Modiwlau cwrs W3W4 | BA/MUSTP
BA Music with Theatre & Performance
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 1
Compulsory Theatre and Performance
Modules The
student must take 40 credits from the modules in Compulsory
Theatre and Performance Modules.
Theatre Making The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Theatre Making.
WXC-1120 Dyfeisio Theatr
(Semester 2)
WXM-1120 Theatre Making
(Semester 2)
Introduction to Playwriting
The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Introduction to Playwriting.
WXC-1000 Cyflwyniad i Ysgrifennu Drama
(Semester 1)
WXS-1000 Introduction to Playwriting
(Semester 1)
Compulsory Music Modules
The student must take between 40
and 60 credits from the modules in Compulsory Music
Cyfansoddi a Chelf Sonig B | Composition
and Sonic Art B The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Cyfansoddi a Chelf Sonig B | Composition and
Sonic Art B.
WXC-1114 Cyfansoddi a Chelf Sonig B
(Semester 2)
WXK-1114 Composition and Sonic Art B
(Semester 2)
Cyfansoddi a Chelf Sonig A | Composition
and Sonic Art A The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Cyfansoddi a Chelf Sonig A | Composition and
Sonic Art A.
WXK-1113 Composition and Sonic Art A
(Semester 1)
WXC-1113 Cyfansoddi a Chelfydydd Sonig
(Semester 1)
Introduction to Harmony and Tonal
The student may not take more
than 1 of the modules in Introduction to Harmony and Tonal
WXC-1004 Melodi a Harmoni
(Semester 1)
WXM-1004 Melody and Harmony
(Semester 1)
Perfformio Unawdol | Solo
Performance The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Perfformio Unawdol | Solo
WXC-1016 Perfformio Unawdol Blwyddyn 1
(Full Term)
WXP-1016 Solo Performance Year 1
(Full Term)
Music History The student must take between 20 and 40
credits from the modules in Music History.
1550 - 1850 The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in 1550 - 1850.
WXC-1301 Cerddoriaeth fel Hanes Diwylli
(Semester 2)
WXM-1301 Music as Cultural History
(Semester 2)
Since 1850 The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Since 1850.
WXC-1300 Cerddoriaeth Ers 1850
(Semester 1)
WXM-1300 Music since 1850
(Semester 1)
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 2
Compulsory Theatre and Performance
Modules The
student must take 40 credits from the modules in Compulsory
Theatre and Performance Modules.
Directing and Dramaturgy
The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Directing and Dramaturgy.
WXC-2000 Cyfarwyddo
(Semester 1)
WXS-2000 Directing and Dramaturgy
(Semester 1)
Contemporary Theatre Practice
The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Contemporary Theatre Practice.
WXC-2400 Ymarfer Theatr Cyfoes
(Semester 2)
WXM-2400 Contemporary Theatre Practice
(Semester 2)
Music Compulsory modules
The student must take between 20
and 60 credits from the modules in Music Compulsory
WXK-2235 Acousmatic Composition
(Semester 1)
WXM-2205 Editing Music for Performance
(Semester 2)
Musicology The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Musicology.
WXM-2011 Musicology Year 2
(Semester 2)
WXC-2011 Cerddoleg Blwyddyn 2
(Semester 2)
Composition Yr 2
The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Composition Yr 2.
WXC-2233 Cyfansoddi Blwyddyn 2
(Semester 2)
WXK-2233 Composition Year 2
(Semester 2)
Solo Performance Yr 2
The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Solo Performance Yr 2.
WXC-2241 Perfformio Unawdol Blwyddyn 2
(Full Term)
WXP-2241 Solo Performance Year 2
(Full Term)
Music Optional Modules
The student must take between 20
and 60 credits from the modules in Music Optional
WXP-2307 Ensembles and Groups A
(Semester 1)
WXM-2304 Genres and Composers B
(Semester 2)
Orchestration The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Orchestration.
WXC-2232 Cerddorfaeth Heddiw
(Semester 1)
WXK-2232 Orchestration Today
(Semester 1)
Genres & Composers A
The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Genres & Composers A .
WXM-2303 Genres & Composers A
(Semester 1)
WXC-2303 Genres a Chyfansoddwyr A
(Semester 1)