Module BSX-2037:
Spain Field Course
Biology Field Course to Spain 2023-24
School of Environmental & Natural Sciences
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Kristen Crandell
The module is a 1-week fieldcourse to southern Spain, and includes excursions to a variety of habitats in the region (typically Donana National Park, and the area around Tarifa and Gibraltar). Students are given initial guidance on habitats, key species and observational methods and are expected to make detailed note of environments and organisms, building towards a comprehensive field notebook based on the principle of treating species identification as a scientific hypothesis, showing the stages of development of the improving ID. Additional opportunities include learning about conservation issues and behavioural patterns such as annual migration of birds between Africa and Europe.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold --D Threshold: Can record observations in a reasonably clear and systematic fashion and has some grasp of the practical issues relating to collection and presentation of data/observations. Considerable inconsistencies in note-taking remain. Exhibits some knowledge of habitats and biota visited and the relevant conservation/ management issues, although this may be very incomplete and contain significant errors. Presents findings largely accurately and clearly. Able to identify many organisms at least to the level of major group, and demonstrates some grasp of the ID process as a scientific hypothesis test
-good --B Can record observations clearly and systematically, with a grasp of the practical issues relating to collection and presentation of data/observations, and few major omissions. Exhibits strong knowledge of habitats and biota visited. Shows awareness their ecological, biogeographical and environmental context. Able to identify a majority of organisms to the appropriate level (usually species), and demonstrates use of a range of data in reaching ID conclusions. Presents findings accurately and with flair, clarity and originality
-excellent -- A Can record observations thoroughly, systematically and clearly, without significant omissions, taking trouble to find out details of identification to fine taxonomic level or to uncover theories of the function and evolution of the behaviour observed. Clear evidence of original, unguided observations. Exhibits clear awareness of the ecological, biogeographical or environmental context of observations. Presents findings accurately and succinctly with clarity, imagination, originality and strongly-developed aesthetic sense. Able to identify many organisms, clearly demonstrating how IDs have been arrived at, and showing awareness of uncertainties and potential pitfalls.
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate identification skills and knowledge relating to fauna of visited regions.
- Demonstrate the ability to make detailed, thorough and original field observations and to record and present them systematically.
- Demonstrate the skills necessary for self-managed and lifelong learning (undertaking directed reading, time management, working to a deadline)
Assessment method
Assessment type
Due date
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Field Notebook - to be handed in during the trip.