Health and Safety Information
This page provides links to external and Bangor University guidance. If you are not able to find a reference to a particular health and safety subject area please contact Health and Safety (Campus Services) and we will assist as best we can.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Animals and Working with Animals
Annual Reports (Bangor University)
Artifical Optical Radiation (AOR)
Carbon Monoxide Advice (HSE site)
CE / UKCA Marking on Equipment
Centrifuges (Laboratory Safety)
Chemical Weapons - Scheduled Chemicals
Children on University Property
Chronic fatigue syndrome (NHS)
College of Science and Engineering - Health and Safety Pages
Committees (Bangor's H&S Committees)
Compressed Gas Cylinders (Laboratory safety)
Computer Use at the University
Coordinators (University H&S site)
COSHH - Chemicals and Materials
Council (the University's Governing Body)
Counselling Services - for Staff
Counselling Services - for Students
Dangerous Goods - Carriage by Road, Rail etc (HSE site)
Dangerous Substances Explosive Atmospheres (DSEAR)
Defibrillators ~ Locations of Automated External Defibrillators (PDF)
Disability and Health and Safety
Display Screen Equipment and Eyesight test forms
EH 40 (Workplace Exposure Limits)
Ethics (Bangor University)
Executive (the University's Exec Management Group)
Food Industry (Entertaining / Catering) (HSE site)
Food Safety for Charity Events e.g. Cake Sales
Food Preparation: Allergy and Intolerance Guidance (Food Standards Agency)
Fume Cabinets (Laboratory safety)
Furniture and Furnishings - Fire Safety
Gas Cylinders (Laboratory safety)
Gas Safety - Rented Accommodation
Genetic Modifications (Bangor University)
Hazard Labelling & Information (CLP Regulations)
Health and Safety Committee (replaced by Health, Safety & Emergency Management Committee)
Health and Safety Committee (Guide to local H&S Committees, College/Department)
Health and Safety Executive (HSE site)
Health and Safety Group - North West Wales H&S Group
Health and Safety Inspection Checklist (example for local amendment)
Health, Safety & Emergency Management Committee
Housing - Rented Accommodation
Human Factors / Behaviour (HSE site)
Import of Dangerous Chemicals into EEA (REACH)
Injuries in Manufacturing (HSE site)
Lab Safety (Safe Use of Equipment & Lab Hazards)
Lab Safety - Chemicals & COSHH
Leadership (UCEA/USHA Standard)
Machines - LOLER and PUWER - HSE Guidance (HSG 129)
Metals (Cadmium / Cobalt) (HSE site)
Mission Statement (The University Statement)
Mountain Weather (local weather forecast)
Non-Ionising Radiation (Bangor site) (HSE site)
Occupational Health (University service)
Office Safety (HSE site) / Bangor University General Office Risk Assessment
Perchloric Acid (Glasgow)
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personal Safety / Violence at Work
Plastics (HSE)
Placements (Student Placements)
Playground Safety (ROSPA)
Policy List (Health and Safety)
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
Prosecutions Database (HSE site)
Quality: Measuring H&S Performance (HSE site)
REACH - Regulations and Guidance (HSE site) / University summary
Responsibilities - Staff & Students
Responsibilities - Deans of Colleges & Heads of Departments
Responsibilities - Visitors & Contractors
Safety Critical Devices & Controls
Science & Technology (HSE site)
Sick Building Syndrome (HSE site)
Sickness Absence Policy Human Resources
Slips,Trips & Falls (HSE site)
Staff Health and Safety Handbook
Student Health and Safety Handbook
Trades Unions Unite, Unison, UCU
Transport (Workplace) (HSE site)
Upper Limb Disorder (HSE site)
UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Vice-Chancellor (responsibilities)
Violence at Work / Personal Safety
Waste - General (Environmental & WEE)