Professor Julie Green
Pennaeth Ysgol Gwyddorau Iechyd

Mae Julie yn academydd nyrsio profiadol, arloesol, creadigol ac sydd wedi cael ei chydnabod yn genedlaethol. Ym mis Awst 2024, penodwyd Julie yn Bennaeth Ysgol yr Ysgol Gwyddorau Iechyd, Prifysgol Bangor.
Cafodd Julie ei chymhwyso fel Nyrs Gyffredinol Gofrestredig yn 1990, ar ôl cwblhau gradd gyntaf mewn addysg. Ar ôl cymhwyso, bu Julie’n gweithio mewn Unedau Gofal Critigol a Dibyniaeth Uchel prysur am nifer o flynyddoedd. Yn 1995, dewiswyd Julie i hyfforddi fel Nyrs Ardal yn uniongyrchol wrth gwblhau gradd BSc (Anrh) mewn Iechyd Cymunedol (Nyrsio Ardal). Unwaith wedi cymhwyso, arweiniodd Julie lwyth achosion mewn ardal drefol ddifreintiedig yn Stoke-on-Trent. Roedd y cyfle i gefnogi a gofalu am bobl yn eu cartrefi eu hunain yn fraint anhygoel, ac mae bod yn Nyrs Ardal yn rhywbeth y mae Julie’n hynod o falch ohono; yn wir, uchafbwynt ei gyrfa.
Culminiodd gyrfa glinigol lwyddiannus Julie mewn symudiad i’r byd academaidd yn 2003, yn wreiddiol i arwain cyflwyno sgiliau clinigol ym Mhrifysgol Keele. Dros y blynyddoedd, llwyddodd Julie i ragori mewn dysgu ac addysgu a chymryd arweiniad o fyfyrwyr a chydweithwyr. Fel Darlithydd Sgiliau Clinigol, bu Julie’n allweddol wrth ddatblygu rhaglen gynhwysfawr o addysgu sgiliau. Symudodd Julie wedyn i rôl Darlithydd Maes Oedolion, gan arwain modiwlau poblogaidd a gafodd eu gwerthuso’n gadarnhaol. Dyluniodd ac arweiniodd Julie y rhaglen ymarfer arbenigol ôl-gofrestru ar gyfer addysg Nyrs Ardal; rhaglen a gydnabuwyd yn rhanbarthol ac yn genedlaethol fel un arloesol ac ysbrydoledig.
Trwy gydol ei hamser ym Mhrifysgol Keele, datblygodd rôl Julie i gynnwys ystod o swyddogaethau allweddol ar lefel rhaglen, ysgol a chyfadran. Datblygodd Julie yn bersonol ac yn broffesiynol, gan arwain at benodiad fel Deon Addysg (0.5 WTE) ar gyfer y gyfadran, ochr yn ochr â rôl arweinyddiaeth o fewn yr Ysgol Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth. Datblygodd rôl Julie fel Deon, gan gefnogi ac arwain arloesedd pedagogegol a datblygiad rhaglenni ar draws darpariaeth lawn y gyfadran.
Dyfarnwyd Cadair Bersonol i Julie a daeth hi’n Athro cyntaf Nyrsio Ardal yn y Deyrnas Unedig ym mis Ionawr 2020. Dyfarnwyd dyrchafiad Julie fel cydnabyddiaeth o’i chyflawniadau academaidd a phroffesiynol yn y ddisgyblaeth nyrsio, ei gwaith cenedlaethol sy’n gysylltiedig â’r GIG a Health Education England, y Coleg Nyrsio Brenhinol (RCN), a Sefydliad Nyrsio’r Frenhines (QNI), yn benodol ynglŷn â Nyrsio Ardal, a’i harweinyddiaeth ar draws y Brifysgol.
Ym mis Ebrill 2021, penodwyd Julie i rôl Pennaeth Ysgol Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth, Prifysgol Keele. Yma, arweiniodd Julie dîm deinamig a hwylusodd ddychweliad yr ysgol i ddarpariaeth addysgol bron yn ‘normal’ ar ôl y pandemig. Cynyddodd incwm yr ysgol, ehangodd yr hyn a gynigiwyd gan y rhaglen, gan gynnwys darpariaeth prentisiaeth, gwella metrigau a datblygu agwedd ‘gallu gwneud’ ar draws y tîm. Tyfodd rhyngwladoli’r ysgol, gyda phartneriaethau, cytundebau cydweithredol a thwf mewn symudedd myfyrwyr a staff. Datblygodd ymchwil yn sylweddol ac ysbrydolwyd rhaglen efelychu gyda chymeradwyaeth yr NMC.
Yn ogystal â’i gyrfa academaidd, mae gan Julie dros 20 mlynedd o gymryd rhan gyda’r RCN a’r QNI. Mae Julie’n cael ei hystyried yn fraint bod yn Gymrawd i’r ddau sefydliad ac mae’n ymroddedig i gyfrannu at ystod o feysydd gwaith. Fel aelod o’r RCN ers bron i 35 mlynedd, etholwyd Julie yn Gadeirydd Fforwm Nyrsio Ardal a Chymunedol yr RCN ym mis Ionawr 2017, ac fe ddaliodd y swydd hon tan Ebrill 2022. Tan Ionawr 2021, roedd Julie yn un o 12 aelod etholedig o’r Pwyllgor Nyrsio Proffesiynol (PNC) yr RCN, gan gynrychioli Canolbarth Lloegr. Ym mis Mawrth 2023, etholwyd Julie i Gyngor yr RCN fel cynrychiolydd Canolbarth Lloegr, ac roedd yn weithgar mewn gweithgarwch strategol ac weithredol yr RCN ochr yn ochr â’i chyfoedion rhanbarthol a gwladol. Daeth tymor Julie i ben ym mis Awst 2024, pan symudodd hi i Ogledd Cymru.
Mae Julie wedi cael ei hethol i eistedd ar Fwrdd Cymru yr RCN a bydd yn dechrau’r swydd hon ar 1af Ionawr 2025. Mae Julie hefyd wedi’i phenodi’n Olygydd Ymgynghorol i’r British Journal of Community Nursing.
Gwybodaeth Cyswllt
- DPhil: A mixed methods study of patient centred care in people with chronic venous leg ulceration.
Keele University, Staffordshire., 2009–2014 - MSc: PGCert Teaching with Technology
Keele University, Staffordshire., 2008 - MSc: Health Care Education
Sheffield Hallam University, 2005 - BSc: Community Health (District Nursing)
University of Wolverhampton, 1997 - Registered General Nurse
North Staffordshire College of Nursing, 1990 - BEd: Theology
Leeds Trinity University, 1986
Cyfleoedd Project Ôl-radd
Gwybodaeth Arall
Donaldson, C. and Green, J. (2005). Using the ventrogluteal site for intramuscular injections. Nursing Times. 101(16), 36-8.
Green, J. (2008). Care and management of patients with skin-tunnelled catheters. Nursing Standard. 22 (42), 41-48.
Green, J. and Jester, R. (2009). Health related quality of life and chronic venous leg ulceration. Part one: qualitative studies. British Journal of Community Nursing. 14 (12), S12 – S17.
Green, J. and Jester, R. (2010). Health related quality of life and chronic venous leg ulceration. Part two: quantitative studies. British Journal of Community Nursing. 15 (3), S4 - S14
Jones, J., Green, J. and Lillie, A. (2011). Maggots and their role in wound care. British Journal of Community Nursing. 16 (3), S24 – 33.
Green, J., Jester, R., McKinley, R. & Pooler, A. (2013). Patient perspectives of their leg ulcer journey. Journal of Wound Care. 22 (2), 58-66.
Gibson, S. & Green, J. (2013). Review of experiences of patients with fungating wounds and associated quality of life. Journal of Wound Care. 22 (5), 265-275.
Humphreys, M., Wood, I., Johnson, C.D., Walsh, P.N., Witton, N., Green, J. & Corkhill, S. (2013). The Keele curriculum model: A contemporary framework for designing an inter-professional technology enhanced nursing curriculum. Open Journal of Nursing. 3, 358–362.
Green, J., McKinley, R., Jester, R. & Pooler, A. (2013). Nurse-patient consultations in primary care – do patients disclose their concerns? Journal of Wound Care. 22 (10), 534-539.
Leese, D.; Smithies, L. & Green, J. (2014). Recovery focused mental health nursing. Nursing Times. 110 (12), 20-22.
Green, J., McKinley, R., Jester, R. & Pooler, A. (2014). The impact of chronic venous leg ulcers: a systematic review. Journal of Wound Care. 23 (12), 601-612.
Rushton, C. A., Green, J., Walsh, P.N., Strömberg, A., Jaarsma, T., Kadam, U. T. (2015) The challenge of multimorbidity in nurse education: an international perspective. Nurse Education Today. 35 (1), 288-292.
Green, J., McKinley, R., Jester, R. & Pooler, A. (2015). A new quality of life consultation template for patients with venous leg ulceration. Journal of Wound Care. 24 (3), 140-148.
Green, J. (2016). Enhancing assertiveness in District Nurse Specialist Practice. British Journal of Community Nursing. 21 (8), 400-403.
Green, J., McKinley, R., Jester, R. & Pooler, A. (2017). Chronic venous leg ulcer care – are we missing a vital piece of the jigsaw? Wounds UK Journal. 13 (1), 32-50.
Green, J. (2017). Applying assertiveness skills. Primary Health Care. 27 (3), 14.
Lawson, C., Pati, S., Green, J., Messina, G., Strömberg, A., Nante, N., Golinelli, D., Verzuri, A., White, S., Jaarsma, T., Walsh, P., Lonsdale, P. & Kadam, U. (2017). Development of an international comorbidity education framework. Nurse Education Today. 55, 82-89.
Green, J., Bliss, J. & Lawrence, S. (2017). What’s in a name? Is district nursing in danger of extinction? British Journal of Community Nursing, 22 (11), 547-549.
Green, J., McKinley, R., Jester, R. & Pooler, A. (2018). Chronic venous leg ulcer care. putting the patient at the heart of leg ulcer care. Part 1: Exploring the consultation. Community Wound Care. March 2018.
Paskins, Z., Sanders, T., Croft, P., Green, J., McKinley, R. & Hassell, A. (2018). Non-disclosure of symptoms in primary care: an observational study. Family Practice. March 2018.
Russell, D., Akin, L., Betts, A., Dowsett, C., Fatoye, F., Gardner, S., Green, J., Manu, C., McKenzie, T., Meally, H., Mitchell, L., Mullings, J., Odeyemi, I., Sharpe, A., Yeowell, G. & Devlin, N. (2018). Using a modified Delphi methodology to gain consensus on the use of dressings in chronic wounds management. Journal of Wound Care. 27 (3), 156-165.
Green, J., McKinley, R., Jester, R. & Pooler, A. (2018). Chronic venous leg ulcer care. putting the patient at the heart of leg ulcer care. Part 2: Development and evaluation of the consultation template. Community Wound Care. June 2018.
Green, J., Bliss, J. & Lawrence, S. (2018). What a great opportunity. British Journal of Community Nursing. 23(6):213-213
Green, J. & Wood, P. (2018). Collected stories: being cared for at home. The Journal of Academic Development and Education. Keele University. August 2018.
Green, J. (2018). What a difference a year makes: the impact of the District Nursing Specialist Practice programme. British Journal of Community Nursing.23 (9), 449-452.
Green, J., Corcoran, P., Green, L. & Read, S. (2018). A quality of life wound checklist: the patient voice in wound care. WoundsUK. 14 (4), 26-30.
Green, J. (2018). Animated film highlights the work of district nurses. Primary Health Care. 28 (6), 3.
Bliss, J., Green, J. & Lawrence, S. (2019). District nurse apprenticeship standard - next steps for district nursing. British Journal of Community Nursing, Vol 24, No 5.
Green, J. (2019). Do we overlook the patient while caring for their wound? Journal of General Practice Nursing. Vol 5, No 2.
Green, J. & Jester, R. (2019). Challenges to concordance: Theories that explain variations in patient responses. British Journal of Community Nursing. 24.10.466
Boast, G., Green, J., Chambers, R. & Calderwood, R. (2019). Improving the assessment and management of lower limb wounds in General Practice in Staffordshire. Journal of Community Nursing. 33 (5), 34-38.
Boast, G., Green, J., Chambers, R. & Calderwood, R. (2019). Improving the assessment and management of lower limb wounds in General Practice in Staffordshire. Journal of General Practice Nursing. 5 (4), 32-38.
Hughes, G. & Green, J. (2019). Factors that impact compression hosiery concordance post healing. WoundsUK 15 (5), 24-31.
Mountford, W., Harrison Dening, K. & Green, J. (2020). Advance care planning and decision-making in dementia care: a Review. Nursing Older People. doi:10.7748/nop.2020.e1238. Available online July 2020.
Read, S., Reeves, C., Green, J. & Harrison Dening, K. (2020). The Admiral Nurse role in UK hospice care: A satisfaction survey evaluation to explore carer experiences. Advances in Geriatric Medicine and Research. 2 (1). Available online:
Underwood, S., Green, J., Walton, R., Hackett, K., Pegg, M. & Armstrong, C. (2019). Evaluating the impact of a coaching pilot on students and staff. British Journal of Nursing. 28 (21), 1394-1398.
Green, J. (2020). COVID-19: a lasting impact on District and Community Nursing Teams? Royal College of Nursing blog
Green, J. (2020). Adapting to a new normal: Community Care. RCN Bulletin. Issue 387, May 2020, p.14.
Green, J., Doyle, C., Hayes, S., Newnham,W., Hill, S. Zeller, I., Graffin,M. & Goddard,G. (2020). Covid-19 and district and community nursing. British Journal of Community Nursing. 25 (5): 213.
Green, J. (2020). District and community nursing - ‘still doing what we do’ throughout the pandemic. Royal College of Nursing blog
Green, J., Doyle, C., Hayes, S., Newnham,W., Hill, S. Zeller, I., Graffin,M. & Goddard,G. (2020). District and community nursing - ‘still doing what we do’ throughout the pandemic. British Journal of Community Nursing (Vol 25, No 8, 2-3)
Green, J., Boast, G., Calderwood, R. & Chambers, R. (2020). Optimising the assessment and management of lower limbs in general practice. Primary Health Care.
Green, J. (2020). Editorial: Capitalising on the astonishing work of district and community nurses during Covid-19. Primary Health Care. (posted online 23/7/2020:
Green, J. (2020). Editorial: Decolonising wound care teaching. British Journal of Community Nursing. 25, 9, 421.
Green, J., Lawrence, S., Bliss, J. (2020). Editorial: Why the district nurse title is under threat - and what you need to do about it. Primary Health Care. 30, 6, 5-5.
Bliss, J., Green, J. Lawrence, S. (2020). Editorial: Nursing and Midwifery Council’s post-registration standards review: implications for district nursing. British Journal of Community Nursing. 25 (12), 2.
Green, J. (2021). District nursing services: survey reveals ‘relentless’ pressures. (March 2021):
Green, J. (2021). The needs of District Nursing. National Health Executive
Green, J. (2021). A deep-dive review of community nursing reinvestment is essential. Primary Health Care. 31, 4, 5. doi: 10.7748/phc.31.4.5.s1
Green, J. (2022). ‘The rewards of a career in nursing are endless.’ The Sentinel. May 11th 2022.
Green, J. (2023). ‘These times will pass – and nursing will be valued again....’ The Sentinel. February 17th 2023.
Mustaf, N., Mumvuri, J., Walsh, P., Lonsdale, P., Green, J. (2023). Are you feeling stressed? Looking after the mental health of health students: Resources to raise self-awareness and signpost health students to sources of self help and support. Science Talks. Volume 3, May 2023, 100169.
Green, J. (2023). So, what’s next……..a PhD? Blog for the Queen’s Nursing Institute
Logan, S; Green, J; Hider, S. & Ryan, S. (2024). The information required by people with Inflammatory Arthritis to take Methotrexate: A mixed-methods systematic review. Rheumatology.