Module HTH-3110:
The Guardians of Heritage
The Guardians of Heritage 2024-25
School Of History, Law And Social Sciences
Module - Semester 1
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Leona Huey
This course will examine the agencies which protect our heritage, for example English Heritage, the National Trust, and Cadw and, where applicable, parallel agencies abroad. It will examine the protection of sites and landscapes, historic buildings and objects: legislation and its effectiveness and look at key debates and case-studies. * The Guardians of Heritage: national and international * Protection and curation: law, theory and practice * will the taxpayer foot the bill? Who pays for Heritage? * Selling heritage? Marketing: public and private * Sites and landscaped: who protects what, and how effective is protection? * The protection of buildings: types and legislation; advantages and problems * Portable heritage - the role of museums * Antiquities legislation and the problem of illicit trade
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Threshold students (lower 40s) will demonstrate an appropriate range or depth of knowledge of at least parts of the relevant field, and will make partly-successful attempts to frame an argument that engages with controversies in the field.
-good -Good students (60s) will show a solid level of achievement in all the criteria of the paragraphs above.
-excellent -Excellent students (70s and above) will show this level of achievement across the criteria combined with particularly impressive depths of knowledge and/or subtlety of analysis.
Learning Outcomes
- Ability to analyse a heritage site and discuss its relevance to wider issues within heritage management.
- Demonstrate a detailed awareness of t he issues surrounding the presentation of the historic past to the general public and the ability to judge between different approaches to site presentation.
- Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the heritage industry.
- Demonstrate clear and effective oral and written skills fostered through guided study and seminar disscusions.
- Demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate the heritage protection of scheduled/listed sites.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Essay - tests knowledge and understanding on aspects of heritage protection and management.
Due date
Assessment method
Case Study
Assessment type
Case Study - critical evaluation of a heritage site.
Due date