Modiwl PSP-3000:
Project (Psych w Forensic)
Project (Psych w Forensic) 2024-25
School of Psychology & Sport Science
Module - Semester 1 & 2
40 credits
Module Organiser:
Awel Vaughan-Evans
This module provides an exciting opportunity for students to work on a research project under the supervision of an academic staff member within the School. Students will engage with all aspects of the research process, including designing experiments, considering ethical issues, testing participants, analysing data, and writing research reports.
Students will be engage with all aspects of the research process, including designing experiments, considering ethical issues, testing participants, analysing data, and writing research reports.
Assessment Strategy
Excellent (A- to A**) Excellent understanding of ethical issues when conducting psychological research, written in a clear, concise, and accurate manner. Excellent presentation of comprehensive knowledge about methodology and data analyses. Excellent description and application of relevant research methodologies. Appropriate analyses identified and implemented, and results reported accurately. Excellent and logical development of critical arguments in the final report, evidence of additional reading, and original interpretation. Excellent discussion and evaluation of relevant research findings, demonstrating a true understanding of the theoretical and practical applications of the field. Excellent oral presentation skills, demonstrating relatively clear understanding, independent work, and critical thinking. The main points of the research were communicated clearly and effectively, and the ability to answer questions confidently was demonstrated.
Good (B- to B+) Good understanding of ethical issues when conducting psychological research, written in a clear, concise, and accurate manner. Good presentation of knowledge about methodology and data analyses. Good description and application of relevant research methodologies. Appropriate analyses identified and implemented, with very few inaccuracies. Good and logical development of critical arguments in the final report, evidence of additional reading, and original interpretation. Good discussion and evaluation of relevant research findings, demonstrating a true understanding of the theoretical and practical applications of the field. Good oral presentation skills, demonstrating relatively clear understanding, independent work, and critical thinking. The main points of the research were communicated clearly and effectively, and the ability to answer questions confidently was demonstrated.
Satisfactory (C- to C+) Satisfactory understanding of ethical issues when conducting psychological research, written in a relatively clear manner, but with a few inaccuracies. Satisfactory presentation of knowledge about methodology and data analyses. Satisfactory description and application of relevant research methodologies. Appropriate analyses identified and implemented, but with a few inaccuracies. Satisfactory development of critical arguments in the final report, however the arguments presented lacked coherence. Satisfactory discussion and evaluation of relevant research findings, demonstrating some understanding of the theoretical and practical applications of the field. Satisfactory oral presentation skills, demonstrating an understanding of the main elements of the subject area, but with very little critical thinking. Some of the main points were presented, and the ability to answer questions confidently was demonstrated.
Poor (D- to D+) Poor understanding of ethical issues when conducting psychological research. Many errors and weaknesses in terms of presentation and accuracy. Little knowledge about methodology and data analyses. Poor description and application of relevant research methodologies. Incorrect analyses identified and implemented, and/or many errors and weaknesses in terms of presentation and accuracy. Arguments were presented in the final report, but they did not flow, and there was no evidence of original interpretation nor critical thinking. Poor discussion of research findings, demonstrating knowledge of key principles only. No evaluation of the theoretical and practical applications of the field. Poor oral presentation skills, demonstrating little knowledge of the main elements of the research. Some of the main points of the research were presented, but there were many errors. The ability to answer some questions was demonstrated.
Learning Outcomes
- Apply and describe relevant research methodologies appropriate to a particular domain.
- Critically evaluate arguments and synthesise research in a particular domain.
- Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues in conducting psychological research in written format and by conducting the research in line with the British Psychological Society ethical guidelines for research.
- Demonstrate the ability to communicate scientific research in both written and oral formats (POPPS).
- Demonstrate the ability to condense, synthesise and present information about own scientific research in an oral format.
- Develop confidence in oral presentation of psychological material (POPPS).
- Discuss and evaluate study findings in the context of research literature.
- Identify and carry out appropriate data analyses.
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
Participation in POPPS and completion of all roles/speeches. POPPS is a peer-led learning environment in which presentation skills are learnt and developed through practice and feedback. POPPS is not just about standing up and giving a talk, it is about developing presentation skills and becoming familiar with the protocol used in professional talks and conferences within, and beyond, Psychology. Students are assessed via a combination of speeches, roles and audience participation.
Due date
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
The project presentation is designed to allow you to present your work in the style of a conference presentation. You will be demonstrating both the knowledge and understanding that you have gained during the final year project, as well as the skills you have acquired by attending POPPS sessions in the School of Human and Behavioural Sciences. Presenting complicated material to an audience in an understandable manner is a highly valued skill, both in the university setting and within the larger workplace. Your task is to prepare an oral presentation that clearly and effectively communicates the main points of your dissertation research. Your presentation should be 10-minutes in length, and you should use slides to support your points. After your presentation, you should be prepared to answer questions from your fellow students for 3 minutes. The oral component of your project is worth 10% of your final grade. The POPPS component accounts for half of this and is exemption based. The end of year oral presentation will be graded according to the university’s categorical marking scheme (e.g., A; B; C). You must complete both elements to receive a grade. If you complete POPPS, but don’t complete your oral presentation, you will receive a grade of 0.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Students will write a research report to effectively communicate the research conducted as part of this module. The dissertation will contain all the usual elements of a research report (abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, references, appendices), and must be APA formatted. Before submitting the final version, students will receive written feedback on drafts of their introduction, methods and results.
Due date