Module NMW-1021:
Women & Society HC recipients
Women and society as health care recipients 2024-25
School of Health Sciences
Module - Semester 1 & 2
30 credits
Module Organiser:
Sian Roberts
This module will include but is not is not limited to;
Introduction to the Public Health role of the midwife
Health Promotion and Health Education
Maternal Health – a global perspective
Introduction to reports and data on local, national, and international prevalence and risk for midwifery and maternity care. This will include an introduction to the Lancet series framework for quality maternal and newborn health and reports from the WHO and UNICEF
Social determinants of health and well being
Introduction to the Social Model of care
Birth of a profession – journey to Future Midwife standards
Promoting physiological childbirth
Law & Ethics in midwifery practice
Socially excluded Groups
Introduction to safeguarding
BAWSO – supporting women from vulnerable groups
Flying Start – care for marginalised groups
Place of birth
Solihull approach
Mindful & spiritual practice – EPICC session
Reflective practitioner
Introduction to the Public Health role of the midwife
Health Promotion and Health Education
Maternal Health – a global perspective
Introduction to reports and data on local, national, and international prevalence and risk for midwifery and maternity care. This will include an introduction to the Lancet series framework for quality maternal and newborn health and reports from the WHO and UNICEF
Social determinants of health and well being
Introduction to the Social Model of care
Birth of a profession – journey to Future Midwife standards
Promoting physiological childbirth
Law & Ethics in midwifery practice
Socially excluded Groups
Introduction to safeguarding
BAWSO – supporting women from vulnerable groups
Flying Start – care for marginalised groups
Place of birth
Solihull approach
Mindful & spiritual practice – EPICC session
Reflective practitioner
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Grades D- to D+ Work displays satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed, reflecting a satsifactory level ofbackground study. Presentation, communication and are satisfactory. A grade of D- is required to pass assessements.
-good -Very good, Grades B- to B+ Work displays very good knowledge and understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed, reflecting a good level ofbackground study. The work is focussed, well structured and logically presented. The work is presented to a very good standard with goodcommunication and minimal factual or computational errors.Good, Grades C- to C+ Work displays good knowledge and understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed, reflecting a good level ofbackground study. The work is focussed, mostly structured and overall, logically presented. The work is presented to a good standard with goodcommunication but with some factual or computational errors.
-excellent -Grade A- to A* Work displays excellent comprehensive knowledge and detailed understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and the outcomes being assessed, reflecting extensivebackground study. The work is highly focussed, well structured, logically presented . The work is presented to a high standard with accuratecommunication and no factual or computational errors.
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate awareness and knowledge of the importance of optimising normal physiological processes to promote positive outcomes.
- Demonstrate understanding of how meeting physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual needs links to the provision of safe and effective midwifery care for health care recipients.
- Discuss the public health role of the midwife in providing person centred, respectful midwifery care.
- Identify and reflect upon how continuity of carer impacts on choices and experiences of women and society as health care recipients.
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
Poster presentation on Continuity of carer and social determinants of health.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
The role of the midwife and its relation to the Lancet Series Framework.
Due date