Welcome to Human Resources
The departmental mission of Human Resources is to support the University in the accomplishment of its strategic business objectives by providing a high quality, continuously improving and comprehensive service to clients.
The Human Resources Department have adopted the University’s dynamic working practices. Staff are present on campus, in Bryn Afon, on varying working days and also working from home. We would encourage that should you have any query or request for information that you continue to send these electronically. To assist you in directing your queries to the most appropriate team member please see the page titled ‘Staff Contacts and Office Location’.
Should colleagues wish to meet with a representative from HR in person, then this must be arranged in advance. HR staff are similarly available for meetings/discussions over TEAMS.
Thank you for your continued understanding and co-operation.
Bangor University awarded Athena Swan Silver in recognition of gender equality work
Bangor University has been successful in achieving an Athena Swan Institution-level Silver Award. The University is only the second University in Wales to have achieved Silver, with fewer than 40 Universities UK-wide having progressed to Silver. Full details here.
HR and Payroll processing time-scales
A document has been developed which sets out and further define the monthly deadline in terms of HR and Payroll processing and the steps Academic Colleges and Schools, and Professional Services Directorates must complete to action a payroll change. If you therefore have responsibilities in this area, please take a few minutes to read this document.
New iTrent HR/payroll system update
We hope that colleagues are now familiarising themselves with I Trent and have begun to use the functionality system. As a brief reminder, this is what I Trent is currently being used for.
- All annual leave.
- All sickness absence episodes.
- Travel and Subsistence claims.
- Flexible Working requests, and all forms of family friendly leave (such as Maternity, Paternity, Adoption and so forth).
- All contractual changes submitted on behalf of staff members, for example any change in hours, extension of contracts.
- Recruitment into non-advertised roles, for example short-term appointments, named researchers, part-time lecturing staff.
A host of material has been developed to support colleagues on their journey in using i Trent. These range from FAQ’s, detailed user guides, to video’s providing an overview of the different functionality listed above. These can be accessed via this web page and these are regularly being updated to address queries that are received.
In addition to providing these resources that colleagues can access at their own pace and time, we also appreciate that at times there is no substitute for face-to-face interaction and providing hands-on support. With that in mind, a number of drop-in sessions are arranged, where colleagues can attend to ask questions, and receive the support required. The dates, times and location of those sessions are noted here.
From October 2023 onwards payslips will no longer be e-mailed out. These will be posted to the Employee Self-Service portal (ESS) and again, the web pages highlighted above will outline how they can be accessed.
This is only the first step towards utilising iTrent, and more functionalities will be rolled out in due course (for example, recruitment – iTrent being the system by which applicants can apply for vacancies, record training and development activity).
Further updates and details on how iTrent will transform HR processes will be shared in upcoming staff bulletins.
Covid-19 reporting requirements
Colleagues will be aware that since March 2020 the University has had in place a process by which staff and students have been asked to report positive cases of Covid-19.
Covid-19 legislation has now been repealed, and as such, there is no longer a requirement for this central reporting to take place. The University however retains its duty to manage and mitigate risks in the workplace and we ask colleagues to be mindful of their possible impact on other people and not to come on campus or mix with others if they suspect they have Covid-19 or any other communicable disease. Although the central reporting of being Covid-19 positive is no longer a requirement, we would ask colleagues to follow normal sickness absence reporting procedures, and communicate with their Line Manger / Supervisor, in accordance with the Sickness Absence Policy and Procedure.
Further information can be found at
Staff Privacy Notice
Click here to view Bangor University’s Staff Privacy Notice.