My research focuses on the role and representation of infrastructure in nineteenth-century writing. In particular, I'm interested in the relationship between discourses of development and nineteenth-century ideas about education and national development. In the past, my research has concentrated on the significance of communication media and technology in Victorian literature. I have further research interests in the cultural history of sexual knowledge, in literary constructions of privacy from the Romantic period to the present, and in contemporary responses to and reinventions of the Victorian period. I would be pleased to supervise postgraduate research related to any of these subjects.
I hold an MA (Hons) in English and French (2011) and a PhD in Victorian Literature (2015) from the University of St Andrews. I joined Bangor University in 2016 as a lecturer in nineteenth-century British literature, having previously taught at St Andrews and for the Scottish Universities' International Summer School based at Edinburgh University.
Gwybodaeth Cyswllt
My research and teaching focus on nineteenth-century literature, with particular emphasis on the relationships between literary culture and media, technologies, and infrastructures of communication.
Email: k.koehler@bangor.ac.uk
Phone: (0124838)2113
Location: Room 303, New Arts Building, College Road, Bangor University, LL57 2DG
I welcome PhD proposals in the following subject areas: Victorian literature and culture; Neo-Victorian literature; letters in literature and epistolary writing; media, networks, and technologies of communication in literature; infrastructure and literature; the life and work of Thomas Hardy.
Addysgu ac Arolygiaeth
I would welcome PhD proposals in the following subject areas: Victorian literature and culture; Neo-Victorian literature; letters in literature and epistolary writing; media, networks, and technologies of communication in literature; infrastructure and literature; the life and work of Thomas Hardy. If you are a prospective doctoral researcher and not sure whether your project fits my expertise, please don't hesitate to contact me to discuss your proposal.
Diddordebau Ymchwil
I'm currently the principal editor of a four-volume source book on nineteenth-century communication culture, forthcoming with Routledge in 2025. Nineteenth-Century Communications: A Documentary History, 1780-1918 seeks to help researchers navigate the overwhelming wealth of materials related to the development of communications and their political, economic, social, and cultural impacts. This research is supported by the British Academy and the Leverhulme Trust with a small grant.
I also recently co-edited, alongside Dr Gregory Tate (St Andrews University) a special issue of the journal 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth-Century on 'Nineteenth-Century Literary Languages'. The issue will appear early in 2025 and represents the culmination of the AHRC-funded research network Victorian Literary Languages.
I am working on a book on the way in which nineteenth-century popular verse cultures responded to - and helped to shape - the experience of living in a networked world.
Building on my interest in communications, my research also explores the infrastructures (especially roads and bridges) that underpinned the increasingly faster transmission of messages. In particular, I have been working on the cultural reception in Welsh and English of the two bridges over the Menai. This research forms the beginning of a new project that takes a four nations approach to exploring the connections between the nineteenth-century bildungsroman and other discourses of development.
My first monograph, Thomas Hardy and Victorian Communication, was published by Palgrave in 2016. Related research on epistolary elements of novels and stories by Charlotte Brontë, Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Gaskell, Thomas Hardy, and Anthony Trollope has been published in Brontë Studies, Victorian Literature and Culture and Victorian Review, as well as in edited collections.
I have also written on the ways in which the plots and narrative form of literary texts refract changing attitudes toward sexual knowledge during the Victorian period. An essay about the significance of handwriting in Victorian fiction, periodicals, and graphology manuals has appeared in an edited collection about Judgement in the Victorian Age.
Cyfleoedd Project Ôl-radd
’Rydwyf yn fodlon goruchwylio cwrs PhD
- Wedi ei Dderbyn / Yn y wasgIntroduction: Nineteenth-Century Literary Languages
Koehler, K., 28 Ion 2025, (Wedi ei Dderbyn / Yn y wasg) Yn: 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century. 37
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - CyhoeddwydNineteenth-Century Communications: A Documentary History
Koehler, K., McIlvenna, K., Hopkins, E., Kirkby, N., Smith, E. & Thompson, H., 25 Medi 2025, Routledge.
Allbwn ymchwil: Llyfr/Adroddiad › Llyfr
- Cyhoeddwyd‘Dreaming of Infrastructure on Egdon Heath: Infrastructure and Development in Thomas Hardy’s The Return of the Native’
Koehler, K., 2 Medi 2023.
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadledd › Papur › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - Cyhoeddwyd‘“I was not know for sure what be the Queen, Evan; was you?”’: Fictions of Development in Amy Dillwyn’s The Rebecca Rioter (1880)
Koehler, K., 8 Tach 2023, Yn: 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century.
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd'"[L]etters must increase": Reading and Writing the Post Office as a Literary Institution'
Koehler, K., Gorff 2022, Institutions of Literature, 1700-1900: The Development of Literary Culture and Production. Mee, J. & Sangster, M. (gol.). Cambridge University Press, t. 234-254 21 t.
Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion Cynhadledd › Pennod › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - Cyhoeddwyd‘Poetry, Language and National Identity in the North Wales Newspaper Press, c.1820-1855’
Koehler, K., Mai 2022.
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadledd › Papur › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- CyhoeddwydA Tale of Two Bridges: The Poetry and Politics of Infrastructure in Nineteenth-Century Wales
Koehler, K., Hyd 2021, Yn: Journal of Victorian Culture. 26, 4, t. 499-518
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- CyhoeddwydLate-Victorian Polemics about Sexual Knowledge in Thomas Hardy and Sarah Grand
Koehler, K., Ion 2020, Yn: English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920. 63, 2, t. 211-233
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- CyhoeddwydThomas Hardy: Annotated Bibliography
Koehler, K., 26 Meh 2019, Oxford Bibliographies.
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyhoeddiad arbenigol › Erthygl
- CyhoeddwydImmaterial Correspondence: Letters, Bodies, and Desire in Charlotte Brontë’s Villette
Koehler, K., Maw 2018, Yn: Brontë Studies. 43, 2, t. 136-146
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - CyhoeddwydJudging by the Hand: Handwriting and Character in Victorian Literary Culture
Koehler, K., 1 Rhag 2018, Victorian Judgement. Gregory, J. R., Bautz, A. & Grey, D. (gol.). Routledge
Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion Cynhadledd › Pennod › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- CyhoeddwydValentines and the Victorian Imagination: Mary Barton and Far from the Madding Crowd
Koehler, K., Meh 2017, Yn: Victorian Literature and Culture. 45, 2, t. 395-412
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd"Imaginative Sentiment": Love, Letters, and Literacy in Thomas Hardy’s Shorter Fiction
Koehler, K., 9 Tach 2016, Thomas Hardy's Short Stories: New Perspectives. Berning Schaefer, J. & Craft Brownson, S. (gol.). 1st gol. Abingdon: Routledge, t. 84-102 (The Nineteenth Century Series).
Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion Cynhadledd › Pennod › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - CyhoeddwydThomas Hardy and Victorian Communication: Letters, Telegrams, and Postal Systems
Koehler, K., 6 Meh 2016, London: Palgrave Macmillan. 236 t.
Allbwn ymchwil: Llyfr/Adroddiad › Llyfr › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd"Essentially separated in spite of all uniting factors": Thomas Hardy and the Community of Letter Writers
Koehler, K., Maw 2015, Yn: Victorian Review. 41, 1, t. 125-142 18 t.
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - Cyhoeddwyd'A husband without suspicions does not intercept his wife's letters': Letters, Privacy and Gender in the Victorian Novel
Koehler, K., 31 Awst 2015, Private and Public Voices: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Letters and Letter-Writing. Koehler, K. & McDonald-Miranda, K. (gol.). Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, t. 155-182 27 t.
Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion Cynhadledd › Pennod - CyhoeddwydPrivate and Public Voices: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Letters and Letter-Writing
Koehler, K. (Golygydd) & McDonald-Miranda, K. (Golygydd), 31 Awst 2015, Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press. 255 t.
Allbwn ymchwil: Llyfr/Adroddiad › Llyfr
- Victorian Literary Languages Workshop 3: Mobility and Communication
Bilingual workshop as part of AHRC-funded research network Victorian Literary Languages.
12 Ion 2023 – 13 Ion 2023
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn gweithdy, seminar, cwrs Academaidd (Trefnydd)
- Victorian Literary Languages: Workshop 2 - Education and Literacy
25 Awst 2022 – 26 Awst 2022
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn gweithdy, seminar, cwrs Academaidd (Trefnydd) - Victorian Literary Languages: Workshop 1 - Grammar and Philology
26 Mai 2022 – 27 Mai 2022
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn gweithdy, seminar, cwrs Academaidd (Trefnydd)
- ‘“‘I was not know for sure what be the Queen, Evan; was you?’: Infrastructure and the Fiction of Development in Amy Dillwyn’s The Rebecca Rioter (1880)”
3 Rhag 2020
Gweithgaredd: Sgwrs wadd (Siaradwr)
- Interview with Aled Hughes on Radio Cymru
An interview about new research into poetry and other writing about the bridges across the Menai.
19 Tach 2019
Gweithgaredd: Mathau o waith ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd a gwaith maes - Erthygl neu gyfranogiad yn y cyfryngau (Cyfrannwr) - 'Cables and Bridges: Connecting Wales in the Nineteenth Century'
A talk as part of a series of lectures offered by the university to coincide with the first installment of the Winter Light event.
16 Tach 2019
Gweithgaredd: Mathau o waith ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd a gwaith maes - Darlith/trafodaeth/seminar gyhoeddus (Cyfrannwr) - Dear Memory...
Public workshop exploring the ways in which poetry can change our understanding of the relationship between place and memory.
14 Tach 2019
Gweithgaredd: Mathau o waith ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd a gwaith maes - Darlith/trafodaeth/seminar gyhoeddus (Cyfrannwr) - 'A Tale of Two Bridges: Dreaming of Infrastructure in Victorian Literature'
Lecture given as part of the Shankland Library Lecture series at Bangor University.
6 Tach 2019
Gweithgaredd: Sgwrs wadd (Siaradwr) - 'not even knowledge takes all strangeness from the world': Knowing the Past in Sarah Perry's The Essex Serpent
28 Awst 2019
Gweithgaredd: Cyflwyniad llafar (Siaradwr) - Interview on BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour
Short interview, alongside actor Isabella Nefar, about Howard Brenton's play Jude (Hampstead Theatre), loosely based on Thomas Hardy's novel Jude the Obscure.
9 Mai 2019
Gweithgaredd: Mathau o waith ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd a gwaith maes - Erthygl neu gyfranogiad yn y cyfryngau (Cyfrannwr) - Writing about Illness and Well-being in the Nineteenth Century
One-day workshop for twenty KS4 students from the South West, organised in collaboration with Dr Catherine Charlwood (St Anne's College Oxford) and Mr Andrew Hewitt (Hull University), designed to support pupils' engagement with and understanding of nineteenth-century non-fiction and their interest in Thomas Hardy. The workshop was funded by the European Research Council-funded project 'Diseases of Modern Life', based at Oxford University, and supported by the Thomas Hardy Society.
7 Mai 2019
Gweithgaredd: Mathau o waith ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd a gwaith maes - Ymgysylltu ag ysgolion (Trefnydd) - The Mayor of Casterbridge at AS-Level: A Workshop
Invited workshop for AS-level students at Ysgol Syr Hugh Owen, Caernarfon.
3 Mai 2019
Gweithgaredd: Mathau o waith ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd a gwaith maes - Ymgysylltu ag ysgolion (Siaradwr) - Welsh Crucible
Mai 2019 – Gorff 2019
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn gweithdy, seminar, cwrs Academaidd (Cyfranogwr) - Engaging Students in Nineteenth-Century Prose
The free workshop introduced resources designed to support the teaching and study of nineteenth-century non-fiction. It also explored strategies for using these resources and for drawing on Hardy Country heritage in the teaching of nineteenth-century non-fiction. A subsequent event for pupils, designed to support their engagement with nineteenth-century non-fiction, took place on 7 May 2019.
12 Ebr 2019
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn gweithdy, seminar, cwrs Academaidd (Trefnydd)
- Thomas Hardy Journal (Cyfnodolyn)
23 Gorff 2018 – 1 Gorff 2021
Gweithgaredd: Gweithgarwch golygyddol (Golygydd) - 23rd International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival
'Alike and Unlike: Revisiting Boscastle and Great Orme's Head'
19 Gorff 2018
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn cynhadledd Academaidd (Siaradwr) - Correspondence and Community
Organisation of, and participation in, an international, interdisciplinary colloquium, featuring fourteen speakers from eight countries.
5 Gorff 2018
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn cynhadledd Academaidd (Trefnydd)
- Thomas Hardy and Sex Education
A lecture delivered at the Dorset County Museum as part of the 2017 Thomas Hardy Public Lecture Series, co-organised by the University of Exeter, the National Trust, and Hardy Country.
26 Hyd 2017
Gweithgaredd: Mathau o waith ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd a gwaith maes - Darlith/trafodaeth/seminar gyhoeddus (Siaradwr) - Mayers Fellowship
Two-month fellowship (£6,000) for research in the Huntington Library. The award enabled me to conduct primary and secondary research toward my current monograph project on Victorian Poetry and Epistolary Aesthetics.
Meh 2017 – Awst 2017
Gweithgaredd: Math o ddyfarniad - Cymrodoriaeth a roddwyd ar sail cystadleuaeth (Derbynnydd) - Woodlanders Study Day
'Poor Marty's Only Card': Re-reading Marty South
22 Ebr 2017
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn cynhadledd Academaidd (Siaradwr) - Thomas Hardy Journal (Cyfnodolyn)
Peer-reviewing and editorial decisions.
Ebr 2017 →
Gweithgaredd: Gweithgarwch golygyddol (Aelod o fwrdd golygyddol)
- British Association for Victorian Studies 2016
Paper Title: Consuming Old Selves: Re-Reading Letters in Victorian Poetry
1 Medi 2016
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn cynhadledd Academaidd (Siaradwr) - 'A Modern Wessex of the Penny Post: Thomas Hardy's Postal Imagination'; Keynote Lecture at the 22nd International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival
29 Gorff 2016
Gweithgaredd: Mathau o waith ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd a gwaith maes - Darlith/trafodaeth/seminar gyhoeddus (Darlithydd) - The 22nd International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival
29 Gorff 2016
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn cynhadledd Academaidd (Prif siaradwr/siaradwr mewn sesiwn lawn) - The Body and Pseudoscience in the Long Nineteenth Century
Paper Title: ‘Large quantities of vinegar’: Nutrition Science and/in Victorian Culture
18 Meh 2016
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn cynhadledd Academaidd (Siaradwr) - All Things Victorian
19 Maw 2016
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn cynhadledd Academaidd (Siaradwr)
- Victorian Network (Cyfnodolyn)
2015 →
Gweithgaredd: Adolygu cyhoeddiadau cymheiriaid (Adolygydd cymheiriaid)
17/05/2021 – 19/06/2023 (Wedi gorffen)
Nineteenth-Century Communications: A Documentary History, 1780-1918
31/08/2020 – 15/06/2024 (Wedi gorffen)
Epistolary Aesthetics and Victorian Poetry
01/06/2017 – 31/08/2017 (Wedi gorffen)