Module SXY-4015:
Key Issues in Criminology
Key Issues in Criminology 2024-25
Ysgol Hanes, y Gyfraith a Gwyddorau Cymdeithas
Modiwl - Semester 1
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Stefan Machura
The module will discuss key issues of criminology related to aspect such as: - The relation between citizens and police - The role of media in shaping public understanding of crime and legal institutions, or professions - The reaction of the public on newly defined crimes, such as "modern slavery" - The cooperation of statutory and voluntary sector in preventing and addressing crime, e.g. on the field of safeguarding children - Offences committed by "normal citizens", such as drink driving and driving under the influence of prescription drugs.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -50-59%Students should be able to describe, evaluate and analyse the substantive topic/s and present written work that is generally comprehensible and focuses on the question asked. They should show a basic understanding of the topic. -good -60-69%Good students should be able to explain with accuracy and critically discuss the appropriate theoretical and empirical issues of the substantive topic and locate these within a wider criminological context. Good students should show evidence of consulting a range of complex material and a good understanding of the topic. -excellent -70%+ Excellent students should be able to engage in critical analysis of a wide and complex range of material and summarise the arguments with accuracy; relate an understanding of key concepts to perspectives within and beyond the discipline of criminology and criminal justice. They should present work of a high level of accuracy and fluency, and that shows an excellent understanding of the topic.
Learning Outcomes
- Analyse, systematically understand, and critically assess positive and negative aspects of policies aiming to address crime.
- Analyse, systematically understand, and critically assess the definition of crimes, their social causes and consequences and the reaction by citizens and state authorities alike.
- Apply criminological theory to empirical phenomena and critically assess their explanatory power.
- Be able to confidently present a criminological topic, based on complex concepts, and independent work, and with some originality.
- Convincingly discuss a criminological topic in written form, based on complex concepts, and independent work, and with some originality..
Assessment method
Assessment type
Written assignment 2.500 words
Due date
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
Power point presentation of ten minutes' duration plus questions and answers for 5 minutes.
Due date