Modules for course C61P | BSC/ASSP
BSc Adventure Sport Science with Placement Year
Year 1 Modules
JXH-1054 Human Physiology
(Full Term)
JXH-1055 Foundations Sports/Exercise
(Full Term)
JXH-1052 Professional Life Skills
(Semester 1)
JXH-1050 or PCC-1006 AND PCC-1007
The student must take a maximum of
20 credits from the modules in JXH-1050 or PCC-1006 AND
JXH-1050 Scientific Enquiry
(Full Term)
PCC-1007 Cyflwyniad i Ymchwil
(Semester 1)
PCC-1006 Datblygu sgiliau ymchwil
(Semester 2)
Optional modules Choose one of the following 10 credit
JXH-1057 Appl Biomechanics & Anatomy
(Semester 1)
JXH-1056 Talent Identification & Dev
(Semester 2)
JXH-1053 Principles of Strength & Condi
(Semester 2)
JXH-1051 OR PCC-1008 and PCC1009
The student must take 20 credits.
Either the English module JXH1051 OR both PCC1008 and
PCC1009, the Welsh equivalents.
JXH-1051 Academic Skills
(Full Term)
PCC-1008 Sgiliau Academaidd Dwyieithog
(Semester 1)
PCC-1009 Sgiliau Academaidd Dwyieith II
(Semester 2)
Year 2 Modules
Compulsory Modules
credits from:
- Academic Year 2
- JXH-2055: Sport & Ex Phys (20) (Semester 1)
- JXH-2059: Research Expedition (20) (Semester 2)
- JXH-2062: Paddlesport Coaching & Leader (10) (Semester 1 + 2)
- JXH-2063: Advanced rope work & leader (10) (Semester 1 + 2)
- JXH-2069: Sport Psych/Theory/Applic (20) (Semester 1)
20 to credits from:
- PCC-2002: Dulliau Ymchwil IV (20) (Semester 2) or
PRP-2002: Research Methods IV (20) (Semester 2) - PRP-2002: Research Methods IV (20) (Semester 2) or
PCC-2002: Dulliau Ymchwil IV (20) (Semester 2)
20 to credits from:
- PCC-2001: Dulliau Ymchwil III (20) (Semester 1) or
PRP-2001: Research Methods III (20) (Semester 1) - PRP-2001: Research Methods III (20) (Semester 1) or
PCC-2001: Dulliau Ymchwil III (20) (Semester 1)
Year 3 Modules
Compulsory Modules
credits from:
- Year 3
- JXH-3041: Environmental Physiology (20) (Semester 2)
- JXH-3084: Adventure Tourism (10) (Semester 1) Core
- JXH-3085: Outdoor Adventure Therapy (10) (Semester 2) Core
40 to credits from:
- JXH-3070: Research Project (40) (Semester 1 + 2)
- JXH-3071: Dissertation (40) (Semester 1 + 2)
Optional Modules
50 to 0 credits from:
- PPP-3015: Psychophysiology of Eating (20) (Semester 2)
- JXH-3040: Personality & Individual Diff (20) (Semester 1)
- JXH-3042: Stress and Performance (20) (Semester 1)
- JXH-3043: Exercise for Health (20) (Semester 1)
- JXH-3044: Applied Psychological Interven (20) (Semester 1)
- JXH-3049: Advanced S&C (20) (Semester 2)
- JXH-3089: Psychophysiology of Sport and (20) (Semester 2)
- JXH-3090: App SS Elite Perf (20) (Semester 1 + 2)