Modiwl UXS-2052:
Radio and Podcasting
Radio and Podcasting 2023-24
School Of Arts, Culture And Language
Module - Semester 1
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Geraint Ellis
This module will examine the history of radio and podcasting, and different types of productions and production methods, with a particular focus in this regard on documentary and magazine productions. During the workshops. you will develop a portfolio of individual creative work that will be based on the theories and examples discussed during the lectures.
The lectures will introduce the students to the key characteristics of the medium and present a broad historical overview of its development. Various production methods will then be examined, and subsequently different genres, with specific examples being studied. The theoretical aspects of the module culminate in a broad conceptual review of the nature of the medium and how this is changing in the digital age. The practical workshops will run concurrently, with the students revising and developing generic production skills at the beginning of the course, before planning, researching and producing their own individual production work. This will be informed by the study of production methods, genres and productions introduced in the lectures. There is a particular focus on factual production, and on documentary and magazine productions.
Assessment Strategy
Threshold - D: •Knowledge of key areas/principles only •Weaknesses in understanding of main areas •Limited evidence of background study •Answer only poorly focused on question and with some irrelevant material and poor structure •Arguments presented but lack coherence •Several factual/computational errors •No original interpretation •Only major links between topics are described •Limited problem solving •Many weaknesses in presentation and accuracy
Good - C/B: •Knowledge of key areas/principles •Understands main areas •Limited evidence of background study •Answer focused on question but also with some irrelevant material and weaknesses in structure •Arguments presented but lack coherence •Has several factual/computational errors •No original interpretation •Only major links between topics are described •Limited problem solving •Some weaknesses in presentation and accuracy
•Strong knowledge •Understands most but not all •Evidence of background study •Focused answer with good structure •Arguments presented coherently •Mostly free of factual and computational errors •Some limited original interpretation •Well known links between topics are described •Problems addressed by existing methods/approaches •Good presentation with accurate communication
Excellent - A: •Comprehensive knowledge •Detailed understanding •Extensive background study •Highly focused answer and well structured •Logically presented and defended arguments •No factual/computational errors •Original interpretation •New links between topics are developed •New approach to a problem •Excellent presentation with very accurate communication
Learning Outcomes
- Be able to confidently discuss the historical development of radio and podcasting as a medium (Assignment 2);
- Demonstrate the distinguishing features of the medium and its impact on the listener (Assignments 1 and 2);
- Produce individual work demonstrating the effective manipulation of sound (Assignment 1);
- Provide evidence of the acquisition and development of essential audio production skills in the areas of developing and researching ideas, recording, script writing and editing. (Assignment 1).
- Show an appreciation of the key characteristics of a range of radio and podcast productions (Assignment 2);
Assessment method
Assessment type
Radio/podcast production portfolio, including links and interviews
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
2,000-word essay relating to the main characteristics of the medium of radio and podcasting.
Due date