Module OSX-2000:
Communicating Science
Communicating Science 2024-25
School of Ocean Sciences
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Tom Rippeth
Topics covered will be very wide ranging across Ocean Sciences including the search for extra-terrestrial life. Individual staff members contribute to a central list of topic areas, providing students with a wide range of topics. Once you've chosen a title, your tutor will guide you through the researching, presenting and writing process to suit your needs.
Topics covered will be very wide ranging across Ocean Sciences. Individual staff members contribute to a central list of topic areas, providing students with a wide range of topics. Once you've chosen a title, your tutor will guide you through the researching and writing process to suit your needs.
Assessment Strategy
Threshold - (D minus grade) A basic review of the literature pertinent to the topic of research presented (a) as a rudimentary but competent written essay and (b) as an adequate oral presentation
Good - (B grade) A thorough review of the literature pertinent to the topic of research presented (a) as a detailed, tabulated and/or illustrated essay showing clear understanding of the topic and the research questions posed and (b) as a strong, confident oral presentation.
Excellent - (A grade) An expansive review of the literature pertinent to the topic of research presented (a) as a highly creative, insightful, carefully argued, tabulated and/or illustrated essay and (b) as a riveting, entertaining, tightly argued oral presentation
Learning Outcomes
- Competently present their findings in an oral presentation.
- Competently present their findings in written form using tabulation, illustration and correct referencing methodology.
- Critically acquire, assimilate and review selected peer review information.
- Search for, find and bring together published information directly relevant to their chosen topic.
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
Watch a science documentary noting evidence for life on other planets and moons throughout the solar system and then critical appraising he evidence with the aim of identifying future space research spending. The assessment is through an online MCQ test comprised of 13 short questions.
Due date
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
Critical Appraisal of 3 Scientific Papers selected from more than 8 papers covering the full range of the ocean sciences. The assessment is through an MCQ test specific to each paper read. Each one comprises 5 questions (so the total of 3 tests equate to 15 questions). For this assessment students are allowed to complete more than 3 paper tests, with the marks awarded based on the best three marks achieved.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
A 2,000 word literature review on a topic chosen from a central list which covers the full range of the ocean sciences. During the process the students are expected to source relevant literature and provide a discussion critical appraisal of key results extracted from the literature to reach a conclusion answering the title given.
Due date
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
10 minute presentation followed by questions on the topic of the literature review as selected by the student. Note this element of the module is double marked.
Due date