313: GIS for Forestry (15)
- ENS-4314: Forest Management Planning (15)
- ENS-4315: Forestry Study Tour (15)
- ENS-4316: Study Tour (15)
- ENS-4317: Forest Ecosystems (15)
- ENS-4318: Social Issues in Forest Mgt. (15)
- ENS-4319: Tropical Study Tour (15)
- ENS-4320: Ad Forest Protection (15)
- ENS-4321: MSc Dissertation (60)
- ENS-4401: Wildlife Ecology, Behaviour an (15)
- ENS-4402: Interdisciplinary Aspects of C (15)
- ENS-4403: Data Management and Analysis (15)
- ENS-4404: Genetics and the Conservation (15)
- ENS-4405: Human-Wildlife Co-Existence (15)
- ENS-4406: Methods in Wildlife Cons (15)
- ENS-4407: Borneo Field Trip (15)
- ENS-4408: Biodiversity & Ecosystem Funct (15)