Module QXL-0001:
Intro to English Lit & Lang
Intro to English Literature and Language 2023-24
School of Arts, Culture And Language
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Briony Collins
This module introduces Level 3 students to key aspects of the disciplines of English Language and Literature, including Creative Writing. Students will encounter lectures from across each discipline in order to give them a sense of the breadth of each discipline, in order hopefully to whet their appetite for more. This might include: literature from different genres (e.g. dystopian literature, gothic literature, detective fiction); from different periods (e.g. medieval, Early Modern, Romantic, Victorian, modern and contemporary); from different places (e.g. Welsh writing in English, English literature, Irish literature); creative writing in different genres (e.g. poetry, prose, non-fiction). From English language, topics might include: discourse analysis, syntax, morphology, phonetics, phonology, language development and disorders, linguistics in the classroom.
Weekly topics:
Introduction to studying English literature
Exploring English Literature I
Exploring English Literature II
Exploring English Literature III
Exploring Creative Writing I
Exploring Creative Writing II
Introduction to studying the English language
Exploring the English Language I
Exploring the English Language II
Exploring the English Language III
Module review
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -For English Lit/CW AssessmentsUnsure and lacking in confidence when discussing ideas •Referring to the subject in question in a superficial manner •Making an effort to provide fairly balanced answers •Some points in the argument irrelevant to the topic •Little evidence of background reading •Some uncertainty over language and syntax •Strengths and weaknesses fairly balanced; occasionally clumsy and unimaginative •In creative work: superficial •Not succeeding in mastering the requirements of the mediumFor English Language AssessmentsThreshold D: Student has achieved the minimum acceptable standard of understanding and/or knowledge in all the learning outcomes. Student can demonstrate a minimum level of understanding of the basic concepts and be able to apply them to data with some degree of accuracy.
-good -English Lit/CW AssessmentTypically, work graded B- to B+ (or 60 to 69) will show many of the following qualities: •Discusses ideas adeptly •Most of the arguments about a specific field are well-aired •Displays knowledge of the subject in question; the answer is relevant •Shows analytical and clear thought •Gives evidence of relevant reading •Shows accuracy in expression with mastery over language. •A few minor errors here and there. •Signs of creative thought deserve a higher position within the class •In creative work: shows signs of originality, having understood the requirements of the medium •Plans of well-balanced and full answers, despite some gapsEnglish Language AssessmentGood B: Student has achieved a better-than-average standard of understanding and/or knowledge in all learning outcomes, and has a clear and accurate understanding of concepts; ability to apply concepts to data critically and thoughtfully; evidence of wide reading and clear and accurate reference to source materials; free from misunderstanding and errors of content; free from irrelevant material.
-excellent -English Literature/CW AssessmentTypically, work graded A- to A (or 70 to 100) will show many of the following qualities: •Discusses ideas with confidence and precision •Demonstrates maturity and sophistication •Displays deep knowledge of the subject in question; the answer is totally relevant •Shows independent, analytical and clear thought •Gives evidence of substantial and relevant reading •Shows great accuracy in expression, displaying total mastery over all aspects of the language •Shows occasional signs of brilliance and originality of thought •In creative work: displays considerable originality •Command over medium; may have potential for publication/productionEnglish Language Assessment**A:Student has achieved a thorough standard of understanding and/or knowledge in all learning outcomes; or student has demonstrated an exceptional level of achievement in one or more learning outcomes together with a good overall standard: student has achieved a thorough understanding of the subject, both in terms of content and theory; student is able to apply concepts clearly and accurately; substantial evidence of critical and original thought and analysis; clear, logical argument; high level of communicative competence; free from irrelevant material and errors of spelling and punctuation; evidence of extensive reading beyond basic texts and clear and accurate references to source material.
Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to write in the manner appropriate to the discipline on a topic they chose from a list of questions related to the topics studied on the module.
- Students will have an introductory knowledge of a range of topics and sub-fields within the fields of English Language, English Literature, and Creative Writing
- Students will have an overview knowledge of the scope of topics included within a degree in English Language, English Literature, or Creative Writing
Assessment method
Assessment type
Students must write an essay of 1500 words, responding to one of the prompts provided. This will allow students to utilise their 'introductory knowledge on a range of topics' (LO: B3), provide evidence of understanding this 'scope of topics' (LO: A1), and test their abilities 'to write in the manner appropriate to the discipline' (LO: D2).
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Students must write an essay of 1500 words, responding to one of the prompts provided. This will allow students to utilise their 'introductory knowledge on a range of topics' (LO: B3), provide evidence of understanding this 'scope of topics' (LO: A1), and test their abilities 'to write in the manner appropriate to the discipline' (LO: D2).
Due date