Modiwl WXM-3277:
Dissertation 2023-24
School Of Arts, Culture And Language
Module - Semester 1 & 2
40 credits
Module Organiser:
Pwyll ap Sion
The dissertation is an independent piece of writing on a topic selected by the candidate in consultation with a member of staff and approved by the module coordinator. This selection and approval takes place in the summer term immediately preceding Year 3.
The dissertation should answer one (or more than one) specified research question. The work should take account of previous relevant research but demonstrate originality of mind in approach and argument. Credit will be given for quality of ideas, clarity and logic of argument and presentation, suitability of bibliography, and elegance of presentation.
The dissertation will be accompanied by seminars on the research, bibliography and methodology skills required for writing the dissertation.
The dissertation is an independent piece of writing on a subject selected by the candidate in consultation with a member of staff and approved by the module coordinator. The writing should take account of previous relevant research but demonstrate originality of mind in approach and argument. Credit will be given for quality of ideas, clarity and logic of argument and presentation, suitability of bibliography, and elegance of presentation.
The dissertation will be accompanied by seminars on the research, bibliography and methodology skills required for writing the dissertation.
Overall aims and purpose • to build on and enhance musicological skills acquired in Year 2 • to enhance originality and depth of thought • to enhance skills in dealing with issues in current musicology, ethnomusicology and/or musical analysis • to enhance skills in the search for use of primary and secondary scholarly material • to refine skills in argument, writing and presentation
Assessment Strategy
Third Class: D- to D+ (40%–49%) The crucial achievement is demonstration of a basic grasp of what the topic is about, and the sort of material involved. However, the mark will be limited to this level by such things as: mere repetition of information without demonstration of real understanding; confusion of argument which indicates a failure to properly understand the material; inability to distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant; inability to grasp ideas; inclusion of factual errors; seriously defective bibliographical or footnoting skills; poor expression; oral reticence; scrappy presentation.
Lower Second Class: C- to C+ (50%–59%) The main quality which warrants marks in this category is the amassing of a reasonable body of relevant material drawn from a fairly wide range of reading or other forms of information retrieval, sorted into a coherent order and expressed intelligibly. Qualities which limit the mark to this level are: incoherent arguments, or argument which is defective in some way; limited or defective bibliography or footnotes; limited understanding of ideas or argument; limited evidence of a broad knowledge and understanding of the topic; limited engagement with negotiating and renegotiating ideas in oral discussion; limited evidence of serious thought, as opposed to straightforward diligence.
Upper Second Class: B- to B+ (60%–69%) The distinguishing quality is the ability to construct focused argument which is properly evidenced. The work will therefore probably demonstrate the ability to understand the discussion of a work of art and to apply that knowledge to different works; the conveyance of a general knowledge and understanding of the topic as a whole, and of a more detailed knowledge and understanding of specific areas; competent bibliographical and footnoting skills; effective communication of ideas and argument; ability to see problems and contradictions within source reading; thoughtful contribution to oral discussion; skills in observation and analysis. Upper Second Class work may contain many of the same qualities which apply in First Class work, but they will be demonstrated at a less independent level, or the work may be outstanding in one First-class characteristic but significantly deficient in another.
First Class: A- and A (70%–83%) The distinguishing quality is evidence of real intellectual and independent thought in a sustained discussion. Work at this level will probably demonstrate initiative in carrying out research beyond the obvious sources; ability to evaluate critically sources used; sustained and coherent discussion; articulate expression in speaking and writing; ability to bring together material from disparate sources; observational and analytical skills of a high order; the ability to employ knowledge to illuminate musical texts; indications of wide knowledge beyond the narrow confines of the topic addressed; the ability to lead oral discussion; ability to identify and rigorously confront problems in the topic, contradictions in texts, or lacunae in available evidence.
First Class: A+ to A** (84%–100%) Work at this level is highly original and of a standard that attains or closely approaches professional standards. The work will demonstrate in a consistent manner all of the features listed in the A-/A (70%-83%) category, and will be of such a quality that it either stands up to publication or broadcast in its submitted state or has the potential for publication or broadcast with presentational amendments.
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate advanced skills in the search for and the use of primary and secondary scholarly resources.
- Demonstrate possession of advanced communication skills, using appropriate conventions.
- Demonstrate possession of powers of sustained independent inquiry.
- Devise, plan and execute an original research project from start to finish.
- Think in an original and profound manner.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Dissertation of up to around 10,000 words (excluding bibliography and footnotes) on an agreed topic of the student's choosing. To be submitted in the assessment period of semester 2.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Interim report
Due date
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
Oral presentation of up to 15 mins on the dissertation project. To be delivered in the semester 1 Assessment Period.
Due date