Human and Behavioural Sciences Modules
These are the modules offered in this school in the 2024–25 academic year. You can also view the module lists for the years: 2025–26.
Level 0 Modules
Level 1 Modules
- JXC-1053: Egwyddorion Cryfder a Chyflyru (10)
- JXC-1054: Ffisioleg Dynol (20)
- JXC-1055: Sylfeini Seicoleg Chwaraeon ac (20)
- JXC-1058: Teaching Gymnastics & Athletic (10)
- JXC-1059: Pedagogeg ar gyfer AG (10)
- JXC-1060: Sgiliau Chwaraeon Padlo Ymarfe (10)
- JXH-1002: Research Methods 2 (10)
- JXH-1003: Research Methods 1 (10)
- JXH-1054: Human Physiology (20)
- JXH-1055: Found Sport/Exercise Psycholog (20)
- JXH-1056: Talent Identification & Dev (10)
- JXH-1058: Teaching Gymnastics & Athletic (10)
- JXH-1059: Pedagogy for PE (10)
- JXH-1060: Practical Paddlesport skills (10)
- JXH-1061: Land-based Skills & Group Man (10)
- JXH-1062: Work Placement (2 weeks) (15)
- JXH-1064: Professional Life Skills (20)
- JXH-1065: Appl Biomechanics & Anatomy (20)
- MED-1002: Medical School Prior Learning (120)
- PCC-1002: Cyflwyniad i Ymchwil (20 credy (20)
- PCC-1004: Datblygu sgiliau ymchwil (20)
- PCC-1006: Datblygu sgiliau ymchwil (10)
- PCC-1007: Cyflwyniad i Ymchwil (10)
- PCC-1008: Sgiliau Academaidd Dwyieithog (10)
- PCC-1009: Sgiliau Academaidd Dwyieith II (10)
- PPP-0003: Foundation Year Project (40)
- PPP-1002: Stress & Distress (10)
- PPP-1003: Scientific Writing & Comm I (10)
- PPP-1005: Brain & Mind (10)
- PPP-1006: Scientific Writing & Comm II (10)
- PPP-1009: Language and its Disorders (10)
- PPP-1010: Applied Psychology (10)
- PRP-1001: Research Methods I (20)
- PRP-1002: Research Methods II (20)
- PSP-1002: Criminal Psychology (10)
- PSP-1003: Influence (10)
Level 2 Modules
- JXC-2055: Ffisioleg Chwaraeon ac Ymarfer (20)
- JXC-2060: Paratoi i Hyfforddi ac Addysgu (10)
- JXC-2061: Pedagogeg Uwch ar gyfer Addysg (10)
- JXC-2063: Gwaith rhaff ac arwein uwch (10)
- JXH-2004: RPL Level 5 Outdoor Recreation (120)
- JXH-2052: Nutrition for Perf & Health (20)
- JXH-2053: Sport Psychology/Theory/Applic (10)
- JXH-2054: Psychophysiology of Sport/Exer (10)
- JXH-2055: Sport & Ex Phys (20)
- JXH-2056: Exercise Psychology (10)
- JXH-2057: Skill Aquisition (10)
- JXH-2059: Research Expedition (20)
- JXH-2060: Preparing to Coach & Teach (10)
- JXH-2061: Advanced Pedagogy for PE (10)
- JXH-2062: Paddlesport Coaching & Leader (10)
- JXH-2063: Advanced rope work & leader (10)
- JXH-2067: Work Experience Year (30)
- JXH-2068: Skill Aquisition (20)
- JXH-2069: Sport Psych/Theory/Applic (20)
- MED-2001: Medical School Prior Learning (120)
- PCC-2001: Dulliau Ymchwil III (20)
- PCC-2002: Dulliau Ymchwil IV (20)
- PCC-2007: Seicoleg Gymdeithasol (10)
- PCC-2011: Seicoleg Datblygol (10)
- PPP-2010: Social Psychology (10)
- PPP-2011: Developmental Psychology (10)
- PPP-2012: Cognitive Psychology (10)
- PPP-2013: Biological Psychology (10)
- PPP-2014: Personality & Indiv Diffs (10)
- PPP-2015: Behavioural Psychology (10)
- PPP-2016: Aspects of Clinical Psychology (10)
- PPP-2017: Concepts in Psychology (10)
- PRP-2001: Research Methods III (20)
- PRP-2002: Research Methods IV (20)
Level 3 Modules
- JXC-3033: Ymchwil mewn Sgiliau Seicolego (10)
- JXC-3042: Straen a Pherfformiad (20)
- JXC-3049: Cryfder a chyflyru uwch (20)
- JXC-3052: Llythreneddcorfforol (20)
- JXC-3054: Traethawd (40)
- JXC-3070: Prosiect Ymchwil (40)
- JXC-3071: Traethawd Hir (40)
- JXC-3090: Gwyddor Chwaraeon Cymhwysol o (20)
- JXH-3031: Stress & Performance (10)
- JXH-3040: Personality & Individual Diff (20)
- JXH-3041: Environmental Physiology (20)
- JXH-3042: Stress and Performance (20)
- JXH-3043: Exercise for Health (20)
- JXH-3046: Talent Identification & Dev (20)
- JXH-3049: Advanced S&C (20)
- JXH-3050: Skill Acquisition (10)
- JXH-3052: PhysicalLiteracy (20)
- JXH-3054: Dissertation (40)
- JXH-3058: Research Skills for Medics (20)
- JXH-3060: International Placement (15)
- JXH-3061: International Experience (30)
- JXH-3070: Research Project (40)
- JXH-3071: Dissertation (40)
- JXH-3072: Physiological Assessment Skill (10)
- JXH-3074: Stress and Performance (10)
- JXH-3077: Personality & Individual Diff (10)
- JXH-3079: Issue in Strength&Conditioning (10)
- JXH-3080: Period, Prog, Monitor:Theory (10)
- JXH-3084: Adventure Tourism (10)
- JXH-3085: Outdoor Adventure Therapy (10)
- JXH-3089: Psychophysiology of Sport and (20)
- JXH-3090: App SS Elite Perf (20)
- PCC-3000: Prosiect (w CLH) (40)
- PCC-3001: Prosiect (40)
- PCC-3003: Prosiect (w Neuro) (40)
- PCC-3005: Prosiect Fforensig (40)
- PCC-3008: Plant Teuluoedd A'r Gymdeithas (20)
- PCC-3009: Niwroestheteg: (20)
- PCP-3004: Cognitive Neuroscience (20)
- PCP-3008: The Neuroscience of Hearing (20)
- PCP-3009: Control of Mental Processes (20)
- PCP-3010: Consumer Psychology: Theory (20)
- PHP-3000: Project (Psych w CLH Psych) (40)
- PHP-3006: Topics in Illness & Disability (20)
- PHP-3008: Counselling Skills (20)
- PHP-3011: The Body in the Mind (20)
- PHP-3301: Introduction to CBT (20)
- PLP-3001: Applied Behaviour Analysis (20)
- PLP-3005: Disorders of Literacy (20)
- PMP-3001: Mindfulness (20)
- PNP-3000: Project (Psych w Neuropsych) (40)
- PPP-3001: Project (Single Honours Psych) (40)
- PPP-3002: Stress Anxiety, and Health (20)
- PPP-3003: Brain Develop & Degeneration (20)
- PPP-3004: Born to Run: Achieve your Goal (20)
- PPP-3009: Neuroaesthetics (20)
- PPP-3011: Work Experience Year (30)
- PPP-3015: Psychophysiology of Eating (20)
- PPP-3021: Work Placement (two weeks) (15)
- PSP-3000: Project (Psych w Forensic) (40)
- PSP-3001: Forensic Psychology (20)
- PSP-3004: The Social Brain (20)
Level 4 Modules
- JXH-4101: Performing Under Pressure (10)
- JXH-4102: Understanding Personality (10)
- JXH-4103: Psychological skills training (10)
- JXH-4104: Individual Perf Psychology (10)
- JXH-4105: Accelerating Expertise (10)
- JXH-4106: Psych of Team Performance (10)
- JXH-4209: Advanced Research Skills (20)
- JXH-4210: Dissertation Proposal (20)
- JXH-4211: Research Project Proposal (20)
- JXH-4213: Talent Development (10)
- JXH-4214: The Coaching Dyad (10)
- JXH-4316: Research Project (60)
- JXH-4317: Dissertation (60)
- JXH-4400: Adv Sport&Exercise Physiology (20)
- JXH-4401: Performance Physiology (20)
- JXH-4402: App Int SHES (20)
- JXH-4403: Advanced Research Skills (20)
- JXH-4405: Research Project Proposal (20)
- JXH-4406: Dissertation Proposal (20)
- JXH-4407: Nutrition for Sport/Exer. Perf (10)
- JXH-4408: Exercise is Medicine (20)
- JXH-4409: Exercise Psychology (20)
- JXH-4410: Performance Psychology (20)
- JXH-4411: Coach/Athlete Relationships (10)
- JXH-4412: Research Project (60)
- JXH-4413: Dissertation (60)
- JXH-4414: Psych of Injury&Rehabilitation (10)
- JXH-4415: Sports Injury Rehabilitation (10)
- JXH-4416: Nutrition for Rehabilitation (10)
- JXH-4417: International Exp Placement (120)
- JXH-4902: Master Research Project (60)
- JXH-4905: Research Project (MRES) (120)
- JXH-4906: Presentation in Statistics (10)
- JXH-4907: Peer Review Scientific Journal (10)
- PHB-4000: Research Project (120)
- PHP-4014: CBT for Anxiety (20)
- PHP-4017: CBT Portfolio Certificate (15)
- PHP-4018: CBT Fundamentals (25)
- PHP-4020: CBT Essay (20)
- PHP-4200: Theories and Principles of DBT (30)
- PHP-4201: Clinical Applications of DBT (30)
- PHP-4202: Adv. Clinical Skills in DBT (20)
- PHP-4331: Clinical Applications in DBT (30)
- PHP-4332: Adv. Clinical Skills in DBT (20)
- PHP-4333: Theories and Principles in DBT (30)
- PLP-4021: P of Learning & Beh Change I (20)
- PMP-4001: Mindfulness - Foundation (30)
- PMP-4002: Mindfulness-Teaching 1 (30)
- PMP-4003: Teaching 2 (30)
- PMP-4004: Research (30)
- PMP-4006: MSc Mindfulness Thesis (60)
- PMP-4007: Thesis - MA (60)
- PMP-4008: Buddhist Background (30)
- PMP-4014: Mindfulness & the Brain (30)
- PMP-4015: Mindfulness & DBT (20)
- PMP-4016: Mind.TeachersProf.Pathway MTPP (15)
- PMP-4018: Mindfulness Teaching Project (60)
- PMP-4019: Mindfulness & DBT (20)
- PPC-4001: Research Skills (10)
- PPC-4002: Approaches and Therapies 1 (20)
- PPC-4003: Counselling Skills (10)
- PPC-4004: Therapeutic Process and Contex (20)
- PPC-4005: Research Methods & Statistics (10)
- PPC-4006: Approaches and Therapies 2 (20)
- PPC-4007: Advanced Counselling Skills (10)
- PPC-4008: Mental Health and Wellbeing (20)
- PPC-4009: Research and Counselling Pract (60)
- PPC-4010: Research and Prof Practice (60)
- PPC-4011: Intro Counselling CYP (20)
- PPC-4012: Adv Counselling CYP (20)
- PPP-4003: Clinical Neuropsychology 2 (20)
- PPP-4005: Methods in Cog & Brain Res (20)
- PPP-4007: Professional Skills in Psych (20)
- PPP-4008: Methods in Lang & Bilingualism (20)
- PPP-4009: Behavioural Neurology (20)
- PPP-4010: Clinical Neuropsychology 1 (20)
- PPP-4012: Practical Programming (20)
- PPP-4013: Theoretical Models in Clin Psy (20)
- PPP-4014: Top in Child Health and Wellbe (20)
- PPP-4020: Global Early Childhood (20)
- PPP-4021: Intro Neuroimaging Analysis (10)
- PPP-4022: Introduction to Neuroimaging (10)
- PPP-4023: Adv. Neuroimaging Concepts (10)
- PPP-4024: Adv. Neuroimaging Analysis (10)
- PPP-4027: Learning and Rehabilitation (20)
- PPT-4001: Teaching Human Sci in HE P1 (10)
- PPT-4002: Teaching Human Sci in HE P2 (10)
- PPT-4003: Teach Human Sci in HE Portfoli (10)
- PRP-4013: Research Rotation (20)
- PRP-4014: Advanced Research Methods (20)
- PRP-4015: Research Methods Skills (20)
- PRP-4018: Dissertation MSci (40)
- PRP-4020: MA Dissertation (60)
- PRP-4025: Research Project (60)