Module XTE-3210:
Primary School Experience
Primary School Experience 2024-25
School of Education
Module - Semester 1 & 2
60 credits
Module Organiser:
Fliss Kyffin
This module will develop ATs' competency in teaching and learning and will include seminars in Lead Schools that will inform how ATs teach and observe in the classroom. The structure will follow a progressive staged approach to learning how to teach which will include:
weekly cluster teaching and review events;
observations and preparatory development;
close to practice research (small scale inquiries);
integration into the teaching environment;
higher order skills practice and implementation;
mentoring and self-reflection;
further implementation through practice;
consolidation of skills and practice;
continued autonomous development & enrichment.
The provision for enrichment will enable the ATs to observe and support learning in contrasting settings; for example, secondary schools, outdoor learning centres and special schools. This additional experience will complement their principal practice and enhance their understanding of out-of-school learning opportunities, additional learning needs, and pre-school development.
The content and delivery of the module will encourage ATs to offer advanced critical review of the importance of being consumers and producers of research; and to analyse, synthesise and critically reflect on the spectrum of research that informs teaching practice. ATs will also be encouraged to offer advanced critical evaluation of practice-based or close-to-practice research.
The module will develop advanced knowledge of teacher scholarship and the long-term impact of involvement in research on their personal developing professionalism and what it means to be a research-informed teacher. The module will encourage advanced mastery of what it means to develop a ‘culture of enquiry’ within self-improving school systems, schools as learning organisations, and the importance of developing and participating in Professional Learning Communities.
Specific research shared during network events will link closely to the content of XTE-4211 and XTE-4213 and will be used to inform assessments for the other two level 7 modules
Associate teachers will be given an introduction to bilingualism in the context of the distinct Welsh curriculum, and the different ways that this is addressed in the different school settings (Welsh medium, bilingual and English medium). They will also study the aims and goals of bilingual education from different perspectives, consider EAL education and look at the specific issues associated with assessment of bilinguals. Subsequently they will consider the expected and realistic outcomes for different types of bilinguals. Associate Teachers will be made aware of and come to understand language policies in operation in schools and specific strategies that are built in to the curriculum which address learners' language skills.
Assessment Strategy
Satisfactory (C) All elements of the PSTL will have been met to a satisfactory level.
Good (B) Most elements of the PSTL will have been attained at a good level. Excellence in some areas may compensate for satisfactory attainment in others.
Excellent (A) Most PSTL elements will have been attained at an excellent level.
Learning Outcomes
- Critically examined the practices, assumptions and theories underpinning the planning for and structuring of pupils’ learning and the management of their behaviour in primary schools from the perspective of policy, research, theory and current practice
- Demonstrated a profound understanding of Additional Learning Needs (ALN) from different perspectives and evaluated steps taken to address them.
- Demonstrated a sophisticated understanding and experience of teaching that ensures all learners develop the capacity to be ambitious and capable, enterprising and creative, ethical and informed, healthy and confident as required by the curriculum.
- Enrich learners’ sense of community and cultural values by applying their knowledge of the Welsh curriculum.
- Managed and organised classrooms to promote a culture of high aspiration and behaviour which supports learning.
- To reflect critically on their progress and collaboratively set targets in order to meet or exceed the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
ATs will have to complete three online Workbooks situated within the Professional Learning Passport provided via the Pebblepad platform by the Educational Workforce Council. These workbooks track the ATs' progress against the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership (PSTL), their development of Welsh language skills and their personal numeracy, literacy and digital skills. To pass the course, all standards must be met to at least a satisfactory standard. Further details can be found in the module handbook, the PSTL handbook.