Module NMC-3003:
Nursing Practice Year 3
Nursing Practice Year 3 2023-24
School Of Medical And Health Sciences
Module - Semester 1
15 credits
Module Organiser:
Keith Jones
The outcome statements from Future Nurse Standards (2018), together with annexes A and B will be used to structure the course content. Approaches to leadership and management of nursing care; as applied to a group of people demonstrating appropriate prioritisation, delegation and assignment of care responsibilities to others involved in providing care (5.5) Understanding self as leader able to guide, support and motivate individuals and interact confidently with other members of the care team (5.6) Evidence based approaches to evaluation and monitoring the quality of care delivered by others in the team and lay carers (5.7) Approaches to supporting and supervising students in the delivery of nursing care, promoting reflection and providing constructive feedback, and evaluating and documenting their performance (5.8) Leading team based reflection to promote improvements in practice and services (5.10) Approaches to learning from near misses, critical incidents, major incidents and serious adverse events as a learning organisation and influencing future practice (6.8) Principles and theories of effective leadership, management, group and organisational dynamics and culture and how these can be applied to team working and decision making (5.1) including roles, responsibilities and scope of practice of all members of the nursing and interdisciplinary team and how to make best use of the contributions of others involved in providing care (5.4). Human factors, environmental factors and strength based approaches to team working (5.2) Understand the role of self in performance management of others (5.3) Influencing organisational change and public policy, nurses as policy influencers (5.12) Wales Safe Staffing Act, the impact of safe staffing levels, appropriate skills mix, safety and quality of care, recognising risks to public protection and quality of care, escalating concerns appropriately (6.2). The theory and policy related to generation of prescriptions, the role of generic, unlicensed, and off-label prescribing and an understanding of the potential risks associated with these approaches to prescribing (Standard 4.15) Application of knowledge of pharmacology to the care of people, demonstrating the ability to progress to a prescribing qualification following registration (Standard 4.16) Discharge planning and management of safe discharge home or transfer of people between care settings (Standard 4.17) Nursing in relation to: general and specialist medicine and surgery, child care and paediatrics, maternity care, mental health and psychiatry, care of the old and geriatrics, home nursing; Principles of administration (to meet NMC EU Directive for general nurses).
Learning Outcomes
- Articulate and justify decision making in delivering evidence based informed care healthcare practices in all situations
- Devise, develop, deliver and critically evaluate a range of teaching and learning activities for people receiving care, carers or other students, or other health and social care professionals in the practice learning environment.
- Lead, support and evaluate the work of the nursing and wider team.
- Plan, organise and co-ordinate the care of a group of service users and liaise with the professional team to prioritise and delegate effectively.
Assessment method
Assessment type
clinical hours achieved
Due date
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
Drug calculations Online Safe medicate exam. Programme requirement that students achieve a pass mark of 100% at level 6
Due date
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Reflective account Students should use a recognised framework to structure a reflection on practice experience with a focus on self as leader. 1000 words
Due date