Module HXC-1006:
Cymru yn y Byd Modern
Cymru yn y Byd Modern 2023-24
School Of History, Law And Social Sciences
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Lowri Ann Rees
On this module you will be exploring Wales's interaction with England, Scotland and Ireland, as well as broader European and American influences, from the eighteenth-century up to the present day. It begins by examining how changes related to the French Revolution, industrialization and romanticism laid the foundations of modern Wales: from the growth of a 'national' political consciousness, to the proliferation of coal-mining communities and the 'invention' of cultural institutions such as the National Eisteddfod of Wales. Sex, crime and sins take centre-stage in modern Welsh history, and this module moves beyond traditional and common stereotypes of Welshness, arguing that the nineteenth-century image of a pious, religious, chapel-going populace is often misplaced. You will similarly look at how English v Welsh tensions have shaped a wide array of issues: from rural uprisings and Welsh language protests, to the two world wars, the skirmishes over devolution, as well as events on the rugby field. Political history will form a core part of this module, and you will study the Liberal, Labour and Conservative parties in Wales, along with the role of Plaid Cymru and a multitude of 'nationalists'. It includes case studies of individuals who straddled the Welsh and British political scenes, such as Lloyd George, Aneurin Bevan and Gwynfor Evans. By using unique collections in the Bangor University Archives, and materials such as oral history interviews, music, films and blogs, this module will expand your understanding of modern British history, and provide you with a thought-provoking understanding of Wales and its recent past.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Ffiniol (D- ac is) Bydd myfyriwr ffiniol (yng ngwaelodion y 40au) yn dangos gwybodaeth sylfaenol o rannau o'r maes perthnasol o leiaf, a bydd yn gallu llunio dadl sydd o leiaf yn rhannol lwyddiannus yn cydnabod y gwahaniaethau yn y ffyrdd y deholnglir hanes.
-good -Da (B- hyd at B+) Bydd y myfyriwr da (yn y 60au) yn arddangos camp sicr ym mhob un o'r nodweddion a nodir yn y paragraff uchod.
-excellent -(A- ac uwch) ArdderchogBydd y myfyriwr ardderchog (70au ac uwch) yn arddangos camp sicr ym mhob un o'r nodweddion ynghyd â gwybodaeth arbennig o sylweddol yn ogystal / neu a dadansoddiad cywrain.
Learning Outcomes
- Cyflwyno dadleuon hanesyddol a’u hategu â thystiolaeth.
- Dangos meistrolaeth dros sgiliau astudio sylfaenol, yn arbennig y gallu i ddilyn cwrs o waith darllen, gwneud nodiadau effeithiol a manteisio oddi wrth drafodaethau seminar;
- Dangos ymwybyddiaeth bod hanes yn medru cael ei ddehongli mewn gwahanol ffyrdd;
- Dealltwriaeth o rai o’r prif ddigwyddiadau, cysyniadau a phroblemau yn hanes Cymru fodern;
Assessment method
Assessment type
Dewiswch UN mudiad/grŵp protest NEU sefydliad NEU blaid wleidyddol rydych chi'n teimlo sydd wedi gwneud cyfraniad hollbwysig i Gymru yn y cyfnod modern, a lluniwch ddadl yn egluro pam rydych chi'n teimlo bod eich pwnc dewisol yn hanesyddol bwysig i ddeall gorffennol Cymru.
Due date
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
Arholiad 2 awr