Module JXH-4405:
Research Project Proposal
Research Project Proposal 2024-25
School Of Human And Behavioural Sciences
Module - Semester 1 & 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Tommie Du Preez
This module provides the opportunity to work closely with, and be supported by, an expert member of staff on a one-to-one or small group basis to help develop your ideas. You will be supported to advance your understanding of the current knowledge base in an area of interest to you, as well as your problem-solving, writing and presentation skills in preparation to be able to articulate ideas effectively to relevant parties e.g. practitioners, academics.
Learning Outcomes
- Critically appraise ideas and empirical findings in order to formulate research hypotheses that address a chosen research question.
- Demonstrate a range of communication skills appropriate to the outcomes of postgraduate study, including the production of a verbal proposal presentation and written proposal.
- Develop and propose an appropriate methodological approach in line with your research question.
- Provide evidence of a critical and analytical approach to how scientific data might be collected, organised and interpreted.