Modiwlau cwrs QV51 | BA/WH
BA Cymraeg/History
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 1
Cymraeg Compulsory
FIRST-LANGUAGE students must
choose the following modules: CXC-1004 Defnyddio'r
Gymraeg CXC-1016 Llên Cymru Heddiw CXC-1002 Llên y Cyfnod
Modern Cynnar SECOND-LANGUAGE students must choose the
following modules: CXC-1005 Ysgrifennu Cymraeg CXC-1006
Golwg ar Lenyddiaeth 1 CXC-1007 Cymraeg Llafar CXC-1008
Llên a Llun
CXC-1007 Cymraeg Llafar
(Full Term)
CXC-1004 Defnyddio'r Gymraeg
(Full Term)
CXC-1005 Ysgrifennu Cymraeg
(Full Term)
CXC-1016 Llenyddiaeth Gyfoes
(Semester 1)
CXC-1006 Golwg ar Lenyddiaeth
(Semester 1)
CXC-1002 Llen y Cyfnod Modern Cynnar
(Semester 2)
CXC-1008 Llên a Llun
(Semester 2)
History Optional
There are no compulsory modules
Students must take 60 credits of History modules
HPS-1002 Principles of Politics
(Semester 1)
HXH-1012 Britain: Blitz to Brexit
(Semester 2)
Medieval Wales The student must take between 0 and 1
modules from Medieval Wales.
HXC-1007 Cymru: Tywysogion i Duduriaid
(Semester 1)
HXW-1007 Wales: Princes to Tudors
(Semester 1)
Early Modern The student must take a maximum of 20
credits from the modules in Early Modern. The student may
not take more than 1 of the modules in Early Modern.
HXH-1002 The Six Lives of Henry VIII
(Semester 2)
Ewrop yn y Canol Oesoedd Uchel /
Monarchs, Monks & Miracles The student must take between 0 and 20
credits from the modules in Ewrop yn y Canol Oesoedd Uchel
/ Monarchs, Monks & Miracles.
HXH-1011 Europe in the High Middle Ages
(Semester 2)
Cyflwyniad Hanes Modern / Introduction
to Modern History The student must take between 0 and 1
modules from Cyflwyniad Hanes Modern / Introduction to
Modern History.
HXH-1004 Intro Modern History1815-1914
(Semester 1)
HXC-1004 Cyflwyniad Hanes Modern
(Semester 1)
Cymru yn y Byd Modern / Wales in the
Modern World The student must take between 0 and 20
credits from the modules in Cymru yn y Byd Modern / Wales
in the Modern World.
HXC-1006 Cymru yn y Byd Modern
(Semester 2)
HXW-1010 Wales in the Modern World
(Semester 2)
Cymraeg Optional FIRST-LANGUAGE students may choose
modules worth 20 credits here. SECOND-LANGUAGE students
should already have 60 compulsory credits registered, and
they should choose no more.
CXD-1013 Theatr Fodern Ewrop
(Semester 1)
CXC-1019 Llenyddiaeth yr Oesoedd Canol
(Semester 1)
CXC-1018 Gweithdy Creadigol
(Semester 1)
CXC-1001 Beirniadaeth Lenyddol Ymarfer
(Semester 2)
CXD-1016 Sgriptio Teledu
(Semester 2)
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 2
Cymraeg Compulsory
The student must take 20 credits
from the modules in Cymraeg Compulsory.
CXC-2008 Ymarfer Ysgrifennu
(Full Term)
Cymraeg Optional The student must take 40 credits from
the modules in Cymraeg Optional.
CXC-2028 Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg America
(Semester 1)
CXD-2119 Sgriptio
(Semester 1)
CXC-2107 Barddoniaeth Fodern
(Semester 1)
CXC-2204 Herio'r Drefn: Llenyddiaeth Wr
(Semester 1)
CXC-2119 Gweithdy Rhyddiaith
(Semester 1)
CXC-2034 Iaith Gwaith
(Semester 2)
CXC-2023 Rhyddid y Nofel
(Semester 2)
CXC-2001 Canu Llys
(Semester 2)
CXD-2018 Y Sgrin Fach Gymraeg
(Semester 2)
CXC-2029 Chwedlau'r Oesau Canol
(Semester 2)
History Optional There are no compulsory modules.
Students must take 60 credits of History modules
HPS-2004 20th Century Ideas & Movements
(Semester 2)
HTH-2150 Britain in the Jazz Age
(Semester 2)
Oes Y Digwyddiad: 1770-1835 / Age of
Reform: 1770-1835
HTH-2160 The Age of Reform 1770-1835
(Semester 2)
HTC-2160 Oes Y Diwygiad : 1770-1835
(Semester 2)
Dehongli'r Gorffennol / Making
History The student must take between 0 and 20
modules from Dehongli'r Gorffennol / Making History.
HPS-2055 Making History
(Semester 2)
Edward Goncwerwr / Under the Hammer:
Edward I The student must take between 0 and 20
credits from the modules in Edward Goncwerwr / Under the
Hammer: Edward I.
HGW-2161 Under the Hammer
(Semester 2)
HGC-2161 Edward Goncwerwr
(Semester 2)
Lleoliad Gwaith / Work Placement
The student must take between 0 and 20
modules from Lleoliad Gwaith / Work Placement.
HPS-2005 Work Placement - Semester 2
(Semester 2)
HAC-2005 Lleoliad Gwaith - Semester 2
(Semester 2)
Heritage and Archaeology Modules
HTH-2124 Heritage and Identity
(Semester 1)
HTA-2120 Rethinking Archaeology
(Semester 1)
HTA-2126 Geoarchaeology
(Semester 2)
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 3
History Optional The student must take 60 credits from
the modules in History Optional.
Optional The student must take between 40 and 60
credits from the modules in Optional. The student must
take between 2 and 3 modules from Optional.
HGH-3138 Europe 1945-1992
(Semester 1)
HGH-3118 The United States, 1877-1945
(Semester 1)
HGH-3133 The Tudors 1485-1603
(Semester 1)
HAC-3001 Lleoliad Gwaith
(Semester 2)
HTW-3127 Wales, Renaissance & Europe
(Semester 2)
HPS-3001 Work Placement
(Semester 2)
HGH-3139 Norman Sicily
(Semester 2)
Dissertation Students may choose ONE Dissertation
module only, in either Welsh or History. Students must
take EITHER the Dissertation in History OR a Special
Subject (if taking the Cymraeg Dissertation module), while
ensuring that they have taken 60 credits in History in
total during Year 3: HPS-3006:
Dissertation or HAC-3006:
Traethawd Hir Or ONE Special Subject from the list The
remaining 20 or 40 credits should come from General Modules
or Topic Modules The student must take between 0 and 40
credits from the modules in Dissertation.
HAC-3006 Traethawd Hir
(Full Term)
HPS-3006 Dissertation
(Full Term)
Special Subject The student must take between 0 and 20
credits from the modules in Special Subject.
HSH-3041 Country House Life
(Semester 1)
HSH-3040 The Glorious Revolution, 1685
(Semester 1)
HSH-3045 Nationalism in the UK
(Semester 1)
Cymraeg Optional Students may choose EITHER Traethawd
Estynedig OR a dissertation module in History.
Second-language students only may take CXC-3008 Ymarfer
Ysgrifennu Pellach.
CXC-3008 Ymarfer Ysgrifennu
(Full Term)
CXC-3009 Traethawd Estynedig
(Full Term)
CXC-3028 Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg America
(Semester 1)
CXD-3019 Sgriptio
(Semester 1)
CXC-3007 Barddoniaeth Fodern
(Semester 1)
CXC-3019 Gweithdy Rhyddiaith
(Semester 1)
CXC-3204 Herio'r Drefn: Llenyddiaeth Wr
(Semester 1)
CXC-3016 Medrau Cyfieithu
(Semester 1)
CXC-3029 Chwedlau'r Oesau Canol
(Semester 2)
CXC-3101 Canu Llys
(Semester 2)
CXC-3123 Rhyddid Y Nofel
(Semester 2)
CXD-3118 Y Sgrin Fach Gymraeg
(Semester 2)