Module NEC-3001:
Coaching and Supervising-S1
Coaching and Supervising-S1 2023-24
School Of Medical And Health Sciences
Module - Semester 1 & 2
30 credits
Module Organiser:
Vicky Barnett
Bydd yr asesiad yn asesu’n grynodol y deilliannau dysgu a geir yn y disgrifiad o’r modiwl. Cyfeiriwch at yr adran ar gynnwys y modiwl yn y llawlyfr myfyrwyr.
Pennir tiwtor goruchwylio ar eich cyfer o fewn pythefnos ar ôl i chi gofrestru ar y modiwl. Cyfeiriwch at y Llawlyfr Asesu.
Fformat a Chyflwyniad
Cyfeiriwch at y canllawiau cyffredinol ar aseiniadau yn y Llawlyfr Asesu, a fydd o gymorth i chi i gynhyrchu’r aseiniad yma. Dylai cyfeiriadau a llyfryddiaeth gael eu rhestru yn unol â chanllawiau a geir yn y llawlyfr ar asesu.
Coaching and supervision of others, models/theories, what practice supervision is and how it relates to coaching and learning in the health professions • Feedback and feed forward techniques for use in clinical practice. • Resilience – explore the relationship in clinical practice • Diverse learning environments & cultural factors that influence learning/teaching theories, styles of learning, supporting learners with learning differences. Managing learning opportunities, assessment, feedback and evaluation • Evaluation of own professional and ethical practice • Concept of autonomy, accountability and standards of practice • Individual reflection and team reflection to learn from critical incidents and near misses; supporting team members • Duty of candour • Principles of teaching (to meet NMC EU Directive for general nurses)
Bydd yr asesiad yn asesu’n grynodol y deilliannau dysgu a geir yn y disgrifiad o’r modiwl. Cyfeiriwch at yr adran ar gynnwys y modiwl yn y llawlyfr myfyrwyr.
Pennir tiwtor goruchwylio ar eich cyfer o fewn pythefnos ar ôl i chi gofrestru ar y modiwl. Cyfeiriwch at y Llawlyfr Asesu.
Fformat a Chyflwyniad
Cyfeiriwch at y canllawiau cyffredinol ar aseiniadau yn y Llawlyfr Asesu, a fydd o gymorth i chi i gynhyrchu’r aseiniad yma. Dylai cyfeiriadau a llyfryddiaeth gael eu rhestru yn unol â chanllawiau a geir yn y llawlyfr ar asesu.
Coaching and supervision of others, models/theories, what practice supervision is and how it relates to coaching and learning in the health professions • Feedback and feed forward techniques for use in clinical practice. • Resilience – explore the relationship in clinical practice • Diverse learning environments & cultural factors that influence learning/teaching theories, styles of learning, supporting learners with learning differences. Managing learning opportunities, assessment, feedback and evaluation • Evaluation of own professional and ethical practice • Concept of autonomy, accountability and standards of practice • Individual reflection and team reflection to learn from critical incidents and near misses; supporting team members • Duty of candour • Principles of teaching (to meet NMC EU Directive for general nurses)
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Threshold - Grades: D- to D+ Understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed. Students will be required to achieve a minimum of D- grade in the assignment to in order to pass.
-good -Good - Grades: C- to C+ Good understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed. Very Good Grades: B- to B+ A very good understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed
-excellent -Excellent - Grades: A- to A* Excellent understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed.
Learning Outcomes
- Critically apply a range of theoretical approaches to the supervision, coaching, and teaching of others to ensure the optimal standard of care is achieved by providing constructive feedback.
- Critically reflect upon accountability in practice
- Develop, deliver and critically evaluate teaching and learning activities
- Participate in and critically apply evidence based interventions in leading and co-ordinating the supervision of others
Assessment method
Assessment type
Reflection on teaching and learning
Due date
Assessment method
Clinical Practical Assessment
Assessment type
Due date