Module XME-4306:
Evidence-Informed Practice
Evidence-Informed Practice 2023-24
School Of Educational Sciences
Module - Semester 1 & 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
James Wood
This module aims to enable students to critically examine the role evidence plays in professional practice, in terms of informing professional judgements, supporting reflective practice and sustaining innovation and change. The module aims to enable students to demonstrate the critical application and critical appraisal of different forms of evidence.
Assessment Strategy
Threshold PASS C- to C+ range 50-59% has weaknesses in arguments and limited background reading and knowledge
Merit B- to B+ range 60-69% Answer is focused with good structure arguments are presented coherently good command of subject but with some gaps in knowledge
Distinction A- to A* range 70-100% Highly focussed and accurate work demonstrating wider reading and some original input
Learning Outcomes
- Analyse and synthesise relevant empirical evidence, including international literature and policy documents.
- Analyse the different ways in which evidence is generated, accessed, and explored within different educational settings and contexts.
- Critically appraise how evidence can both inform and change professional practice.
- Critically evaluate ways in which the use of evidence can inform professional identity and collaborative relationships.
- Evaluate the different ways in which evidence is presented and published.
- Examine and interpret international evidence in meaningfully and ethical ways.
- Examine how different forms of evidence inform professional behaviours and practices.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Essay A critical exploration and assessment of the use of evidence to inform effective professional practice.
Due date