Modules for course W30F | BA/MUSF
BA Music [with Foundation Year]
Year 0 Modules
Compulsory modules
The student must take 100 credits
from the modules in Compulsory modules.
KAH-0003 Intro to Research & Inquiry
(Semester 1)
KAH-0002 Arts, Humanities & the future
(Semester 1)
KAH-0001 Essential Skills for Arts& Hum
(Semester 1)
KAH-0004 Foundation Project
(Semester 2)
WXM-0002 Language of Music
(Semester 2)
Optional modules The student must take 20 credits from
the modules in Optional modules.
CXC-0001 Ysgrifennu Hyderus
(Full Term)
LXN-1001 Beginners' German
(Semester 2)
LXN-1012 Beginners' Spanish
(Semester 2)
LXE-0002 Transnational Cultures
(Semester 2)
HPS-0001 Debating the disciplines
(Semester 2)
UXS-0001 Digital Communication
(Semester 2)
QXL-0001 Intro to English Lit & Lang
(Semester 2)
LXN-1021 Beginners' French
(Semester 2)
Year 1 Modules
Compulsory Module _ Harmony and
Counterpart The
student must take 20 credits from the modules in Compulsory
Module _ Harmony and Counterpart.
WXC-1004 Melodi a Harmoni
(Semester 1)
WXM-1004 Melody and Harmony
(Semester 1)
Compulsory Music History Modules
The student must take between 1
and 2 modules from Compulsory Music History Modules.
Since 1850 The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Since 1850.
WXM-1300 Music since 1850
(Semester 1)
WXC-1300 Cerddoriaeth Ers 1850
(Semester 1)
1550 - 1850 The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in 1550 - 1850.
WXC-1301 Cerddoriaeth fel Hanes Diwylli
(Semester 2)
WXM-1301 Music as Cultural History
(Semester 2)
Optional Music Modules
Optionally, students may take
modules in Music or other subjects at Level 4, up to a
maximum of 40 credits. It is permissible to take modules in
other subjects. Modules in other subjects are subject to
the approval of the delivering department, and feasibility
of timetabling.
Cyfansoddi a Chelfydyddau Sonig B |
Composition and Sonic Art B The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Cyfansoddi a Chelfydyddau Sonig B |
Composition and Sonic Art B.
WXK-1114 Composition and Sonic Art B
(Semester 2)
WXC-1114 Cyfansoddi a Chelf Sonig B
(Semester 2)
Perfformio Unawdol Blwyddyn 1 | Solo
Performance Year 1 The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Perfformio Unawdol Blwyddyn 1 | Solo
Performance Year 1.
WXP-1016 Solo Performance Year 1
(Full Term)
WXC-1016 Perfformio Unawdol Blwyddyn 1
(Full Term)
Cyfansoddi a Chelfydyddau Sonig A |
Composition and Sonic Art A The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Cyfansoddi a Chelfydyddau Sonig A |
Composition and Sonic Art A.
WXK-1113 Composition and Sonic Art A
(Semester 1)
WXC-1113 Cyfansoddi a Chelf Sonig A
(Semester 1)
Year 2 Modules
Compulsory Modules
Students must take a minimum of 40
credits in this group. If students choose BOTH Composition
AND Acousmatic Composition, they must take a minimum of 60
credits in this group. NOTE: Students may not take the
Welsh and English medium versions of the same module
WXK-2235 Acousmatic Composition
(Semester 1)
WXM-2205 Practical Musicology
(Semester 2)
Composition The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Composition.
WXC-2233 Cyfansoddi Blwyddyn 2
(Semester 2)
WXK-2233 Composition Year 2
(Semester 2)
Musicology The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Musicology.
WXM-2011 Musicology Year 2
(Semester 2)
WXC-2011 Cerddoleg Blwyddyn 2
(Semester 2)
Solo Performance
The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Solo Performance.
WXC-2241 Perfformio Unawdol Blwyddyn 2
(Full Term)
WXP-2241 Solo Performance Year 2
(Full Term)
Music Modules The student must take between 20 and 80
credits of Music modules
WXP-2307 Ensembles and Groups A
(Semester 1)
WXM-2270 Music Teaching in Context
(Semester 2)
WXM-2304 Genres and Composers B
(Semester 2)
Genres & Composers A
The student must take 1 modules from
Genres & Composers A.
WXC-2303 Genres a Chyfansoddwyr A
(Semester 1)
WXM-2303 Genres and Composers A
(Semester 1)
Lleoliad Celfyddydol Cymunedol |
Community Arts Placement The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Lleoliad Celfyddydol Cymunedol | Community
Arts Placement.
WXC-2269 Lleoliad Cymunedol Celfyddydol
(Semester 1)
WXM-2269 Community Arts Placement
(Semester 1)
Year 3 Modules
Compulsory Project Modules
The student must take between 40
and 80 credits from the modules in Compulsory Project
WXM-3283 Practical Musicology Project
(Full Term)
Dissertation The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Dissertation.
WXM-3277 Musicology Project
(Full Term)
WXC-3277 Project Cerddoreg
(Full Term)
Composition (project)
The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Composition (project).
WXK-3289 Composition Project
(Full Term)
WXC-3289 Cyfansoddi (project)
(Full Term)
Solo Performance Project
The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Solo Performance Project.
WXC-3298 Project Perfformio Unawdol
(Full Term)
WXP-3298 Solo Performance Project
(Full Term)
Optional Modules The student must take between 40 and 80
credits from the modules in Optional Modules.
WXK-3235 Acousmatic Composition
(Semester 1)
WXP-3111 Ensembles and Groups B
(Semester 1)
WXM-3205 Practical musicology
(Semester 2)
Orchestration Today
The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Orchestration Today.
Genres and Composers C
The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Genres and Composers C.
WXC-3305 Genres a Chyfansoddwyr C
(Semester 1)
WXM-3305 Genres and Composers C
(Semester 1)
Music in Health and Wellbeing
The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Music in Health and Wellbeing.