Mr Jack Atkin-Willoughby
Feel free to reach out regarding any queries or potential collaborations to
My academic studies began with an undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Bristol. After graduating in 2018, I left the UK to live in western Canada for a number of years. During this time, I worked in several roles in the British Columbian rainforests, first as a surveyor, then tree planter, and finally as a grizzly bear guide and naturalist.
Returning to the U.K., my experience in the Canadian forests led me to undertake an MSc in Environmental Forestry from Bangor University (graduation 2022). After rediscovering my appreciation for forest research as a postgraduate student, I was accepted to the Envision doctoral training program, where my research focuses around improving our understanding of forest response to a changing climate, with my thesis titled ‘Restoring for a resilient future, restoration trajectories in the face of multiple stressors’.
- PhD: Restoring for a resilient future, woodland restoration trajectories in the face of multiple stressors'
2026 - MSc: Environmental Forestry
2022 - BSc: Biological Sciences
University of Bristol, 2018
- CyhoeddwydMicroclimate drives shelter-seeking behaviour in lambing ewes
Atkin-Willoughby, J., Hollick, S., Pritchard, C., Williams, P., Davies, P., Jones, D. & Smith, A., 12 Rhag 2022, Yn: Forests. 13, 12, t. 2133
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Grantiau a Projectau Eraill
Corecipient of the NERC Discovery Science Grant (£20,000) for the project 'Looking through a superlens at the impact of ozone on tree seed germination, establishment and mycorrhization'.