Module UXS-4050:
Creative Industries
Creative Industries 2024-25
School of Arts, Culture And Language
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Eben Muse
Welcome to the exciting world of Creative Industries! In this module you will explore key concepts in an academic, cultural and industry context, from global development to local examples. The creative industries contribute significantly to economies by generating revenue, providing employment opportunities, and fostering cultural expression. They are closely intertwined with technology, innovation, and intellectual property rights. In this module you will define industry traits, compare diverse sectors, and unravel media, cultural convergence, and intellectual property rights. Discover the rise of hubs, clusters, and incubators. Immerse yourself in theories and gain real insights from industry insiders. By the end of the module, you will appreciate and analyse key issues from the perspective of practitioners operating within these industries.
This module will give the students an opportunity to study the key issues relating to the concept of the ‘creative industries’ in an academic and political context. The ways in which the creative industries have developed on a global scale will be examined, with more local examples reflecting the wider issues also being considered. The most significant characteristics of these industries will be studied, and comparisons will be made between different areas of the sector. Media convergence, cultural convergence, intellectual property rights and the emergence of hubs, clusters and incubators are amongst the main topics that will be addressed. As well as assessing the main theories relating to these industries, the module will also give students the opportunity to appreciate and analyse key issues from the perspective of practitioners operating within these industries.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -C/50%Submitted work is adequate and shows an acceptable level of competence * Evidence of knowledge and understanding of key concepts is limited and weak. * Evidence of awareness of relevant critical issues is limited. Literature base is insufficient and/ or insufficiently current. Over use of unsubstantiated generalised assumptions. * Evidence of analytical and critical thinking is weak and lacks depth. Literature used superficially. Ability to apply theory to practice is limited and weak. * The writing tends to be disjointed and lacking in structure.
-good -B/60%Submitted work is competent throughout and distinguished by superior style, approach and choice of supporting materials. * Evidence of a good level of critical understanding of main concepts. Evidence of good understanding of relevant critical issues. The writing is contextualised within recent research/ professional literature. Strong ability to apply theory to practice. * The writing has a clear logical/systematic structure.
-excellent -A/70% All unit learning outcomes achieved at an excellent/outstanding level Evidence of deep knowledge and insightful understanding of key concepts and problems/issues at the forefront of the area in terms of academic and professional knowledge and understanding. * Fluency and confidence in use of the literature and current thinking/ research/professional literature. Presents counter arguments; identifies key issues/problems and justifies conclusion. * Excellent ability to apply theory and practice, with insight, rigour and consistency.* Insightful observations into standard and unpredictable situations. * The writing is fluent coherent, well-structured and reads well
Learning Outcomes
- Analyse the economic forces that frame the media, cultural and creative industries and interpret the role of such industries in specific areas of contemporary political and cultural life
- Distinguish and evaluate new and emergent media forms and their relation both to their social contexts and to their earlier forms
- Evaluate the impact of innovations and developments of media and cultural forms in international and global contexts
- Interpret and summarize how media, cultural and creative organisations operate, communicate and are managed.
- Use established techniques of research and enquiry to create and interpret knowledge in the field.
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
Produce a 10-slide presentation plus bibliography presenting the changes that have impacted one of the creative industries over the past 10 years. Be prepared to respond to questions following the presentation.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Provide a research-based essay in response to a provided set of topics which evaluates the impact of innocations and developments and teh economic forces which frame specific creative industries in different cultures and nations.
Due date