Module NCA-2001:
Developing as a nurse (Ch)
Developing as a Nurse (Child) 2024-25
School Of Medical And Health Sciences
Module - Semester 2
30 credits
Module Organiser:
Glain Jones
Emotional kindness. • Understanding of the child and family’s lived experience and their vulnerability with complex health needs, risk issues and management, and safeguarding across the lifespan. Factors which influence normal development. e.g. maternal and perinatal influences, the importance of play. • Application of an individual person-centred perspective. Holistic person-centred review of disease processes (e.g. cerebal palsy, diabetes,) - mental, physical, social, language, cultural and spiritual. • Promoting empowerment for health and well-being - the role of the CYP nurse to find support, information and representation and for shared decision making for co-production in care. • Broader perspective on health, social care and support (e.g. third sector, social prescribing) and understanding of the broader context of care - structural and socio-economic determinants within, and surrounding, care settings and the impact on the public health and health promotion agenda. • Importance of communication, cultural and language sensitivity, teamwork and the CYP nurse as the advocate. Fundamentals of care: diet, nutrition, fluid • balance. • Role of the CYP nurse in promoting and maintaining global health; contribution to Millennium goals (WHO) across the lifespan. • Feasibility, development, implementation, de-implementation and evaluation of new and emerging nursing roles and services through awareness of political influences, finance and resources in business cases for change.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Grades: D- to D+ Understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed. Students will be required to achieve a minimum of D- grade in the assignment to in order to pass.
-good -Grades Good: C- to C+ Good understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed. Very Good Grades: B- to B+ A very good understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed
-excellent -Grades: A- to A* Excellent understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed.
Learning Outcomes
- Apply knowledge of best evidence to care management in child/ young person and family centred care
- Debate a range of contemporary issues in children and young people's nursing within the health and social care context
- Demonstrate knowledge of pathophysiology in the developing infant, child and young person
- Develop a child/ young person and family centred care plan
Assessment method
Assessment type
1000 word care plan relevant to children & young people care plan,
Due date
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
2000 word reflection or 20 minute presentation on a specific aspect within the care plan
Due date