Module OSX-4001:
Marine Fisheries
Marine Fisheries 2024-25
Ysgol Gwyddorau Eigion
Modiwl - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Ian McCarthy
The course will provide (a) a broad overview of fisheries biology and (b) detailed training in the techniques used in the assessment of finfish population dynamics. In a series of fisheries lectures the following topics will be covered: the current status of global marine finfish fisheries will be discussed; bivalve, gastropod/echinoderm, cephalopod, crustacean and finfish fisheries will be reviewed; the effects of fishing activities on benthos will be reviewed; understanding sustainability in fisheries systems will be discussed. Students will produce an info-fact sheet communicating information from the FAO SOFIA report to a wider non-specialist audience (topic to be selected by the student) (5 credits). In a series of fish ecology lectures, students will be introduced to the lifecycles of marine fishes and given a detailed review of how to assess the population dynamics of finfish species: areas to be included are how to estimate abundance, how to age finfish and how to calculate growth rates, mortality rates and maturity ogives. The importance of all of these measurements in developing management models for exploited fish species will be discussed. As part of this course, there will be laboratory practicals where fish will be dissected and aged. Students will learn about the morphology and ecology of pelagic and demersal fishes, learn dissecting skills and be trained in collection of data that can be used to assess the population dynamics of fishes. The knowledge obtained from these lectures and practicals, together with the student's own self-study will be used to compile a detailed report (15 credits) on the population dynamics of plaice in the form of a scientific manuscript.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -(C) Rudimentary report containing the very basics of what was done, but missing detail and with only the simplest analysis. Design and layout of report acceptable.The “info-sheet” will be poorly designed (e.g. too many words, use of jargon, lack of photos and infographics) and will not convey information in a clear and concise fashion making it difficult for the reader to easily and quickly understand the topic. The fact sheet will not be of a good enough standard to be published and used for public education by agencies such as Wildlife Trusts or other Conservation NGOS, Cefas or Fisheries authorities. -good -(B) Report sufficiently introduced and referenced and containing the important details of material and method, with tabulated and/or graphical presentation of data obtained and a concise but sufficient analysis of the data. Short but pertinent discussion with a few papers referred to. Design and layout of report reasonable. The “info-sheet” will be adequately designed but not presenting the information in an optimal convey information in a clear and concise fashion. The fact sheet will not be of a good enough standard to be published and used for public education by agencies such as Wildlife Trusts or other Conservation NGOS, Cefas or Fisheries authorities but would be so after further modification/editing. -excellent -(A) Outstanding report having a concise introduction covering all relevant aspects of the study and giving full references. Materials and methods fully and succinctly described, data well presented in tabular and/or graphical format, data fully analysed using the correct analytical methods for all data sets. Discussion focused, critical and concise, covering all aspects of the study, and fully referenced. Design and layout of report exceptional.The “info-sheet” will clearly and concisely convey a comprehensive summary of a fisheries topic and should be of a standard that would be good enough to be published and used for public education by agencies such as Wildlife Trusts or other Conservation NGOS, Cefas or Fisheries authorities.
Learning Outcomes
- Ability of handle and analyse data, collate information from various published sources and to communicate this information in the format of an info-factsheet or an interpretive report.
- Key dissection and laboratory skills to collect accurate data on size, sex, maturity status, and age of finfish species
- Knowledge of the anatomy and morphology of pelagic and demersal finfish and how this relates to the ecology of the species.
- On completion of the module students will be able to demonstrate:
Knowledge of the different fisheries resources, exploited by man and their current status.
- Understanding and knowledge of the population dynamics of finfish species.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Fisheries info fact sheet - Clear communication of complex information is very important. This assignment will allow you to summarise scientific information about a key issue related to fisheries production in a visual and accessible format to inform the general public. You will produce an info-fact sheet summarising information from the latest FAO SOFIA report.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Population dynamics of major finfish species - For this assignment you will write a report on the population biology of plaice. You will analyse a large data set and present your findings in the style of a formatted manuscript for a journal, to communicate your findings to a scientific audience.
Due date