Module HPS-3006:
School of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences BA Dissertation 2024-25
Ysgol Hanes, y Gyfraith a Gwyddorau Cymdeithas
Modiwl - Semester 1 a 2
40 credits
Module Organiser:
Lowri Ann Rees
The dissertation will set the chosen research in its broader context e.g. scholarly literature, historiography, methodological and theoretical framework, archaeological/geographical framework. It will set research questions and a structure will be worked out. It will describe and analyse the chosen topic using a range of relevant secondary and primary sources/date. The project will be written up in an ordered and academic manner.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Threshold students (D- and D) will have done only a minimum of research, and their work will demonstrate weaknesses in most of the following criteria:Research: The dissertation shows evidence of an acceptable minimum of research and reading, but this is based largely on general secondary literature with insufficient use of specialized studies and primary sources/data.Content: The use of primary sources/data will be thin, tangential, or inappropriately chosen and so fail to support the argument put forward in the dissertation. Argument: The dissertation deploys potentially relevant material, but fails to structure it coherently or sustain a clear and perceptible argument. The argument is set in context in only a limited way.Analysis: The dissertation occasionally shows limited ability to deploy evidence to back some individual points, but often fails to do so; or shows difficulty weighing (for instance by choosing unreliable, atypical or inappropriate evidence or authorities). The dissertation may show some awareness of differing scholarly interpretations, but the differences will not receive sustained discussion or analysis.Presentation: The dissertation is in part correctly presented but there are serious difficulties in presentation, writing style, grammar or paragraph construction. The dissertation may be short weight.Scholarly apparatus: The dissertation often uses references and bibliography where needed, but sometimes misunderstands their appropriate use; or makes serious mistakes in their presentation.
-good -Good students (B- to B+) will demonstrate a solid level of achievement and depth of knowledge in all the criteria:Research: The dissertation shows clear evidence of wide-ranging and relevant reading and research, including use of primary sources/data and secondary literature.Content: The dissertation will have an identifiable and well-focused primary source base /body of data and the candidate will make intelligent use of this primary material.Argument: The dissertation advances a coherent, relevant and well-structured argument which is placed in its broader context.Analysis: The dissertation consistently employs evidence to back its points and demonstrates a clear understanding of different interpretations and awareness of scholarly debates.Presentation: The dissertation is well written and correctly presented.Scholarly apparatus: The dissertation contains appropriate references and bibliography
-excellent -Excellent students (A- and above) will show strong achievement across all the criteria combined with an element of originality:Research: The dissertation shows clear evidence of wide-ranging, relevant and in-depth reading and research, including extensive use of primary sources and secondary literatureContent: The dissertation clearly derives from a well-defined and identifiable primary source base/body of data which informs the argument at every stage.Argument: The dissertation advances a coherent, relevant, sustained, and well-structured argument and is well placed in its broader context. The research informs the argument at every stage, and the student will demonstrate insight and some sophistication in source criticism.Analysis: The dissertation consistently employs evidence to back its points and demonstrates a clear, sophisticated and detailed understanding of different interpretations and awareness and understanding of academic debates and conceptual approaches.Presentation: The dissertation is well written in a scholarly way and is correctly presented.Scholarly apparatus: The dissertation contains a high standard of references and bibliography.
-another level-Students in this band (C- to C+) will demonstrate a satisfactory range of achievement in most of the criteria:Research: The dissertation shows evidence of solid reading but shows insufficient evidence of in-depth research, e.g. use of primary sources, journal articles and specialist monographs.Content: The dissertation will have an identifiable primary source base/body of data but the material may be employed descriptively or serve simply as illustration.Argument: The dissertation advances a coherent and sometimes relevant argument, but there may be weaknesses in structure, relevance and logicality. There are weaknesses in placing the argument sufficiently in context.Analysis: The dissertation employs evidence to back its points, but sometimes fails to do so or fails to deploy a sufficient range of evidence to demonstrate the strength of its case. The dissertation shows an awareness of different interpretations, but may fail to get to the heart of the central scholarly debate; or may fail fully to understand a key point of controversy. These failures may extend to a lack of sufficiently detailed evidence, or to failure to discuss important subtleties or ambiguities in the evidence, or to a lack of awareness of the current state of academic debate.Presentation: The dissertation is reasonably well written and presented, but contains some mistakes.Scholarly apparatus: The dissertation contains appropriate references and bibliography, but these may be slightly erratic and/or partially insufficient.
Learning Outcomes
- Construct an argument and analyse the evidence/data in a relevant manner.
- Design and manage an independent research project.
- Evaluate and set the evidence/data in a broader context.
- Identify and develop an appropriate research question.
- Master how to gather and synthesise relevant debates in secondary literature for their project.
- Master how to gather primary research material for their project.
- Organise the dissertation and write at a sustained length.
- Present the project (including any illustrations, diagrams etc.) in a scholarly, professional manner
Assessment method
Assessment type
Dissertation Progress Report
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
BA Dissertation
Due date