Module XME-4301:
Pedagogy& Practice
Pedagogy and Practice 2023-24
School of Education
Module - PGT
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Kaydee Owen
This module aims to: 1. Enable students to analyse and evaluate their own pedagogic practices and wider professional skills 2. Critically review research evidence on philosophies, key theories, models of practice as they relate to pedagogy. 3. Explore the relationship between theory, policy and practice in relation to professional and pedagogical practice. 4. Promote the development of knowledge, understanding and pedagogical skills suitable for their own context; 5. Enable students to critically reflect on key pedagogical strategies that will inform their own pedagogic practices and future teaching opportunities within their professional contexts.
Assessment Strategy
Threshold PASS C- to C+ range 50-59% has weaknesses in arguments and limited background reading and knowledge
Merit B- to B+ range 60-69% Answer is focused with good structure arguments are presented coherently good command of subject but with some gaps in knowledge
Distinction A- to A* range 70-100% Highly focussed and accurate work demonstrating wider reading and some original input
Learning Outcomes
- Critically appraise contemporary pedagogical knowledge and key learning theories
- Critically explore effective teaching and key pedagogical concepts, models and theories.
- Evaluate, select and apply appropriate learning and teaching strategies to specific learning situations.
- Interpret and act upon a range of data about learning and learners
- Reflect upon their own pedagogic practices and the future teaching opportunities within their professional contexts.
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Structured reflection and presentation on a pedagogic innovation – its application and effectiveness with learners drawing upon student data
Due date