About This Course
module code:(NHS-4373)
This is a part-time, level 7 postgraduate short course delivered online.
Who is this course for?
This short course will be suitable to those working with people that may not share the same culture or language. The course will discuss how best to ensure that a person’s identity and culture are understood and respected at times of crisis and care. This CPD course would be useful for Nurses, Allied Health professionals and Social Care practitioners
Why study this course?
In an increasingly diverse society, this module is an opportunity to improve your understanding of culturally sensitive care.
This short course will use the Welsh language as a case study. It explores the notions of an ‘Active Offer’, ensuring compassion and dignity through the lens of language and cultural sensitivity.
We will also identify how various techniques and methods equip students to work effectively with people with dementia and family carers in a culturally sensitive manner
How long does this course take to complete?
This module runs part-time over 12 weeks, usually during the 2nd semester of the academic year, and consists of 10 study days on campus or online. The dates for the 2023/24 academic year are:
- 23 April 2024
- 7 May 2024
- 14 May 2024
- 21 May 2024
- 28 May 2024
- 04 June 2024
- 11 June 2024
- 18 June 2024
- 2 July 2024
- 9 July 2024
Catrin Hedd Jones

Dr Catrin Hedd Jones is a Chartered Psychologist and has been a lecturer in Dementia Studies at Bangor University since 2016.
She has worked as a researcher on several projects including the role of impact of taking part in the Arts for people living with dementia, post diagnosis support and Intergenerational practice.
Catrin co-leads work on research development at the Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research (CADR), a collaboration between Bangor, Aberystwyth and Swansea Universities and is a member of INTERDEM, an European group of researchers looking to improve the care of people living with dementia.
Her work has also involved training for Care Inspectors and Care Practitioners across Wales and commissioned work for the Welsh Parliament.
Course Content
What will you study on this course?
This is a part-time, level 7 short course delivered on our Bangor campus.
This course will be recorded live, and we therefore welcome applicants who wish to enrol on a distance learning basis.
This short course will provide an opportunity to evaluate the current provision of culturally sensitive and inclusive care practices for people living with dementia.
During the course, we will hear from experts by experience to increase our understanding of Culturally Sensitive Dementia Care. This module will introduce an intersectional lens on ensuring dignity and compassion for people which are in the minority of society these include Language and Sexuality. Case studies of using the arts, religion and the Active Offer of care that respects the persons needs will be introduced.
What will you study on this course?
In a society that is increasingly diverse this module is an opportunity to improve your understanding of culturally sensitive care.
This short course will use the Welsh language as a case study. It explores the notions of an ‘Active Offer’, ensuring compassion and dignity through the lens of language and cultural sensitivity.
We will also identify how various techniques and methods equip students to work effectively with people with dementia and family carers in a culturally sensitive manner.
What will attendees get out of the course?
At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
- Critically analyse issues of dignity, choice and compassion in the process of engaging with people with dementia and/or their carers.
- Critically analyse theoretical models and differing perspectives of dementia to inform an independent evaluation of how to improve the current provision.
- Evaluate the unique experiences, problems and needs of people affected by dementia from a minority group.
- Synthesise dementia care approaches to critically appraise sensitive interactions with people living with dementia.
Course Cost
- Enquiries regarding Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) funding should be directed to bcu.nurseeducation@wales.nhs.uk.
- Funding opportunities may be available for those working locally (i.e. in the north Wales and Powys areas), please contact the relevant module co-ordinator for details.
- All other application and funding related enquiries should be directed to the module co-ordinator .
Please see our Postgraduate Fees and Finance page for further information.
Entry Requirements
Applicants will require a 2:1 or higher, in an undergraduate degree related to the subject area, from a recognised Higher Education Institution.
If you do not meet the academic requirements detailed above but have at least 3 years relevant work experience and have evidence of recent study or professional development (to demonstrate an ability to study at level 7) we may consider your application.
Please contact the course lead Dr Catrin Hedd Jones (c.h.jones@bangor.ac.uk) to discuss further.
How to Apply
Please make sure you read and follow the step-by-step application guide as this will specify which sections of the application form are compulsory for the type of course you want to apply for and save you time.
Please prepare the following information (in a Word document):
- Current employment details;
- Years of experience, and employment history (where relevant)
- Name of staff member and organisation that have approved your funding for this module.
This will speed up the process of completing the application form.
To apply for this course, you need to create an account in our APPLICANT PORTAL
You will need access to the email address you specify while creating your account to confirm it.
Step 2 - Application Tabs (Personal, Info, Contact)
After creating an account, you will see a homepage with several tabs:
- Personal
- Programme
- Info
- Contact
- Education
- Employment
- Language
- Finance
You need to complete all sections before submitting your application.
When a section is complete, a ‘tick’ symbol will appear below it
- Click on ‘Non-graduating applications / Stand alone Modules’, then select ‘Non-graduating Postgraduate Taught’.
- In the next section, select Non-Graduating Taught Modules in Health(NGGT/HEALTH) Click Save and Continue.
- On the next page, the default for the first question is Full Time. You need to change this to ‘Part time’:
- You now need to input the module code. Culturally Sensitive Dementia Care: the code is NHS:4373. This section must be completed for your application to be processed.
- You also need to state the start date. Please make your selection, then click ‘Save and Continue’.
- IMPORTANT: You do not need to write a personal statement to apply for this course. Instead, please upload the document including employment, experience and education information that you have created prior to starting the application that contains the name of your current employer, the number of years of experience you have, and your highest qualification to date. Click Save and continue.
You only need to enter the details of your highest qualification to date, e.g. if you have a postgraduate qualification, please only only include this.
You will be asked for evidence of the qualification. Please either upload a copy of your qualification if it's easily accessible, or upload the Word document again (that you prepared earlier).
(details not required as you've already prepared this Please scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ‘I have no employment history’ (as you have already provided this in your Word document).
If you are HEIW / Health Board funded, please answer the questions as follows:
- How will you finance your studies? Sponsored
- Exact name of funding authority: Health Board
- Country: United Kingdom
- Give details of the amount of the award? Fully funded.
- Sponsorship will cover: Tuition Fees
- Have you been awarded this funding? Please select ‘yes’ * Note that you will be required to upload evidence of the funding. If you wish to confirm ‘yes’ to this question, but do not have any written confirmation to upload, you can upload your Word document here again.
If you are self-funding, please provide all details as appropriate.