Modiwl NHS-4513:
Adults with acute needs
Adults with acute needs 2024-25
Ysgol Gwyddorau Iechyd
Modiwl - Semester 1 a 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Helen Charles
The course will contain, but is not restricted to Nursing management of a variety of acute conditions and emergencies (renal, cardiac, respiratory, surgical). Assessment of the acutely unwell adult - neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory assessments. The use of risk assessment tools such as NEWS. How to identify and safely manage the deteriorating patient using evidence-based approaches. Nursing the acute patient in different care settings and during transitions between care settings. Transport of the acutely ill adult. Managing fluid balance and nutritional needs, maintaining skin integrity, thromboprophylaxis, and managing pain in the acutely unwell adult. How to measure and interpret investigations such as routine blood results, arterial blood gases, and ECG. How to identify the signs and symptoms of sepsis and appropriate management. End of life care, breaking bad news and organ donation. The role of the nurse in the multidisciplinary team when caring for the acutely unwell adult and the skills required to perform this role effectively - communication and developing therapeutic relationships, resilience, knowing when to escalate, compassionate leadership, prioritising workload, dealing with conflict, accurate documentation. Care bundles and national service frameworks.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -C- to C+ Grade 50-59%: To achieve a 'pass' on the module, students will be required to demonstrate good understanding and some critical evaluation and application of the underlying principles of nursing the acutely ill adult -good -B- to B+ Grade 60-69%To achieve a 'good pass' the student will be required to demonstrate sound knowledge and critical evaluation and application of the underlying principles of nursing the acutely ill adult -excellent -A - A* Grade >70%:To achieve an 'excellent pass' the student will be required to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and critical evaluation and application of the underlying principles of nursing the acutely ill adult
Learning Outcomes
- Critically analyse evidence and apply research findings to promote and inform best nursing practice in relation to the acutely unwell adult
- Critically apply an evidence-based approach to the assessment and management of the acutely unwell adult.
- Critically demonstrate the use of risk assessments in relation to track and trigger scoring in the adult patient
- Critically evaluate the importance of inter-professional communication and collaboration in the provision of patient-centred care for the acutely unwell adult
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
PowerPoint/Poster Presentation. The student will present a PowerPoint/Poster presentation on one aspect of nursing the acutely unwell adult. This will be in the form of a case study of a acute condition and demonstrate how to manage the acutely unwell patient. Identifying and applying appropriate risk assessment tools for the acute condition, track and trigger scoring and link to evidence for their use. Demonstrate how an evidence based approach can enhance care provision. Evaluate the importance of inter-professional communication in the provision of patient centred care. The presentation will be 20 minutes in duration followed by 10 minutes for questions and answers.
Due date