Arts, Culture and Language Modules
These are the modules offered in this school in the 2023–24 academic year. You can also view the module lists for the years: 2024–25.
Level 0 Modules
- KAH-0003: Intro to Research & Inquiry (20)
- KAH-0004: Foundation Project (20)
- LXE-0002: Transnational Cultures (10)
- QXL-0001: Intro to English Lit & Lang (20)
- UXS-0001: Digital Communication (20)
- WXM-0002: Language of Music (20)
Level 1 Modules
- CCB-1101: Sgiliau Defnyddio'r Gymraeg 1 (20)
- CCB-1891: Basic Welsh 1 S1 (10)
- CCB-1892: Basic Welsh 1 S2 (10)
- LCF-1001: Ffrangeg Uwch 1 (20)
- LCF-1002: Ffrangeg Uwch 2 (20)
- LCF-1003: Ffrangeg i Ddechreuwyr I (20)
- LCF-1004: Ffrangeg i Ddechreuwyr II (20)
- LCS-1001: Sbaeneg Uwch 1 (20)
- LCS-1002: Sbaeneg Uwch 2 (20)
- LCS-1003: Sbaeneg i Ddechreuwyr 1 (20)
- LCS-1004: Sbaeneg i Ddechreuwyr 2 (20)
- LXE-1600: Transnational Cultures (20)
- LXE-1700: Creating National Histories (20)
- LXN-1001: Beginners' German (10)
- LXN-1002: Beginners' German Plus (10)
- LXN-1012: Beginners' Spanish (10)
- LXN-1015: Beginners' Spanish (10)
- LXN-1021: Beginners' French (10)
- LXN-1022: Beginners' French Plus (10)
- LXN-1023: Advanced French (10)
- LXN-1024: Advanced French Plus (10)
- LXN-1025: Beginners' French (10)
- LXN-1031: Intermediate German (10)
- LXN-1032: Intermediate German Plus (10)
- LXN-1033: Intermediate German (10)
- LXN-1041: Advanced Spanish (10)
- LXN-1042: Advanced Spanish Plus (10)
- LXN-1043: Intermediate Spanish (10)
- LXN-1044: Intermediate Spanish Plus (10)
- LXN-1045: Intermediate Spanish (10)
- LXN-1051: Intermediate French (10)
- LXN-1052: Intermediate French Plus (10)
- LXN-1054: Intermediate French (10)
- LXN-1061: Advanced German (10)
- LXN-1062: Advanced German Plus (10)
- LXN-1071: Beginners' Italian (10)
- LXN-1072: Beginners' Italian Plus (10)
- LXN-1073: Intermediate Italian (10)
- LXN-1074: Intermediate Italian Plus (10)
- LXN-1075: Advanced Italian (10)
- LXN-1076: Advanced Italian Plus (10)
- LXN-1077: Beginners' Italian (10)
- LXN-1078: Intermediate Italian (10)
- LXN-1401: Beginners' Chinese (10)
- LXN-1402: Beginners' Chinese Plus (10)
- LXN-1403: Beginners' Chinese (10)
- LXN-1421: Intermediate Chinese (10)
- LXN-1422: Intermediate Chinese Plus (10)
- LXN-1423: Intermediate Chinese (10)
- LXN-1431: Advanced Chinese (10)
- LXN-1432: Advanced Chinese Plus (10)
- LXN-1523: Beginners Spanish 2 (10)
- LXN-1524: Beginners French 2 (10)
- LXN-1525: Beginners Spanish Plus 2 (10)
- LXN-1526: Intermediate Spanish Plus 2 (10)
- LXN-1527: Beginners Chinese (10)
- LXN-1528: Beginners German Sem 2 (10)
- LXN-1529: Beginners Italian Sem 2 (10)
- LXZ-1700: Creat National Histories (Int) (10)
- LZC-1003: Chinese for Beginners 1 (20)
- LZC-1004: Chinese for Beginners 2 (20)
- LZF-1001: Advanced French 1 (20)
- LZF-1002: Advanced French 2 (20)
- LZF-1003: French for Beginners I (20)
- LZF-1004: French for Beginners II (20)
- LZG-1001: Advanced German 1 (20)
- LZG-1002: Advanced German 2 (20)
- LZG-1003: German for Beginners I (20)
- LZG-1004: German for Beginners II (20)
- LZI-1001: Advanced Italian 1 (20)
- LZI-1002: Advanced Italian 2 (20)
- LZI-1003: Italian for Beginners I (20)
- LZI-1004: Italian for Beginners II (20)
- LZS-1001: Advanced Spanish 1 (20)
- LZS-1002: Advanced Spanish 2 (20)
- LZS-1003: Spanish Begin./Intermed. 1 (20)
- LZS-1004: Spanish Begin./Intermed. 2 (20)
- QCB-1113: Iaith a Chymdeithas (20)
- QCL-1018: Disgrifio Iaith (20)
- QXE-1003: Intro. to Pre- Modern Literatu (20)
- QXE-1004: Comedy (20)
- QXE-1013: Reading, Thinking, Writing (20)
- QXE-1014: Gothic (20)
- QXE-1016: Children's Fiction (20)
- QXL-1020: Intro to English Grammar (20)
- QXL-1110: Introduction to Language (20)
- QXL-1112: Language, Literature & Culture (20)
- QXL-1113: Language and Society (20)
- QXL-1115: Intro to Phonetics & Phonology (20)
- QXL-1116: Introduction to Meaning (20)
- QXP-1001: Creative Writing: Fact and Fic (20)
- QXP-1003: Creative Writing: Poetry (20)
- QXP-1016: Children's Fiction (Creative) (20)
- QXS-1002: Vocabulary (10)
- QXS-1003: Speaking and listening (10)
- QXS-1004: Academic Writing (10)
- QXS-1005: Academic Writing 2 (10)
- QXZ-1013: Reading/Thinking/Writing (Int) (10)
- QXZ-1016: Children's Fiction (Int) (10)
- QXZ-1020: Intro to English Grammar (int) (10)
- QXZ-1110: Intro to Language (Int) (10)
- QXZ-1113: Language & Society (Int) (10)
- UXB-1018: Ymarfer Creadigol (20)
- UXB-1066: Diwylliant Gweledol (20)
- UXC-1001: Cyfl. i Newyddiaduraeth Ymarf. (20)
- UXC-1038: Cynhyrchu i'r Cyfryngau (20)
- UXC-1062: Iaith y Ffilm (20)
- UXS-1000: Issues in Media, Journ & Pol (20)
- UXS-1001: Intro to Practical Journalism (20)
- UXS-1018: Creative Practice (20)
- UXS-1021: Mass Culture: From the Printin (20)
- UXS-1038: Media Production (20)
- UXS-1062: Film Language (20)
- UXS-1063: Film History (20)
- UXS-1066: Visual Cultures (20)
- WXC-1000: Cyflwyniad i Ysgrifennu Drama (20)
- WXC-1004: Melodi a Harmoni (20)
- WXC-1011: Cyfansoddi Blwyddyn 1 (20)
- WXC-1016: Perfformio Unawdol Blwyddyn 1 (20)
- WXC-1113: Cyfansoddi a Chelfydydd Sonig (20)
- WXC-1114: Cyfansoddi a Chelf Sonig B (20)
- WXC-1120: Dyfeisio Theatr (20)
- WXC-1300: Cerddoriaeth Ers 1850 (20)
- WXC-1301: Cerddoriaeth fel Hanes Diwylli (20)
- WXC-1303: Cerddoriaeth mewn Cyd-destun I (20)
- WXC-1304: Iaith Cerddoriaeth I (20)
- WXK-1113: Composition and Sonic Art A (20)
- WXK-1114: Composition and Sonic Art B (20)
- WXM-1004: Melody and Harmony (20)
- WXM-1120: Theatre Making (20)
- WXM-1300: Music since 1850 (20)
- WXM-1301: Music as Cultural History (20)
- WXM-1311: Music in Context I (20)
- WXM-1312: Harmony, Melody, Form (20)
- WXP-1016: Solo Performance Year 1 (20)
- WXP-1116: Ensemble Study I (20)
- WXP-1117: Principal Study I (40)
- WXS-1000: Introduction to Playwriting (20)
- WXZ-1108: Melody and Harmony (Int) (10)
- WXZ-1300: Music since 1850 (10)
Level 2 Modules
- CCB-2003: Cymraeg Gwaith (20)
- LCF-2020: Sgiliau Iaith Ffrangeg-3 Iaith (20)
- LCF-2032: Project 3 Iaith Ffrangeg (pb3) (20)
- LCF-2040: Sgiliau Iaith Ffrangeg (40)
- LCS-2020: Iaith Sbaeneg 1 (3 Iaith) (20)
- LCS-2032: Project 3 Iaith Sbaeneg (pb) (20)
- LCS-2040: Iaith Sbaeneg 1 (40)
- LXC-2200: Contemporary Chinese Studies (20)
- LXE-2012: Identities in World Cinema (20)
- LXE-2025: Reading Fantastic Literatures (20)
- LXE-9002: International Exp 15crs pre L6 (15)
- LXE-9003: International Exp 30crs pre L6 (30)
- LXF-2101: Paris (20)
- LXG-2013: The Divided Germany (20)
- LXI-2010: Making of the Italian Nation (20)
- LXS-2024: History of Galicia (20)
- LXS-2026: Spanish (Erasmus) (10)
- LXS-2028: Galician (20)
- LXS-2033: The Cinema of Spain (20)
- LZC-2040: Chinese Language Skills (40)
- LZF-2020: French Lang. Skills (3 Major) (20)
- LZF-2032: 3 Lang Project (3 major) (20)
- LZF-2040: French Language Skills (40)
- LZG-2020: Gegenwartssprache I (3 Major) (20)
- LZG-2032: 3 Lang Project (3 major) (20)
- LZG-2040: Gegenwartssprache I (40)
- LZI-2015: Year Abroad Alternative (15)
- LZI-2020: Italian Language 1 (3 Major) (20)
- LZI-2032: 3 Lang Project (3 major) (20)
- LZI-2040: Italian Language 1 (40)
- LZS-2015: Year Abroad Alternative (15)
- LZS-2020: Spanish Language 1 (3 Major) (20)
- LZS-2032: 3 Lang Project (3 major) (20)
- LZS-2040: Spanish Language 1 (40)
- QCL-2245: Ieithyddiaeth Gymraeg (20)
- QCL-2271: Amrywiaeth yn y Gymraeg (20)
- QXE-2003: Exploring Early Modern Literat (20)
- QXE-2005: Exploring 19th Cent Lit (20)
- QXE-2019: Modern & Contemporary Lit (20)
- QXE-2094: Realms of Magic (20)
- QXE-2096: Sex, Sin, and Death (20)
- QXE-2101: Exploring Medieval Literature (20)
- QXE-2114: Alternative Worlds (20)
- QXE-2118: Monstrous Middle Ages (20)
- QXE-2119: Shakespeare and Early Modern L (20)
- QXE-2120: Innovative publishing (20)
- QXE-2121: Nineteenth-Century Networks (20)
- QXL-2201: Sounds and Sound Systems (20)
- QXL-2202: Semantics & Pragmatics (20)
- QXL-2204: Morphosyntax (20)
- QXL-2222: History of English (20)
- QXL-2235: Foundations of Multilingualism (20)
- QXL-2250: Analysing Discourse (20)
- QXL-2253: English Teaching in Classroom (20)
- QXP-2001: C/Writing: Poetry & Short Fict (20)
- QXP-2004: Creative Writing: The Novel (20)
- QXP-2009: Creative Non-Fiction (20)
- QXP-2012: Writing and Environments (20)
- QXP-2013: Writing and Technology (20)
- QXS-2001: Integrated English Skills 1 (10)
- QXS-2002: Integrated English Skills 2 (10)
- QXS-2003: Business English 1 (10)
- QXS-2004: Business English 2 (10)
- UXB-2121: Theatre and Performance: Self (20)
- UXB-2123: Ymarfer Proffesiynol (20)
- UXC-2033: Newyddiaduraeth Ddigidol Ymarf (20)
- UXC-2046: Y Ffilm ddogfen:Theori (20)
- UXC-2052: Radio a Phodledu (20)
- UXC-2057: Cynhyrchu'r Ffilm Ddogfen (20)
- UXC-2075: Cynhyrchu'r Ffilm Fer (20)
- UXC-2401: Newyddiaduraeth Ymarferol: MCD (20)
- UXS-2025: Kubrick (20)
- UXS-2033: Practical Digital Journalism (20)
- UXS-2036: Innovative publishing (20)
- UXS-2038: Journalism & Risk Society (20)
- UXS-2046: Media, Politics & Society (20)
- UXS-2052: Radio and Podcasting (20)
- UXS-2055: Privacy and the Media (20)
- UXS-2057: Documentary Filmmaking (20)
- UXS-2059: Understanding Documentary (20)
- UXS-2062: Film Distribution & Marketing (20)
- UXS-2064: Film Theory (20)
- UXS-2075: Short Film Production (20)
- UXS-2099: Research Skills and Methods (20)
- UXS-2121: Theatre & Perf.:The Self (20)
- UXS-2123: Professional Practice (20)
- UXS-2401: Practical Journalism: ELD (20)
- WXC-2000: Cyfarwyddo (20)
- WXC-2011: Cerddoleg Blwyddyn 2 (20)
- WXC-2232: Cerddorfaeth Heddiw (20)
- WXC-2233: Cyfansoddi Blwyddyn 2 (20)
- WXC-2241: Perfformio Unawdol Blwyddyn 2 (20)
- WXC-2303: Genres a Chyfansoddwyr A (20)
- WXC-2310: Cerddoriaeth Cymru Heddiw (20)
- WXC-2400: Ymarfer Theatr Cyfoes (20)
- WXC-2411: Hanes Cerddoriaeth Cymru B (20)
- WXK-2232: Orchestration Today (20)
- WXK-2233: Composition Year 2 (20)
- WXK-2235: Acousmatic Composition (20)
- WXK-2300: Interactive Sound and Music (20)
- WXM-2011: Musicology Year 2 (20)
- WXM-2022: Understanding Popular Music (20)
- WXM-2205: Editing Music for Performance (20)
- WXM-2303: Genres & Composers A (20)
- WXM-2304: Genres and Composers B (20)
- WXM-2400: Contemporary Theatre Practice (20)
- WXP-2241: Solo Performance Year 2 (20)
- WXP-2307: Ensembles and Groups A (20)
- WXS-2000: Directing and Dramaturgy (20)
Level 3 Modules
- CCB-3003: Cymraeg Gwaith (20)
- LCE-3000: Traethawd Hir Anrh Sengl (Cym) (20)
- LCE-3101: Trin a Thrafod Cyfieithu (10)
- LCE-3200: Astudio'r Cyfryngau (20)
- LCE-3210: Astudio'r Cyfryngau (S1) (10)
- LCE-3400: Traethawd Hir Cyd-A (Cym) (10)
- LCF-3020: Sgil. Iaith Ffrang (Is. Bwnc) (20)
- LCF-3030: Sgiliau Iaith Ffrangeg (30)
- LCF-3031: Project 3 Ffrangeg (2bb/1ib) (10)
- LCF-3040: Sgiliau Iaith Ffrang. -3 Iaith (40)
- LCS-3020: Iaith Sbaeneg 2 (Is Bwnc) (20)
- LCS-3030: Iaith Sbaeneg 2 (30)
- LCS-3031: Project 3 Sbaeneg (2bb/1ib) (10)
- LCS-3040: Iaith Sbaeneg 2 (3 Iaith) (40)
- LCS-3302: Patagonia Gyfoes (20)
- LXC-3300: Key topics in Chinese Studies (20)
- LXE-3000: Single Hons Dissertation (Eng) (20)
- LXE-3011: Languages and Ecologies (20)
- LXE-3101: Approaching Translation (10)
- LXE-3103: Wales: A European Contact Zone (20)
- LXE-3200: Press Dossier (20) (20)
- LXE-3210: Press Dossier (10) (10)
- LXE-3333: Single Hons Diss (Target Lang) (20)
- LXE-3400: Joint Hons Diss (English) (10)
- LXE-3444: Joint Hons Diss (Target Lang) (10)
- LXE-9004: International Exp 15crs PostL6 (15)
- LXE-9005: International Exp 30crs postL6 (30)
- LXE-9006: Placement Abroad 1 Semester (15)
- LXE-9007: Placement Abroad 1 Year (30)
- LXE-9015: Placement Abroad 1 Sem (Alt) (15)
- LXE-9030: Placement Abroad 1 Year (Alt) (30)
- LXF-3009: Translation Erasmus French A (10)
- LXF-3011: Translation Erasmus French B (10)
- LXF-3122: Postcolonial France (20)
- LXG-3034: Gegenwartssprache II - Erasmus (10)
- LXG-3035: Gegenwartssprache II- Erasmus (10)
- LXI-3023: The Other Italies (20)
- LXI-3071: Italian (Erasmus) (10)
- LXI-3072: Italian (Erasmus) (10)
- LXS-3018: Reading Contemporary Galician (20)
- LXS-3034: Spain through its Writers (20)
- LXS-3037: Spanish Transl (Erasmus) (10)
- LXS-3038: Spanish Language (Erasmus) (10)
- LXS-3039: Spoken Spanish (Erasmus) (10)
- LZC-3030: Advanced Chinese Lang Skills (30)
- LZC-3031: 3 Lang Project (2 maj/1 minor) (10)
- LZC-3040: Advance Chinese Lang Skills (40)
- LZF-3020: French Language Skills (Minor) (20)
- LZF-3030: French Language Skills (30)
- LZF-3031: 3 Lang Project (2 maj/1 min) (10)
- LZF-3040: French Lang. Skills (3 Major) (40)
- LZG-3020: Gegenwartssprache II (Minor) (20)
- LZG-3030: Gegenwartssprache II (30)
- LZG-3031: 3 Lang Project (2 maj/1 min) (10)
- LZG-3040: Gegenwartssprache II (3 Major) (40)
- LZI-3020: Italian Language 2 (Minor) (20)
- LZI-3030: Italian Language 2 (30)
- LZI-3031: 3 Lang Project (2 maj/1 min) (10)
- LZI-3040: Italian Language 2 (3 Major) (40)
- LZS-3020: Spanish Language 2 (Minor) (20)
- LZS-3030: Spanish Language 2 (30)
- LZS-3031: 3 Lang Project (2 maj/1 min) (10)
- LZS-3040: Spanish Language 2 (3 Major) (40)
- QCB-3341: Traethawd Hir/Dissertation (40)
- QCL-3370: Agweddau ar Ddwyieithrwydd (20)
- QXE-3019: Modern & Contemporary Lit (20)
- QXE-3022: Shakespeare and EM Literature (20)
- QXE-3034: Legends and Super Heroes (20)
- QXE-3094: Realms of Magic (20)
- QXE-3096: Sex, Sin & Death (20)
- QXE-3099: Final-Year Project (40)
- QXE-3109: 19th Cent Networks (20)
- QXE-3113: The Monstrous Middle Ages (20)
- QXE-3114: Alternative Worlds (20)
- QXE-3116: Exploring 19th-Century Lit (20)
- QXE-3117: Exploring Early Modern Literat (20)
- QXE-3118: Exploring Medieval Literature (20)
- QXE-3120: Jane Austen (20)
- QXE-3200: Revolution! (20)
- QXL-3303: Intro to Speech & Lang Therapy (20)
- QXL-3313: EFL Theory (20)
- QXL-3316: Language Disorders &Bilinguals (20)
- QXL-3318: L2 speech learning (20)
- QXL-3320: SLA and Language Teaching (20)
- QXL-3325: Speech Science (20)
- QXL-3329: TEFL (20)
- QXL-3336: Phonology and the Bilingual Mi (20)
- QXL-3341: Dissertation (40)
- QXL-3349: Psychology of Language (20)
- QXL-3372: Welsh Linguistics (20)
- QXL-3376: Cognitive Discourse Analysis (20)
- QXL-3377: Fundamentals of Corpus Linguis (20)
- QXP-3012: Writing and Environments (20)
- QXP-3025: Fantastic Fictions (20)
- QXP-3099: Creative Writing Dissertation (40)
- QXP-3109: Creative Non-Fiction (20)
- QXP-3110: Short Sharp Shocks (20)
- QXS-3001: Advanced Integrated English Sk (20)
- QXS-3002: Advanced Integrated English Sk (20)
- UXB-3122: Theatre and Performance: Self (20)
- UXB-3123: Ymarfer Proffesiynol (20)
- UXB-3900: Research Project (40)
- UXB-3901: Creative Practice Project (40)
- UXB-3902: Enterprise Project (40)
- UXC-3033: Newyddiaduraeth Ddigidol Ymarf (20)
- UXC-3052: Radio a Phodledu Uwch (20)
- UXC-3159: Y Ffilm Ddogfen: Theori (20)
- UXC-3401: Newyddiaduraeth Ymarferol: MCD (20)
- UXS-3025: Kubrick (20)
- UXS-3033: Practical Digital Journalism (20)
- UXS-3036: Innovative Publishing (20)
- UXS-3038: Journalism & Risk Society (20)
- UXS-3050: Gender, Sexuality, Race, Class (20)
- UXS-3052: Advanced Radio and Podcasting (20)
- UXS-3055: Privacy and the Media (20)
- UXS-3062: Film Distribution & Marketing (20)
- UXS-3064: Cultural Dispatches (20)
- UXS-3122: Theatre and Performance: Self (20)
- UXS-3123: Professional Practice (20)
- UXS-3157: Documentary Filmmaking (20)
- UXS-3159: Understanding Documentary (20)
- UXS-3401: Practical Journalism: ELD (20)
- WXC-3000: Cyfarwyddo (20)
- WXC-3232: Cerddorfaeth Heddiw (20)
- WXC-3277: Traethawd Hir (40)
- WXC-3289: Cyfansoddi (project) (40)
- WXC-3298: Project Perfformio Unawdol (40)
- WXC-3305: Genres a Chyfansoddwyr C (20)
- WXC-3310: Cerddoriaeth Cymru Heddiw (20)
- WXC-3400: Ymarfer Theatr Cyfoes (20)
- WXK-3232: Orchestration Today (20)
- WXK-3235: Acousmatic Composition (20)
- WXK-3289: Composition Project (40)
- WXK-3300: Interactive Sound & Music (20)
- WXM-3022: Understanding Popular Music (20)
- WXM-3205: Editing Music for Performance (20)
- WXM-3277: Dissertation (40)
- WXM-3283: Edition project (40)
- WXM-3305: Genres and Composers C (20)
- WXM-3306: Genres and Composers D (20)
- WXM-3400: Contemporary Theatre Practice (20)
- WXP-3111: Ensembles and Groups B (20)
- WXP-3248: Instrument/Singing Studies (We (20)
- WXP-3298: Solo Performance Project (40)
- WXS-3000: Directing and Dramaturgy (20)
Level 4 Modules
- CCB-4402: Ymdrin a'ch Pwnc (15)
- CCB-4403: Ymdrin a'ch pwnc drwy'r Gymrae (20)
- LCM-4021: Creu Disgyblaeth (30)
- LCM-4023: Cyfieithu ar waith (30)
- LCM-4024: Creu Portffolio Cyfieithu (30)
- LCM-4025: Traethawd hir (60)
- LCM-4028: Portffolio Ol-radd S2 (10)
- LXM-4002: Research Methods (30)
- LXM-4011: Visions of the City in Fr. cin (30)
- LXM-4021: The Making of a Discipline (30)
- LXM-4023: Translation in Practice (30)
- LXM-4024: Working on a Transl. Portfolio (30)
- LXM-4025: Dissertation (TS) (60)
- LXM-4028: Postgraduate Portfolio S2 (10)
- QCB-4480: Technolegau Iaith (20)
- QCL-4400: Traethawd Hir MA/MSc (60)
- QCL-4470: Agweddau ar Ddwyieithrwydd (20)
- QCL-4479: Traethawd Hir MArts (60)
- QXE-4011: MA Open Essay 1 (20)
- QXE-4012: MA Open Essay 2 (20)
- QXE-4015: Critical Theory Prac &Research (20)
- QXE-4018: Creative Writing Prose (20)
- QXE-4019: Creative Writing: Poetry (20)
- QXE-4025: Manuscript and Printed Books (20)
- QXE-4029: Gender + Devotion PreModLit (20)
- QXE-4030: Medieval Arthur (20)
- QXE-4031: Post-Medieval Arthur (20)
- QXE-4033: Postgraduate Portfolio S1 (10)
- QXE-4042: Revolution/Modernity 1790-1930 (20)
- QXE-4044: Contemporary Lit (20)
- QXE-4050: Material Texts & Editing (20)
- QXE-4052: Profession of Publishing (20)
- QXE-4054: Digital Publishing (20)
- QXE-4058: Early Fiction (20)
- QXE-4090: The Postgraduate Dissertation (60)
- QXE-4091: Creative Writing - PG disserta (60)
- QXE-4093: Publishing Entrepreneur (60)
- QXE-4095: Publishing Consultant (60)
- QXE-4101: Advanced Writing Portfolio (20)
- QXL-4400: MA/MSc Dissertation (60)
- QXL-4411: Foundations of Linguistics (20)
- QXL-4413: EFL Theory (20)
- QXL-4416: Language Disorders &Bilinguals (20)
- QXL-4418: L2 speech learning (20)
- QXL-4420: SLA and Language Teaching (20)
- QXL-4425: Speech Science (20)
- QXL-4429: Teaching EFL (20)
- QXL-4432: Linguistics Research Methods (20)
- QXL-4436: Phonology and the Bilingual Mi (20)
- QXL-4449: Psychology of Language (20)
- QXL-4472: Welsh Linguistics (20)
- QXL-4476: Cognitive Discourse Analysis (20)
- QXL-4477: Fundamentals of Corpus Linguis (20)
- QXL-4479: MArts Dissertation (60)
- QXL-4480: Language Technologies (20)
- QXL-4933: Adv Ling Research Methods (20)
- QXP-4040: Creative Writing Adv Portf. S2 (30)
- QXS-4002: Academic Literacy (10)
- QXS-4003: Ac. Vocabulary Use & Reading (10)
- QXS-4004: Academic Writing and Grammar 2 (10)
- QXS-4005: Integrated Skills (15)
- QXS-4006: PG Integrated EAP Skills (15)
- QXS-4007: English for International Busi (15)
- QXS-4100: Speaking & Listening (10)
- UXS-4050: Creative Industries (20)
- UXS-4099: Masters Dissertation (60)
- UXS-4100: MRes Humanities: Dissertation (120)
- WMC-4042: Cyfansoddi mewn Cyd-Destun (30)
- WMC-4103: Cerdd mewn Cymdeithas (30)
- WMC-4106: Project Ymchwil Annibynnol (30)
- WMC-4108: Ymchwilio i Gerddoriaeth (30)
- WMC-4111: Perfformio I (30)
- WMC-4112: Perfformiad 2 (30)
- WMC-4121: Project Cyfansoddi 1 (30)
- WMC-4122: Project Cyfansoddi 2 (30)
- WMP-4041: Current Musicology (30)
- WMP-4042: Composition in Context (30)
- WMP-4062: Adv Research Meth in Music (20)
- WMP-4063: Research Project: Music Educat (60)
- WMP-4064: Mus Ed: Theories + Pract (20)
- WMP-4065: Teaching Music Today (20)
- WMP-4103: Music in Society (30)
- WMP-4106: Independent Research Project (30)
- WMP-4108: Investigating Music (30)
- WMP-4111: Performance I (30)
- WMP-4112: Performance II (30)
- WMP-4121: Composition Project I (30)
- WMP-4122: Composition Project II (30)
- WMP-4124: Contemp Music Ed Project (20)
- WXC-4011: Project Meistr (60)
- WXT-4011: Masters Project (60)
- XME-4487: Music Education: Theories and (20)
- XME-4488: Teaching Music Today 2023-24 (20)
- XME-4489: Advanced Research Methods in M (20)
- XME-4490: Research Project: Music Educat (60)