Module NAE-2901:
Developing as a nurse (Adult D
Developing as a nurse Adult Distance 2024-25
School of Health Sciences
Module - Semester 1
30 credits
Module Organiser:
Iola Roberts
• Emotional kindness. • Understanding of the individual’s lived experience and their vulnerability with complex health needs, risk issues and management, and safeguarding across the lifespan. • Application of an individual person-centred perspective. • Holistic person-centred review of disease processes (e.g. cardiovascular disease, dementia, diabetes, depression) - mental, physical, social, language, cultural and spiritual. • Promoting empowerment for health and well-being - to find support, information and representation and for shared decision making for co-production in care. • Broader perspective on health, social care and support (e.g. third sector, social prescribing) and understanding of the broader context of care - structural and socio-economic determinants within, and surrounding, care settings and the impact on the public health and health promotion agenda. • Importance of communication, cultural and language sensitivity, teamwork and the nurse as the advocate. Fundamentals of care: e.g. diet, nutrition, fluid • balance. • Role of the nurse in promoting and maintaining global health; contribution to Millennium goals (WHO) across the lifespan. • Feasibility, development, implementation, de-implementation and evaluation of new and emerging nursing roles and services through awareness of political influences, finance and resources in business cases for change. • Hygiene, preventive medicine and health education (to meet NMC EU Directive for general nurses). • Nursing: nature and ethics of the profession, general principles of health and nursing (to meet NMC EU Directive for general nurses). • Nursing principles in relation to: general and specialist medicine and surgery; child care and paediatrics; maternity care; mental health and psychiatry; care of the old and geriatrics (to meet NMC EU Directive for general nurses).
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Threshold - Grades: D- to D+ Understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed. Students will be required to achieve a minimum of D- grade in the assignment to in order to pass.
-good -Good - Grades: C- to C+ Good understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed. Very Good Grades: B- to B+ A very good understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed
-excellent -Excellent - Grades: A- to A* Excellent understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed.
Learning Outcomes
- 1. Debate a range of contemporary issues in adult nursing within the current health context
- 2. Demonstrate knowledge of pathophysiology relevant to adult nursing
- 3. Apply evidence of care management to person-centred care in the adult nursing context
- 4. Formulate a person centred care plan within the field of adult nursing
Assessment method
Assessment type
2000 word reflection or a 20 minute presentation
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
1000 word care plan.
Due date